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If it was up to me Çeviri İspanyolca

421 parallel translation
"If it was up to me, even 10 million."
"Por mí, hasta diez millones."
If it was up to me, I'd expel her immediately
Si cuenta mi opinión, Manuela tendría que marcharse hoy mismo.
Listen, girls, if it was up to me, honest, I'd do it in a minute. Why not?
Si de mí dependiera, chicas, lo haría de inmediato. ¿ Por qué no?
If it was up to me, I'd let you on the train like that.
Si de mí dependiera, te dejaría subir al tren sin más.
Now, if it was up to me, I'd make you a free gift of all the bus rides to this city.
Si fuera decisión mía... yo le regalaría todos los trayectos de autobús a esta ciudad.
If it was up to me, I'd put you to work.
Si por mí fuese, le daría trabajo.
If it was up to me I'd leave now.
Si por mí fuera me iría ahora.
Now if it was up to me to catch that Dave Rennick, I'd...
Si yo tuviera que pillar a Rennick... Tome.
Now, as I was saying, if it was up to me I'd concentrate on Dilling's chauffeur.
Como decía, si fuera yo, me concentraría en el chofer.
If it was up to me...
Si dependiera de mí...
If it was up to me, do you think I'd have a lover like you?
¿ Piensas que hubiera elegido un amante como tú?
If it was up to me, you could have a trip around the world.
Si fuera por mí, te irías de viaje por todo el mundo.
If it was up to me, I'd throw her in prison!
- ¡ Vaya madre! Por mí, la enchironaba.
If it was up to me, you would start working tonight as night watchman.
Por mí, ya lo sabes. Empezabas la vigilancia esta misma noche.
I can do without his kind, if it was up to me.
Si por mí fuera, no tendríamos clientes así.
If it was up to me, I'd do something about them quickly.
Si estuviera a mi alcance haría algo sobre ello rápidamente
Look, if it was up to me, I would never had done what you did to those wretches.
¡ Yo nunca hubiera sido capaz de hacer lo que habéis hecho a esas tres desgraciadas! ¿ Qué quieres?
If it was up to me, you'd have never got up off the floor.
Si de mí dependiera, no se habría levantado nunca del suelo.
Well, if it was up to me, i'd... i'd, uh... well... if it was up to me, george, i'd like some decent odds for a change.
Si de mi dependiera, pues, yo... Si... si.. de mi dependiera me gustaría algo con un mínimo de seguridad.
If it was up to me, it'd be different.
Si de mí dependiera, sería distinto.
Oh, you could, if it was up to me, but my bairn's grieving'her heart out for him. Oh.
Podría, si fuera por mí, pero mi niña no deja de llorar por él.
If it was up to me he'd never find another job, the lout.
¡ Lo arreglaré todo para que ese estúpido no encuentre trabajo en una temporada!
If it was up to me...
Si dependiera de mí- -
If it was up to me...
Si fuera por mí...
If it was up to me, young fellow, we'd have it every day.
Si fuera por mí, hijo mío, habría servicio todos los días.
If it was up to me, I'd pass a law to abolish all holidays.
Si fuera por mí haría una ley para quitar todas las fiestas.
If it was up to me, I'd pass a new law...
Si fuera por mí aprobaría una nueva ley...
Oh you know, if it was up to me, but those files are private.
Ya sabe, si dependiera de mí, pero ese archivo es privado.
I'd let you pass if it was up to me.
Le dejaría pasar si pudiera.
- If it was up to me...
- Si fuese por mi... imagnate..
Well, if it was up to me, I'd get some men out thumping on the streets, passing out some e pluribus unum.
Si por mí fuese, pondría a unos cuantos hombres en la calle soltando pasta a cambio de información.
If it was up to me personally, I'd pay you the moon.
Si dependiera de mi, Te pagaría la luna.
If it was up to me, you could take two weeks, but that's what he told me!
Yo te daría dos semanas, pero es lo que me dijo.
If it was up to me, I'd say abandon and get taken off.
Si corresponde a mí, I'diría abandonar y obtener despegado.
If it was up to me, you wouldn't be going at all!
Si fuera por mí, ni siquiera irías!
If it was up to me I'd put you up against the wall and shoot you in the back of the head
Si fuera por mí la pondría a usted contra la pared... y le dispararía en la nuca.
If it was up to me, I would've canceled it, put on reruns of Barney Miller.
Yo lo habría suprimido y habría puesto reposiciones de Barney Miller.
If you like I can tell you about my case, how it was "love" that caused me to end up like this.
Si quiere, puedo contarle mi caso, cómo el "amor" me llevó a terminar así...
But you're going to marry him now, tonight, tomorrow, and I'm going to be there with you and stand up beside you and cry for happiness as if it was me.
Pero tú te vas a casar lo antes posible. Y yo estaré allí, y gritaré de alegría soñando que soy tú.
I made up my mind I was going to see you if it took me all week.
Decidí que lo vería aunque me tomara toda la semana.
Monty, I'd sure like to see you finish this game if it was just up to me, but these guys have a big stake in this game.
Monty, me gustaría verte acabar este partido si dependiera de mí, pero estos chicos se juegan mucho.
I was waiting for you to fall in love with someone, and then when that fell apart, My heart has been broken already, so it doesn t make any difference to me if you ve loved someone else. I was going to snap you up.
Esperaba que se enamorara de alguien, y luego cuando eso fracasara, no dejarla escapar.
I was saying, Sergeant Imoto, if it wasn't for a certain fatheaded stool pigeon just waiting for me to do it man, I'd be lapping up that steak juice...
Estaba diciendo, Sargento lmoto, que un globo atado a una cuerda significaría más para un ingrato. just waiting for me to do it man, está buenísima esta salsa...
I don't know what was said, not liking to listen to other folks'conversations but if it's buttering him up you are, beware.
No me gusta escuchar conversaciones ajenas, pero si lo estás adulando, ten cuidado.
I knew they had to get me back on the bed. If they did it while I was standing up, they might break my spine.
y yo sabía que tenían que meterme en la cama, porque si hacían eso mientras estaba en pie podrían romperme el espinazo.
I swear that if it was only up to me...
Les juro que si dependiera de mí...
It was as if my great rush of anger had washed me clean, purged me of hope, and staring up at that night sky, for the first time I opened my heart to the sweet indifference of the universe, and I felt that it was so much like myself, almost like a brother, that I realised that I'd been happy, and that I was happy still.
Era como si mi gran ráfaga de ira me hubiera limpiado, purgado de esperanza, y mirando al cielo de la noche, por primera vez abrí mi corazón a la dulce indiferencia del universo y sentí que era como yo mismo, como un hermano, y me dí cuenta que había sido feliz,
If it was up to me, I'd forget about it.
Si fuese cosa mía, lo olvidaría.
If that kid was following me, it was to hit me up for an ice cream cone.
Si ese chico me estaba siguiendo, era para pedirme que le comprara un helado.
You see, as a youngster I was frightened of the dark and I used to wake up sobbing in it as if it was water and I was drowning in it.
Cuando era joven yo le tenía miedo a la oscuridad y en las noches despertaba en ella como si fuera agua y me estuviese ahogando.
I just asked you to do one thing... just stay awake and watch me... just wake me up if it looked like I was having a bad dream... and what did you do?
Solo te pedi que hagas una sola cosa... permanecer despierto y vigilarme... y despertarme si notabas que estaba teniendo un mal sueño... y que es lo que hiciste?

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