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I won't lie Çeviri İspanyolca

535 parallel translation
You know I won't lie to you.
Sabes que no te mentiría.
# And when one day I shall lie under rose hedges, # then the whole world... # won't wake me anymore.
# Y cuando un día yazga junto a setos de rosas, # ya nadie en el mundo... # podrá despertarme.
Bueno, yo no tendré que mentir porque esta es una de verdad.
I'll never lie again, honest, I won't.
Nunca volveré a mentir. ¡ Lo prometo!
I won't try to lie.
- No te mentiré.
I gave birth to many children death took away many of my children sorrow piles upon sorrow a mountain of pains oppresses my heart throw your coat over my shoulders, mother so that I won't lie there shamelessly that I won't receive death shamelessly
Dí a luz a muchos niños la muerte se llevó muchos de mis niños pilas de dolor en el dolor una montaña de dolores oprime mi corazón tire su chaqueta encima de mis hombros, madre, para que no quedara allí descaradamente así no recibiré la muerte descaradamente
I'm going to bed. Oh, I won't sleep. But I might as well lie down.
No dormiré, pero descansaré en la cama.
Ahora tiéndase ahí bien cómoda, y será un minuto.
Ok, I won't lie, we kissed a couple of times.
Nos besamos de vez en cuando, no quiero mentirle.
I won't lie to you, Kit.
No mentiré.
If I can't answer, I won't lie.
Hay cosas que no puedo contar.
I tell you, it's against the law, and you're making her live a lie and I won't have you doin'it!
Va contra la ley y le estás haciendo vivir una mentira. ¡ No lo permitiré!
- I won't waste your time or mine by letting you lie about who you are.
- No desperdiciaré su tiempo o el mío dejándolo mentir sobre quién es usted.
Meanin'I won't lie about his age so he can join.
No pienso mentir sobre su edad para que se aliste.
I won't lie to you.
Yo no te engaño.
- I won't lie to you.
- No te mentiré.
I won't lie to you. I went yellow! Crazy yellow!
Fui un cobarde, totalmente cobarde.
Look, I won't lie to you.
Escuche, no le puedo mentir.
I won't lie to you.
No les voy a mentir.
When something like this happens to you I won't lie to you and tell you I didn't keep hoping it would happen all the speeches that you've made up in your bedroom or in the bathtub go out of your mind completely.
Cuando algo como esto te pasa no pienso mentir y decirles que no deseaba que pasara todos los discursos que has escrito en tu dormitorio o en la bañera se te olvidan completamente.
- I won't lie for you.
- No mentiré por usted.
I won't lie to you.
No te mentiré.
I won't lie. There'll be four of us.
Para qué mentir, seremos cuatro.
I won't lie to you, I was waiting for a phone call.
Estaba esperando una llamada.
But if I can give her comfort in a lie I'm sure God won't kick me out of heaven for it.
Pero si una mentira la consuela Dios no me echará del cielo por eso.
I'll convene the hearing and you won't lie this time.
Llamaré a la audiencia y usted no mentirá esta vez.
I won't lie.
No le mentiré.
Now lie still, I won't touch you.
Quédate acostada, no te tocaré.
If he's lying, he'll continue to lie, and I won't find out a thing.
Y si miente, seguirá mintiendo y no averiguaré nada.
When I lie dying wondering what my life's all been about you won't even cross my mind.
Cuando esté muriendo preguntándome qué ha sido de mi vida tú ni siquiera te me cruzarás por la mente.
A soldier won't lie on his girl I mean, to his girl.
Un soldado no mentirá sobre su chica Puntualizo, a su chica.
I won't lie, I don't know who was here when he got it.
No le miento, no sé quién estaba aquí cuando le mataron.
No, definitively no. I won't lie to you.
No, definitivamente no, pa'que nos hacemos.
I won't lie to myself.
Ya no quiero mentirme.
I won't lie to you :
No quiero mentirte :
I won't lie to you, I was worried.
Bueno, no voy a mentirte, sí estaba preocupado.
I won't lie to you.
No te mentiría.
- I won't lie to you
- Yo no te voy a mentir
I won't lie :
No miento :
I have to show the bastards who did this to us, that I won't lie down and roll over
Tengo que enseñarle a los cabrones que nos han hecho esto, que no voy a dejarlo pasar.
'Cause I won't lie to them again.
Porque no volveré a mentirles.
I won't be so easy on you if you ever lie to me again,
Si vuelves a mentirme, ya no seré tan suave contigo.
It's a proper job, I won't lie to you.
Uno respetable, no te mentiría.
I hope you won't think too unkindly of me... but everything I've told you just now has been a lie.
Espero que no piense muy mal de mí... pero todo lo que le dije era mentira.
I won't lie to you, I had a massage.
No te mentiré, me hice un masaje.
But I won't say a single lie for fame, for getting a position or to kill people.
Pero no voy a decir una sola mentira por fama, para obtener una posición o para matar personas.
Soon, when I lie down on his couch, I won't have to wear the lobster bib.
Pronto no tendré que llevar el babero para langostas.
I won't lie to you.
No os mentiré.
- No. Good, I'll go and lie down then. No, I won't, I'll go and hit some guests.
Vale, voy a acostarme, mejor, voy a pegar a algún cliente.
At least I won't have to lie to ya any more.
Al menos no voy a tener que mentirles nunca más.
Ted, I won't lie to you.
Ted, no voy a mentirle.

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