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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / I will never leave you

I will never leave you Çeviri İspanyolca

273 parallel translation
I will never leave you.
Ya nunca te dejaré.
I will never leave you, Momma.
Yo nunca te dejaré, mamá.
I will never leave you.
Nunca te dejaré.
I belong to you and I will never leave you.
Te pertenezco y nunca te dejaré.
I will never leave you.
Nunca te abandonaré.
I will never leave you.
Nunca te deiaré.
I will never leave you again...
Nunca me separaré de ti. ¡ Nunca! - ¿ De veras?
I will never leave you!
¡ Nunca te dejaré!
I will never leave you!
¡ Jamás te dejaré!
I will never leave you alone.
Nunca te dejaré solo.
I will never leave you
Nunca te abandonaría.
Dear Ovnitza, I will never leave you again.
Querida Ovnitza, te lo prometo, jamás te volveré a dejar.
I will never leave you I know I was untrue
Pues nunca te voy a abandonar Sé que fui malo
I will never leave you. You understand it, Jack.
Yo nunca te dejaré. ¿ Lo entiendes, Jack?
Now the nightmare is over, here you are, I returned to find you, and I will never leave you.
Ahora se acabó la pesadilla, estás aquí, he vuelto a encontrarte, y no volveré a dejarte.
You know, I will never leave you.
Sabes que nunca te dejaré.
I will never leave you!
¡ Nunca te abandonaré!
I will never leave you.
No quiero dejarte nunca.
And if you come back with me to the hospital and fight for us... if you fight for us, I will never leave you, Victor.
Y si regresas al hospital conmigo y peleas por nosotros si peleas por nosotros, nunca te dejaré, Victor.
No. I will never leave you.
- No, jamás te dejaré.
I will never leave you again.
- Nunca te volveré a dejar.
I promise I will never leave you again.
Y prometo no dejarlos nunca mas.
He said to me, "Mina, I will never leave you."
Me dijo : "Mina, nunca te abandonaré".
- I will never leave you.
- Nunca te dejare.
I will never leave you
Yo nunca te dejaré
before the almighty God and before these witnesses I ask you, cavalry captain Hans von Wustrow will you take as your lawful wedded wife Charlotte comtesse von Mudrach, to love and cherish her, in holy matrimony, in sickness and in health, never to leave her till death will part you?
Ante Dios todopoderoso y ante estos testigos cristianos, te pregunto, sr. oficial de caballería Hans von Wustrow, ¿ Quieres tomar a Charlotte, condesa... von Mudrasch, por tu legítima esposa, de la mano de Dios, amarla y honrarla, en la alegría y en las penas, no abandonarla, guardar el santo vínculo del matrimonio hasta que la muerte os separe?
Fearing that, I will remain with you and never more than this dark castle, I have to leave.
Por temor a eso, permaneceré contigo y nunca más de este oscuro palacio, he de partir.
Will you please leave me alone? I'll never leave you alone, darling.
- ¿ Quiere dejarme en paz?
He suffered an injury to his brain once, and ever since then.... lf you make me leave you to his quiet whims, I will never f orgive you.
Sufrió una lesión cerebral y desde entonces... Si me obliga a dejarle en sus manos, no se lo perdonaré jamás.
Luke, ¿ no me abandonarás?
I said it to Orville, I said it to Wilbur, and I say it to you, the thing will never leave the ground.
Se lo dije a Orville, se lo dije a Wilbur y se lo digo a usted, eso no va a despegar.
Whatever happens... or whatever I do... you'll never leave me, will you? - Never. Because I need you.
Pase lo que pase... o haga lo que haga... nunca me dejarás, ¿ verdad?
You will do as I say, or I will leave Mr. Valdemar exactly as he is and never - do you understand me, madam?
Ud. Hará lo que yo digo... o dejaré al Sr. Valdemar exactamente como está... y nunca... ¿ me entiende, señora?
I will never take orders from you. Now leave!
- Aquí nadie me da órdenes.
if she comes here, act more naturally so she suspects nothing with a woman, you never know what will happen things could become embarrassing leave me alone i have to get some sleep
Si viene, actúe con más naturalidad, que no sospeche nada. Con una mujer nunca se sabe lo que puede pasar. Las cosas pueden resultar muy embarazosas.
I'll leave your cabin and will never bother you again.
Dejaré su camarote y nunca lo molestaré de nuevo.
I promise you, this envelope will never leave my hands.
Les prometo que este sobre nunca dejará mis manos.
My friends and I are going to leave here today and you'll never s... And you will never hear my voice again.
Mis amigos y yo nos iremos hoy... y tú nunca volverás a ver... nunca volverás a oír mi voz.
I'm beginning to think, you will never leave here.
Me parece, que usted nunca se irá de aquí.
Strapped to a seat that you will never leave alive is a situation that I still cannot justify.
Aún yo no puedo justificar este metodo de ejecucion.
This is something I've never told anyone, so you've gotta swear to me what you hear will not leave this room.
Esto no se lo he contado a nadie, así que júrame que no saldrá de esta habitación.
J'g My fate dictated I must leave you J'g Because in this way I will never again be bothered g
I will never forget you, but I must leave now.
Nunca te olvidaré, pero ahora debo irme.
If you could tell me that that wasn't you holding me last night, then I will leave and you'll never see me again, okay?
entonces me ire y no me volveras a ver.
For eighteen years I've begged you to leave him- -but you've always said that you will never do so.
Durante dieciocho años te he pedido que le dejes y tú siempre me has dicho que nunca ibas a dejarle.
You're very pretty and I'm sure you do marvellous things to his dick, but believe me, they will never leave their wife and kids.
Eres muy hermosa y estoy seguro de que haciendo maravillas con su pene, , pero, créeme, nunca dejan esposa e hijos.
What I shall tell you will never leave this room?
Lo que le contaré, ¿ jamás saldrá de esta habitación?
Then, when you leave here... I will never see you again.
Entonces, cuando partas ya no te volveré a ver.
Never will I leave you, David.
Nunca te dejare, David.
I think you will never want to leave Netherfield.
Creo que nunca querrá abandonar Netherfield.
No me iría nunca sin ti.

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