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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / I won't go back

I won't go back Çeviri İspanyolca

517 parallel translation
I trust that my nephew won't go off the deep end... and he'll come back to his senses.
Confío que mi sobrino no se involucrará demasiado... y regresará a sus sentidos.
"Ingmar Ingmarsson has my word, and I won't go back on it!"
"Ingmar Ingmarsson tiene mi palabra, y no la retiraré!"
I won't go back on a pal! "
¡ No traicionaré a una amiga!
I won't go back to school.
No voy a volver a la escuela.
I won't have you go back to the stage.
No quiero que vuelvas a los escenarios.
Well, I won't go back on him.
Bueno, no le daré la espalda.
I won't go back to that room.
No quiero volver a esa habitación.
I won't go back to Milan until next week!
¡ Y hasta la próxima semana no pienso volver a Milán!
- I won't let you go back to her.
No dejaré que vuelvas con ella.
I won't be here when you get back. I'd rather have it over with once and for all than go on like this.
Por favor, dime que vendrás conmigo esta noche.
Well, I won't go back.
- Pues yo no vuelvo.
I won't go back to that silly old routine.
- No volveré a la estúpida rutina.
I won't go back to Tokyo until I find her.
- Me bajaré en la próxima estación.
I'm going to send you back to Ohio. I won't go, Will.
Voy a enviarte a nuestra casa de Ohio.
I'll go back to my room, get dressed and try and shake those fellows off... but I won't succeed.
Volveré a mi habitación e intentaré librarme de esos tipos pero no lo lograré.
But if I go back with you, you won't tell Grideau?
Y si me voy contigo, no dirás nada a Grideau.
I won't go back there!
¡ No quiero volver allí!
- I'm sending you back. - I won't go.
Pues dígale que se prepare, vamos a trasbordarla al buque.
- Then I won't go back either.
- ¡ Qué bobada! - Entonces, no volveré.
Yes, I probably won't go back.
Sí, seguramente no volveré.
I won't go back to being treated like a child.
No aceptaré que me vuelvas a tratar como a una niña.
I won't let you go back.
Yo no lo permitiré.
- I won't go back to Berlin without it.
- No volveré a Berlín sin él.
At least I won't have to go around explaining anymore how you got shot in the back. Well, I guess I'll go over and pay my respects to General Gordon.
Ya no tendré que explicar cómo te dispararon en la espalda. iré a saludar al general Gordon.
I'll go back to those people so they won't think me rude.
Yo vuelvo con esa gente que he dejado allí.
I won't even go back to the hotel, I want nothing there.
Ni siquiera voy a volver al hotel.
I won't go back home.
Y yo no quiero. No quiero volver a casa... no quiero.
I won't go back. - I haven't asked you to.
- No se lo he pedido.
Okay, I'll go, but I won't come back!
Bien, me iré, pero no regresaré.
I won't go back any more.
No volveré más.
But if I go back I won't get off. I'll be sticking my head in a rope.
Pero si yo vuelvo, meteré la cabeza en la horca.
It's no good, Smith. I won't go back to the way it was.
Es inútil, no puede ser como antes.
I won't let you go back to this murdering.
No dejaré que vuelvas a matar.
Baby, when I get through showing you this town, you won't ever wanna go back to Omaha.
Nena, cuando te enseñe toda la ciudad, no querrás volver a Omaha.
Go on then. This time I won't be here when you get back.
Vete, esta vez no estaré cuando vuelvas, no yo ni las niñas.
I won't go back to my family! But you almost married him! You were at the Church steps!
Pero tú querías casarte, llegaste hasta la iglesia.
As I'm sure you won't go back on your decision.
Como estoy seguro de que usted no dará marcha atrás en su decisión.
I was a fool to let you go on the train, but you came back and I won't let you go.
En el tren te dejé marchar tontamente, pero has vuelto... y no te dejaré ir.
I've got to go away now... and I won't be back.
Ahora tengo que irme, y no volveré.
By the time this is over, I won't be able to go back home.
Para cuando esto haya acabado, no podré volver a casa.
I hope you go to hell. I won't miss you, but first you'll give me my money back!
Espero que te vayas al infierno, ¡ No te echaré de menos, pero antes me devolverás el dinero!
- Since now. I don't wanna go back too quick. Won't look good.
No quiero regresar muy pronto, se verá mal.
No, no. I won't go back.
No, yo no vuelvo.
I won't go back without one. Will you join me?
Así que te llevaré conmigo como mi esposa.
After we get this Kraut, I'm gonna have you transferred to another outfit... so you won't have to go back to Bar-le-Duc and face the music.
Después de capturar al alemán te voy a transferir a otra unidad para que no tengas que volver a Bar-le-Duc y oír la música.
- Yeah, but get back to practicing... so she won't get sore when I ask her if you can go.
- Sí, pero sigue practicando... para que no se enoje cuando le pida permiso.
I'm scared. You won't go back to them, will you?
Estoy muy nerviosa, no volverás con ella, ¿ verdad?
The only thing I know is that I won't go home without bringing back what you took who's asking you to?
Lo único cierto es que no volveré a casa sin llevarme lo que has cogido. ¿ Y quién te lo pide?
I won't go back there! I just can't!
¡ Pues no pienso volver a casa!
- I won't go back.
- No voy a volver.
I tell you I won't go back.
Te digo que no quiero volver.

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