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If it wasn't for him Çeviri İspanyolca

261 parallel translation
Well, it ain't my place to say it, Miss Jerry, but if I had a boss that was so hard-boiled he wasn't satisfied with my working all day at the office without slaving home at night, I'd tell him to go to... The place he's heading for, and moreover...
Bueno, no soy quién para decirlo, Srta. Jerry, pero si tuviera un jefe que fuese tan duro... que no estuviera satisfecho con mi trabajo durante todo el día en la oficina y me hiciera seguir trabajando en casa de noche como un negro, le diría que se fuera a donde tuviera que irse, y además...
If it wasn't for him.
Si no fuera por él.
If it wasn't for him, there wouldn't be any magazine.
Si no fuera por él, no habría revista.
If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be alive.
Si no fuera por él, yo no estaría vivo.
- If it wasn't for him, Dad, I wouldn't be here.
Si no es por él, papá, yo no estaría aquí.
If it wasn't for him- -
De no ser por él...
If it wasn't for you, dear, I'd have punched him in the nose.
De no ser por ti, le habría dado en las narices.
Where do you think we'd be if it wasn't for him, huh?
¿ De que viviríamos si no fuera por él?
If it wasn't for him, we'd still be in the brig.
Si no fuera por él, aún estaríamos en la cárcel.
If it wasn't for you, I would have killed him last night!
¡ Si no fuera por ti, le habría matado anoche!
And I still would be if it wasn't for him!
Desde que le conociste, me has tratado como a un perro.
If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't be stuck here. You can't blame him.
Si no fuera por él, no estaríamos sin salir de aquí.
I probably wouldn't have myself, if it wasn't for the fact that everyone that was burned out got an offer from him for their land first.
Yo tampoco, si no fuera porque a todos los que quemaron... habían recibido una oferta por su tierra.
We'd be in a peck of trouble if it wasn't for him.
Estaríamos en aprietos de no ser por él.
If it so happens I come across him Jim wasn't a ballet dancer for nothing.
Si estoy de suerte y me lo encuentro, Jim le mostrará gustoso sus habilidades.
He sure has, why, I wouldn't even be sheriff if it wasn't for him.
Seguramente, por eso, yo no sería ni siquiera sheriff si no fuera por él.
All I know is I wouldn't be up here now, all in one piece, if it wasn't for him.
Todo lo que sé es que yo no estaría aquí si no fuera por él.
I'd throw him out in a minute if it wasn't for Patou.
Ha advertido a todo Montmartre :
I wouldn't be here now if it wasn't for him.
Hoy no estaría aquí de no ser por él.
But if it wasn't goodbye for him, it could've been for some of us.
Pero si no lo hubiera hecho, todos lo hubieramos lamentado.
If it wasn't for him...
Si no hubiese sido por él...
You said you hated him and wished he was dead. If it wasn't for him, everything would be the same between us.
Dijiste que Ie odiabas y que deseabas verlo muerto, que si no hubiera sido por él, todo seguiría igual entre nosotros.
If it wasn't for him, I would have been off my head years ago.
De no ser por él, habría perdido la cabeza hace años.
If it wasn't for you, at this time.. Don't worry, you won't look bad! I'll pay him back first.
Estate tranquila que no quedarás mal, el primer dinero que consiga será para él, no quiero deudas con Giancarlo.
Well, it wasn't very smart to set off for a boy's parents if you've only known him for two days :
Bueno, eso no es muy inteligente ponerse en camino de la casa de los padres de un chico si sólo lo conoces de dos días.
But I don't even know him, I'm saying that, if he went away, it means that it wasn't ok for him.
Si ni siquiera le conozco. Digo que si se ha ido será porque no os iba bien. ¡ Despacio!
Why, if it wasn't for him, you'd still be back in the Old Country, hanging around in some damp old cave, scratching fleas out of your wings and wondering who your next square meal was coming from.
Si no fuera por él... estarías allá en tu tierra, volando en alguna cueva húmeda y oscura... con pulgas en las alas... preguntándote de quién vendría tu próximo alimento.
If it wasn't for him, you'd have rotted to death!
¡ Si no fuese por él, Uds. Ya se habrían podrido, desagradecidos!
If it wasn't for him, we'd have no Jeep.
Si no es por él, no tenemos el Jeep.
If it wasn't for him Míša and I wouldn't be here long ago.
Si no fuera por él, Míša y yo no estaríamos aquí hace mucho tiempo.
Look if it wasn't him, then this is the last thing you can do for him.
Si no lo fue, entonces es lo último que puedes hacer por él.
If you have caught him, I'm glad it wasn't I who caught him for you.
si lo atrapó, me alegro que no era yo el que lo atrapó.
If it wasn`t for them radios, we`d have lost him going over that bridge.
De no ser por los radios, lo habríamos perdido en el puente.
If it wasn`t for him... your impartial chief of police would still have the wrong man behind bars.
De no haber sido por él... su imparcial jefe de policía aún tendría preso al hombre equivocado.
You'd still be rotting'in the Nogales jail if it wasn't for him.
Si no fuera por él, aún te estarías pudriendo en la cárcel de Nogales.
If it wasn't for him, I'd have threw him out long ago.
Si no fuera por él, lo habría echado hace tiempo.
If it wasn't for the fact that he's my only relative, I'd call up his captors and tell them that they're welcome to him.
Si no fuera mi único pariente le diría a sus captores que pueden quedarse con él.
I would have flopped him years ago, Benny, if it wasn't for you.
Lo habría despedido hace tiempo, Benny, si no fuese por ti.
If it wasn't for my son-in-law's intelligence, who masterfully succeeded, let's say... to clear him with a few magic words on grounds of insanity.
De no haber sido por la intervención de mi yerno que magistralmente consiguió que se lo "interdiccionara".
If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't be going to Almanzora.
Si no fuera por él, no estaríamos yendo a Almanzora.
If it wasn't for me, You wouldn't be here tonight... To have arranged to meet him In London next week.
Si no fuera por mí, no estarías aquí esta noche para quedar con él... en Londres la próxima semana.
And I don't remember nothing of him if it wasn't for the photos
No me acuerdo nada de él.
If it wasn't for him, we'd be drilling through bones.
Si no fuera por él, perforaríamos entre los huesos mismos.
.If it wasn't for Ken....I just wish we knew more about him.
Si no fuera por Ken... Solo deseo saber más sobre él.
If he changes his mind... it wasn't right for him. Does he want to go?
Si cambia de opinión, quizá sea porque no es bueno para él.
If it wasn't for him this creep would've raped me.
Si no fuera por él este tipo me habría violado.
If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have heard that. The wind has gotten stronger.
- Si no fuese por él, no me habría dado cuenta de que el viento es más fuerte ahora.
If it wasn't for him, I'd be dead these 10 years.
De no ser por él, hubiera muerto hace diez años.
- But, if it wasn't for him...
- Aunque si no llega a ser por él...
If it wasn't for me, he wouldn't be in this jam. I got him into this fix. You gotta let me get him out of it.
Si no fuese por mi, el no estaria en este lio es mi culpa, y debes dejar que lo arregle
If it wasn't for him. I'd probably still be earning my living on my back... with half of your pals in Chicago.
De no ser por él... aún estaría ganándome la vida por las calles... y repartiendo los beneficios con tu gente de Chicago.

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