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I was born that way Çeviri İspanyolca

63 parallel translation
Well, I was born that way, see?
Pero nací así, ¿ sabes?
Guess I was born that way
Supongo que así nací
I was born that way.
Nací así.
I was born that way.
Yo nací así.
I was born that way, like a man with two heads
No sabría explicarlo.
- I was born that way.
- Nací así.
- We raised you as a Jew. - I was born that way...
- Sólo porque haya nacido así...
- I was born that way.
Nací ciego.
I only am who I am because I was born that way.
Sólo soy quien soy porque así es como nací.
I was born that way.
Así nací. No.
I was born that way, I guess.
Supongo que nací así.
I'm an honest person. I've been that way my whole life, I was born that way.
Soy una persona honesta. Toda mi vida he sido así, nací así.
I only am who I am'cause I was born that way.
Solo soy quien soy porque asi naci.
I was born that way.
Nací de esa manera.
I feel like I was born that way.
Pienso que nací así.
I was born that way.
Así nací.
I guess I was born that way.
Supongo que es mi naturaleza.
But you know, I was born that way.
Pero estabais acostumbrados. Nací así.
Mom, I was born that way.
Mamá, nací así.
Maybe I was born that way.
Tal vez nací así.
FRYE : I was born that way.
Nací así.
- Ah-h... - I was born that way, Elena.
Yo nací así, Elena.
Uh... I was born that way.
Nací así.
I always think it that way. - He was in asylum before I was born.
Lo internaron antes de que yo naciera.
Baby sister, I was born game and I intend to go out that way.
Pequeña, nací para esto y lo haré hasta que me muera.
I was born this way. And you've felt pain all the years that you've used this?
¿ Y siempre le ha dolido al utilizarlo?
I told you that my mother was a telepath... and that since I was born, she could slip into my thoughts... in a way that I could never even describe to you.
Le dije que mi madre era telépata... y desde que nací ella se colaba en mis pensamientos... de una forma que no podría siquiera describirle.
The plan was I was gonna go back to work after Emily was born... but it didn't really work out that way.
El plan era que iba a volver al trabajo después de Emily nació... pero en realidad no funciona de esa manera.
The same person who always needed to work out her own problems and take care of herself, because that's the way I was born.
La misma persona que siempre necesita trabajar para salir de sus problemas... y cuidarse, porque asi es como crecí.
The same person who always needed to work out her own problems... and take care of herself, because that's the way I was born.
La misma persona que siempre necesitó resolver sus problemas y cuidarse a sí misma, porque esa es la manera en que nací.
That vampires are real, that I was born this way. That I feed off other people's real emotions.
que los vampiros existen, que yo nací así, y que me alimento de las emociones de otras personas.
That's just the way that I was born.
Porque así fue que nací.
He's much more Jewish than I am... mostly because he was born that way.
Es mucho más judío que yo, quizá porque él nació judío.
Was I born a cute, vindictive little bitch or... did society make me that way?
¿ Nací siendo una linda, vengativa y pequeña zorra o... la sociedad me hizo así?
I wish that I was born this way.
Ojalá hubiera nacido así.
Our family has a tradition... that goes back way before I was even born... where everyone takes a moment to say what they're most thankful for in their lives.
Nuestra familia tiene una tradición que viene desde mucho antes de que yo naciera donde todos se toman un momento para decir lo que más agradecen en su vida.
That I was born this way. And you needed to believe that.
Que naci así.
That's the way I am, the way I was born.
Así nací y así seguiré siendo.
That's the way I was born.
Yo nací como soy.
You think that I was born this way?
¿ Tú crees que nací así?
And... ( chuckles ) I was not born that way.
Yo no había nacido ayer.
I mean, I'm pretty sure he was born that way.
Quiero decir, estoy bastante segura de que nació así.
That's the way I was born.
Esa es la manera en que nací.
I think Walter did look the other way, the day that Parker was born.
Creo que Walter vió el otro camino, el día que nació Parker.
Being born at the beginning of the war, I suppose I was used to the idea of war and if something has always been that particular way, it doesn't seem extraordinary, SO We Were Very poor, we didn't have much...
Habiendo nacido al principio de la guerra, supongo que esta acostumbrado a la idea de la guerra y si algo había sido de ese modo particular, no me parecía extraordinario, asi que eramos muy pobres, no teníamos mucho- -
I worried my dad would keep forgetting about us, that my mom wouldn't be loved the way she deserves, that I'd never get to know more of the world than the neighborhood where I was born.
Me preocupaba que mi padre siguiera olvidándose de nosotros, que mi madre no fuera querida de la forma que merecía, que nunca hubiera conocido más del mundo que el vecindario donde nací.
That's the way I was born, man.
Así nací hombre.
just informed me that my money is not welcome here because of the way I was born.
me acaba de informar que mi dinero no es bienvenido aquí por la manera en que yo nací.
I believe she was born that way.
Creo que era as铆 de nacimiento.
And though she was born of betrayal, I will not let her die that way.
Y aunque nació de la traición, no la dejaré morir así.
see, I used to do things with antique bits and pieces, and what I was so proud of was they looked like they were born that way.
yo solía hacer cosas con piezas y partes antiguas, y de lo que más sentía orgullo era que se veían como si hubieran sido creadas de esa forma.

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