If you're not careful Çeviri İspanyolca
348 parallel translation
─ You know, if you're not careful.
- ¿ Sí?
If you're not careful she'll get the upper hand of you, mark my words.
Si no tienes más cuidado, será ella la que tome las riendas. Escucha mis palabras.
Listen, it might add up to making you look ridiculous if you're not careful.
Supone que harás el ridículo si no tienes cuidado.
Of course, you know you'll be having ghosts after you as well as police if you're not careful.
Además de la policía le perseguirán fantasmas.
- We're gonna have an accident if you're not careful.
- Nosotros tendremos un accidente si no gastas cuidado.
You'll have me in a thousand pieces if you're not careful.
Y me tendrás en mil pedazos si no vas con cuidado.
If you're not careful they might trick you.
Si no tienes cuidado, podrían engañarte.
I'll send you back to Derbyshire if you're not careful.
Ándate con cuidado o te mando de vuelta a Derbyshire.
If you're not careful, I'll think you don't like Emily.
Si no tienes cuidado, pensaré que no te gusta Emily.
- I just if you're not careful.
- Yo si no tiene cuidado.
It will be your 48th if you're not careful.
La 48 no tardará.
If you're not careful, one of these days you're going to end up being a tired millionaire.
Si no tienes cuidado, un día acabarás siendo en millonario.
If you're not careful, he's likely to ride right in on the bandwagon.
Si no tienes cuidado será él quien salga elegido.
Drunken drivers and gamblers, stock promoters, and, if you're not careful, even you.
Con conductores borrachos y agentes de bolsa. y si se descuida, ¡ hasta con Vd.!
If you're not careful, one day she'll get you into a lot of trouble.
Si no estás atenta, ésa te va a dar un disgusto un día u otro.
If you're not careful, Marty. You're gonna wind up a rich man.
Si no eres cuidadoso, Marty, terminarás siendo un millonario.
You're on your way. Someday, if you're not careful, you may even be a Mr. McKinley.
Vas por buen camino, pero no acabes como McKinley.
Look, you'll lose your hat if you're not careful.
Perderás tu sombrero si no eres cuidadoso.
Comrade, you give out orders like a capitalist land-owner if you're not careful I'll report you to the Reds!
Camarada, mandas como un patrón capitalista. Mira que te denuncio.
If you're not careful, you will get a murder charge lined up.
Tenga cuidado o le acusarán de asesinato.
Please, Mr. Sears, if you're not a little more careful in the future... there isn't going to be any, future, I mean.
Por favor, Sr. Sears, si no tiene un poco más de cuidado en el futuro es decir, no habrá ningún futuro.
If you're not careful, Mr. Rath, you may find yourself thinking about it out on Madison Avenue.
Tenga cuidado, Sr. Rath... o terminará en la calle arrepintiéndose.
But I tell you this, my girl, if you're not careful, you'll come to a bad end.
Pero escucha : si no tienes cuidado, acabarás mal.
If you're not careful, they'll kidnap me.
Si no eres cuidadoso, me secuestrarán.
I'll tell Brenda if you're not careful.
Se lo diré a Brenda si no te cuidas.
If you're not careful, I'll have you transferred to the Echo.
Si no tiene cuidado, Tendré que trasladarle a la Echo.
That's what you'll get us all if you're not careful.
Porque allí terminaremos si no tiene cuidado.
If you're not careful, my darling, you might have your wish.
Ten cuidado, querido. Puedes ver cumplidos tus deseos.
I'll knock some sense into you, if you're not careful!
Mira que hago que se te pase la borrachera.
If you're not careful, even a beam this big will get spongy and rot.
Si no se tiene cuidado, incluso una viga así de grande se va carcomiendo hasta pudrirse.
If you're not careful - You'll lose your life for nothing.
Si no tienes cuidado... vas a perder la vida por nada.
Look, if you're not careful, you'll get gored.
Si no tienes cuidado, te cojo.
If you're not careful, you'll be leaving here in your wooden suit.
Si no tienes cuidado, saldrás de aquí en una caja.
¶ Come along and sing ¶ MAN 2 : You'll lose your cash if you're not careful.
Perderás el efectivo si no eres cuidadoso.
If you're not careful, one day somebody's gonna put a bullet through your guts.
Si no tienes cuidado... un día alguien te disparará en las tripas.
If you're not careful, terrible things could happen.
Si no te cuidas, pueden sucederte cosas terribles. - ¿ Como qué?
You're going to end up a real beauty if you're not careful.
Acabarás s ¡ endo una gran belleza s ¡ no te cu ¡ das.
You've got to be very careful when you're opening a bottle of wine, because if you're not, you get little corks floating around in the wine.
Debe tener cuidado al abrir una botella de vino. Si no, quedan trozos de corcho flotando en el vino.
Take it easy. This stuff will knock you right out if you're not careful.
Cógelo con calma, esta vaina te noqueará si no tienes cuidado
He'll take yer breath if you're not careful ".
Te quitará hasta la respiración si no tienes cuidado. "
I'll have an accident if you're not careful.
Tendré un accidente si no tienes cuidado.
If you're not careful, you're going to be sick again.
Así volverá a enfermar.
I've got nothing against it, since it's business for me but he's such a heavy drinker, so if you're not careful, then you'll end up in hot water.
No tengo nada en contra, es mi negocio pero bebe tanto que si no tienes cuidado acabarás con el agua al cuello.
If you're not careful, I'm going to walk right out.
Si no es usted juicioso, volveré a marcharme.
You're gonna kill someone if you're not careful.
Vas a matar a alguien si no tienes cuidado.
If you're not careful, you're gonna kill someone.
Si no tienes cuidado, matarás a alguien.
If you're not careful, Hawk's men will hear and be looking for you.
Como no tenga cuidado, los hombres de Hawk lo oirán y vendrán a por usted.
You'll get yourself killed if you're not careful.
¿ Qué harás si mueres por querer ahorrarte apenas 60 yenes?
We'll make it to Budapest if you're not careful!
¡ Llegaremos a Budapest si no tienes cuidado!
It'll be the end of you if you're not careful, never mind the cow.
Será el final tuyo si no tienes cuidado, no importa la vaca.
If you're not careful, you'll be carried down and fried.
Si uno no fuera cuidadoso, caería y se freiría.
if you're happy and you know it 31
if you're hungry 89
if you're 71
if you're reading this 32
if you're watching this 56
if you're not happy 19
if you're not ready 23
if you're gonna kill me 28
if you're lying to me 20
if you're interested 214
if you're hungry 89
if you're 71
if you're reading this 32
if you're watching this 56
if you're not happy 19
if you're not ready 23
if you're gonna kill me 28
if you're lying to me 20
if you're interested 214