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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / I won't forget you

I won't forget you Çeviri İspanyolca

476 parallel translation
I won't forget you, Polly.
No te olvidaré, Polly.
I won't forget and I'll get you a gold one, too.
Te lo he prometido. Tendrás una totalmente dorada.
- Don't forget me, son. - I won't forget you.
- No te olvides de mí.
You never cracked once, and I won't forget it.
No dudaste nada, no lo olvidaré.
Alright. I won't forget you.
Bueno, bueno, no me olvidaré de ustedes.
Do as I tell you before you get something you won't forget!
¡ Obedece o te daré algo que no olvidarás!
- You'll forget all about me. - No, I won't, honey.
- Te olvidarás por completo de mí.
You won't forget I want to phone the Consul?
¿ No olvidará que quiero hablar con el Cónsul?
You won't forget how much I love you, will you?
No olvidarás lo mucho que te quiero, ¿ verdad?
Just bear with me, I won't forget about you.
Tengan paciencia, no las olvido.
I won't forget you either.
Yo a ti tampoco.
I don't care whether it makes sense or not, I'm asking you to forget logic... and reason, won't you please stay?
No me importa, le pido que olvide la lógica. Por favor, quédese.
I'll leave your things right up here, so you won't forget them.
Dejaré sus cosas aquí para que no las olvide.
You won't forget that I warned you?
- ¿ No olvidará que le advertí?
I won't forget what you taught me.
No olvidaré tus lecciones.
And here's a picture of me, so you won't forget what I look like.
Y aquí tienes una fotografía mía, para que recuerdes mi rostro.
What about me? I won't forget you.
¿ Y yo?
I'm trying to memorize everything about you... so that no matter what happens, I won't forget you.
Trato de recordarte toda, por que pase lo que pase, no quiero olvidarte.
But I bet you won't forget this experience in a hurry.
Pero apuesto a que no se le va a olvidar fácilmente esta experiencia.
I won't forget you guys.
No olvidaré vuestras caras.
I won't forget it. See that you don't.
No lo olvidaré, siempre que tú tampoco lo hagas.
- I hope you won't forget.
- No lo olvide.
That's so you won't forget I'm your friend.
Así no olvidarás que soy tu amiga.
No, I won't. Now, Pinky... you've got to forget everything that happened.
Pinky... debes olvidar todo lo ocurrido.
I'll bet you won't forget that day in a hurry.
Apuesto a que no olvidarás ese día.
Oh, I've got a million things to tell you, and this time I won't forget them.
Tengo un millón de cosas que decirte. Hice una lista
I'll forget what happened. I won't hold it against you.
Olvidaré lo ocurrido, no te guardaré rencor.
I won't forget you.
Nunca te olvidaré.
This time I won't let you forget me.
Esta vez no dejaré que me olvides.
I am disappointed in you and this won't be easy to forget.
Estoy muy disgustado, y esto será difícil de olvidar...
You won't forget the Hummels while I'm gone, will you?
- Hijas, no olvidéis a los Hummel.
Just so you won't forget the address, I'm writing it on the pass.
No te olvides de la direccion, lo escribi en el pase.
But she won't forget I stood up to her and that you cannot deceive God.
Pero recordará que no puede engañar a Dios.
I hope you won't forget our party on Thursday, madame.
No se olvide de nuestra fiesta el jueves, madame.
I won't forget you.
Yo no me olvidaré de ti.
If you forget this, I won't ever do anything you don't want, I promise.
Si olvidas esto, no haré nada que no quieras.
I won't forget what you said!
A ti ya nunca te creeré.
I'm the one he won't forget. Aren't you ashamed?
Nunca podrá olvidarme.
When it comes to the part about your arrest I'm sure you won't forget to give me the proper credit.
En cuanto a su arresto, estoy seguro de que no olvidará reconocer mi mérito.
I want you to forget this idea. Promise me that you won't start anything on your own.
Olvídelo y prométame que no hará nada por su cuenta.
I got time to cook you a supper you won't ever forget.
A las 1 O : OO. Tengo tiempo para prepararte una cena que nunca olvidarás.
You won't forget that I'm your friend?
¿ Tampoco de que soy tu amigo?
I won't forget this, you bloody camel!
¡ No olvidaré esto, maldito camello!
And I know you won't forget "Judge not lest ye be judged", because I explained that to you.
Y sé que no olvidaréis esto : "No juzguéis y no seréis juzgados", porque ya os lo he explicado.
I've not put you down for a contribution but I'm sure you won't forget my needs.
No te pido una contribución pero estoy seguro de que no olvidarás mis necesidades.
I'll see to it that he gives you a Christmas you won't forget, five years in solitary!
Haré que celebren unas navidades que no olvidarán, ¡ cinco años de confinamiento!
I'll arrange you a service you won't forget nevermore. What?
Les prepararé un menú que nunca olvidarán.
I won't forget you.
No lo olvidaré.
If I make my husband give you the big prize, you won't be Walter's man, you'll be mine and you'll do as I say, and you won't forget that.
Si hago que mi esposo te conceda el premio, no serás un hombre de Walter, sino mío. Harás lo que yo diga, y no lo olvidarás jamás.
I won't let you forget the formula. I'll stand right behind the screen and prompt you if you do.
- Aunque se Ie olvide,... estaré detrás de Ia cortina y se Io diré.
But I won't forget you, and I won't forget the babies.
Pero no me olvidaré de ti, y no me olvidaré de los bebés.

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