If it's not Çeviri İspanyolca
15,632 parallel translation
I don't know, I'm thinking, if it's not too late, should we try and make some kind of deal?
No sé, estoy pensando, si no es demasiado tarde, deberíamos tratar de hacer algún tipo de acuerdo?
Well, if it's not frostbite, then what is it?
Bueno, si no está congelado, ¿ entonces qué es?
It's the sound of 51 % of your constituents saying if you vote for Thomas without looking into this they will not forget it.
Es el sonido del 51 % de sus votantes, Congresista Barbara Boxer diciéndoles que si votan por Thomas sin pensarlo, Congresista Nita Lowey ellos no lo olvidarán.
If it's that's easy, you know they're not coming in.
Si es tan fácil sabes que no entrarán.
Well, if that's true, you're not very good at it.
Bueno, si eso eso es verdad, no eres muy bueno en eso.
If she's still in publishing, it's not in New York.
Si ella todavía está en Editoriales, no es en Nueva York.
You know, it's fine to shift perspective if you do it on purpose but what's not okay is shifting perspective just because you can't find another way to get your point across.
Está bien cambiar de perspectiva... si lo hacen a propósito, pero lo que no está bien es cambiar de perspectiva... sólo porque no pueden encontrar otra manera de explicarse.
Your job is not to protect Dolores, it's to keep her here, to ensure that the guests find her if they want to best the stalwart gunslinger and have their way with this girl.
Tu trabajo no es proteger a Dolores, es mantenerla aquí, asegurarte de que los huéspedes la encuentran si quieren abatir al leal pistolero y forzar a esa chica.
If it's not Bert Pierson and Ernie Pappas right here on Sesame Street.
Si no es Bert y Ernie Pierson Pappas aquí en Plaza Sésamo.
If you have the gift of singing, it's a sin not to sing.
Si tienes el don del canto, es un pecado no cantar.
The gear dries out if it's not used.
El engranaje se seca si no se usa.
But the wonderful thing is, you see, if we play this right, it's not going to be Irving putting the Holocaust on trial.
Pero lo maravilloso es que, si jugamos bien, no va a ser Irving poniendo al Holocausto en juicio.
It's not something that we want his rivals to know because it gives them an edge if they know he's missed two months of training.
No es algo que queremos que sus rivales sepan porque les da algo de ventaja saber que no entrenó durante dos meses.
Everybody knows, even his competitors, that he's the most talented athlete ever, so if he doesn't win, it's not because of his talent.
Todos saben, incluso sus rivales, que es el atleta más talentoso del mundo, así que si no gana, no es por falta de talento.
Obviously, it's not that happy if you are banging the cashier from the Piggly Wiggly.
Obviamente no es tan feliz... si te acuestas con la cajera del supermercado.
If this whole thing works, it's not gonna kill her right?
Si funciona, no acabará muerta, ¿ no?
I figured it was worth one last shot to see if I could get you laid, but I could tell it's not your thing.
Valía la pena un último intento... a ver si podía lograr que follaras, pero veo que no es lo tuyo. Lo valoro.
And if it's this hard for me to decide, then I must not be ready for a serious relationship.
Y si me resulta tan difícil decidir, no debo estar lista para una relación seria.
If you've spoken to them more than once, then they're not a stranger, and it's probably OK.
Si tú hablaste con ellos más de una vez entonces no son extraños, y probablemente esté bien.
Also, "if it bleeds, it leads" is not some concept, Mike, it's a catchphrase that you picked up at a conference in Cleveland last month.
Además, "si sangra, lidera" no es un concepto, Mike. Es un eslogan que escuchaste en una conferencia en Cleveland el mes pasado.
" If it's heavy, I'm not gonna drink it.
" Si es pesado, no lo tomo.
It's not spying if you're out in public doing that.
No es espiar si lo haces en público.
It's not very comforting if people feel that the police aren't up to it
Es preocupante caer en la cuenta de que la policía no sabe lo que hace.
I told Steve, "If you're not involved in the business, it's risky."
Le dije a Steve : "Si no te interesa el rubro, es riesgoso".
If there's anything wrong with Shaw, it's not the chip.
Si algo no va bien con Shaw, no es el chip.
Later, you will be confused. You do not know if it's Maggie, you're in love i
Después estarás confundido, no sabrás Si te has enamorado realmente de Maggie.
I'm not sure that would be such a good idea, but if it's okay with you, we can all just talk now?
No sé si sería una buena idea, pero si te parece bien, podríamos hablar todos juntos.
If he's out there, it's not our problem anymore but we're also gonna clean up this mess. Come on.
Si está ahí afuera, ya no es nuestro problema,... pero también debemos limpiar este desastre.
- If it is, it's not very funny.
- Si lo es, no es nada graciosa.
If it comes out that the DEA or the FBI or anyone in this office leaked federal evidence that's a bull's-eye not only on the task force but on you personally.
Si resulta que la DEA o el FBI o cualquiera de esta oficina ha filtrado pruebas federales, habrá una diana no solo sobre la unidad especial sino sobre su persona.
Then you grow older, and eventually you leave home and stand proudly upon your own two feet, taking any job you can, even if it's not your dream.
Luego que pasan los años, y, finalmente, salir de casa Y de pie con orgullo sobre sus propios pies, Tomando cualquier trabajo que pueda,, incluso si no es su sueño.
It's not as if that is the only insult.
No es que fuese el único insulto.
It's not a selfie if I take it, you idiot.
No es una selfie si la tomo yo, idiota.
If Elvis's Colonel Klink calls us, let's not even take it.
Si llama el coronel Klink, el de Elvis, déjalo.
He doesn't like Jackie, so if it's not him, he might jump in.
No le gusta Jackie, así que si no es él, él podría saltar.
No, not if it's used properly.
No, no si se utiliza adecuadamente.
Now, I don't know if it's because your parents died or you're just white and wealthy and weak with privilege, but not everything has a neat ending.
Ahora, no sé si es porque tus padres murieron o porque eres blanca, rica y débil, con privilegios, pero no todo tiene un final definido.
If anything it's more reason not to get caught.
Si acaso con más razón no nos tienen que atrapar.
It's not necessary, but if you insist I find gold to be the easiest for such transactions.
No es necesario, pero si insiste, creo que el oro es lo más sencillo para este tipo de transacciones.
If there's not even a drop of clean water and not a breath of fresh air on this planet then it would be meaningless no matter how much money you make.
De no existir agua en el planeta y no poder respirar aire puro sin importar el dinero que ganes, no valdría de nada.
If Rita Hayworth's not in it, I'm not interested.
Si Rita Hayworth no está en él, no me interesa.
It's not stealing if your company made them, dear.
No es robar si tu compañía las fabricó, querido.
Well if it's too much troubles, there is not shame in taking it to a shelter.
Si da muchos problemas no es vergonzoso llevarlo a la protectora.
If he choose not to accept reality, it's not my fault, is it?
Si él elige no aceptar la realidad, no es culpa mía, ¿ no?
We need to know if it's benevolent or not.
Necesitamos saber si es benevolente o no.
I would prefer it in euros if that's not a problem...
Preferiría que fuera en euros, si no es mucha molestia.
No desire if it's not forbidden.
It really depends on what the police say. If the travel ban's been lifted or not.
La verdad depende de lo que diga la policía, si se levanta la prohibición de viajar.
No, if you let him go with the money, it's not going to be your house anymore
No, si lo dejas irse con el dinero, no va a ser más tu casa
Listen, Hannah, if you have the impulse to run away in your pajamas, that's a pretty strong indicator that it's not working out.
Hannah, si sientes el impulso de huir en pijama es un indicio de que no funciona.
On the other hand, if you want me to write a note... so you can slip it under his door with his breakfast tray... on the off-chance he notices it before his morning rubdown... I'm afraid that's not gonna cut it.
La opción de dejarle una nota que usted deslizará bajo su puerta y que tal vez lea antes de su masaje matinal me temo que no es viable.
if it's not too much trouble 48
if it's not you 18
if it's not too late 19
if it's meant to be 16
if it's a girl 43
if it's any consolation 226
if it's the last thing i do 21
if it's okay with you 83
if it's all right 48
if it's a boy 49
if it's not you 18
if it's not too late 19
if it's meant to be 16
if it's a girl 43
if it's any consolation 226
if it's the last thing i do 21
if it's okay with you 83
if it's all right 48
if it's a boy 49