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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / If you're not there

If you're not there Çeviri İspanyolca

872 parallel translation
If you're still not there, just come here to a flat back.
Si todavía no estás allí, sólo vienen aquí para tener una espalda plana.
Well, of course, if you're just looking for someone to hang suspicion on, there's not a man on my faculty that wouldn't come under that heading.
Si solo busca a un sospechoso, ninguno de mis profesores quedaría libre.
Because if you're not there in 10 minutes, I'll be back here in 11.
Porque si no está dentro de 10 minutos, yo volveré dentro de 11.
If you're not lying, there's only one alternative :
Si no mientes, sólo hay una respuesta...
If you're going to tell me there's not another train out of here, I...
Si va a decirme que no sale otro tren...
- There is if you're not wearing an apron.
- Lo es, si no llevas delantal.
Si no van mañana, me expulsarán.
You'll be missed if you're not there.
La echaremos de menos si no viene.
Of course, there's not many men about nowadays, but there's always one if you're out to get one.
Claro, no hay mucho hombres así actualmente, pero siempre hay alguno si se quiere encontrar.
If they're not there, I'll get you back in time for the train.
Si no están allí, volveremos a tiempo para tomar el tren.
If you're not afraid of spoiling your fingernails... there's plenty to do in here.
Si no les da miedo partirse las uñas, hay un montón de trabajo.
Well, if you're not sure of him there's plenty of samples of his writing in the shelves over there.
Si tiene alguna duda, en los estantes hay muestras de caligrafía.
Nora will be having one of her upsets if she's got something hot for you to eat... - and you're not there to eat it.
Nora se enfadará si tiene algo caliente y llega tarde.
I'm not a praying man, but if you're up there and you can hear me,
No suelo rezar mucho, pero si estás ahí arriba y me oyes,
If he's not there, for heaven's sake, remember you're dressed like a duke.
Si no llega a estar, recuerde que viste como un duque.
If you're not home in half an hour, there'll be no fur jacket for Christmas.
Si no regresan en media hora, no les regalaré abrigos de piel.
Are you willing to sign a complaint? Well, look, madam, if you're not willing to sign a complaint, there's nothing the police department can do.
Sra., si no quiere firmar la demanda, no podemos hacer nada.
Noel, there's something I'd like you to do for me this evening,... if you're not busy.
Noel, quiero que hagas una cosa esta noche,... si no estás ocupada.
Because if you're not, there is a very grim future in store for this world.
Si no, a este mundo le espera un futuro nefasto.
There is not enough left to share. If that's what you're driving at.
No queda mucho más que contar, si a eso te refieres.
Well, if you're not going to ride with me, there's a stagecoach leaving in about a week.
Si no quiere venir conmigo, hay una diligencia en una semana.
If you're in there and not wounded, bring Riccardi out.
Si estás ahí dentro y no estás herido, saca a Riccardi.
You're not running a shooting gallery out there and if you got a beef, you settle it over a table!
No vas a andar disparando por ahí. Si tienes algún problema, debes negociar.
If there's a plague here, you're the most important guy in town, and not only to me.
Si hay una peste, eres el hombre más importante de la ciudad... y no sólo para mí.
He said if you're not there, you'll never work again.
Dijo que si no estás, no volverás a trabajar.
The knowledge that if you're not there with the money inside two hours the whole batch of stuff goes to the district attorney.
El saber que si no me trae el dinero en dos horas, ese montón de papeles irán a parar al fiscal del distrito.
Remember, if you're not well, there's a doctor in the house.
Recuerde, si no se siente bien, hay un médico.
If not, immediately suspect you're there to report.
Si no, sospecharán enseguida que estás allí para informar.
- You kidding? If there's oil around, they're not far behind.
Pues claro, si hay petróleo no andan muy lejos.
Says to not take offense if there's one word too many. Indeed says, that if you too say a few, they're glad.
Ha dicho que no se ofendan si los insulta... y que si ustedes lo quieren insultar, a él le parece bien. - ¿ Ah, si?
If you're looking for the keys to the jeep, they're not there.
Si busca las llaves del jeep, no están ahí.
I'm counting on you. If you're not there, I'll come and find you.
Como no vengáis tendré que venir a pescaros.
It's not good if there's so much work when you're ill.
No está bien que haya tanto trabajo cuando estás enferma.
John, if you're making love to me, I'm not gonna let you sit there and act as though it were the end of our lives.
Si estás declarándote, no voy a dejar que te quedes ahí y que te comportes como si fuese el fin.
Please, Mr. Sears, if you're not a little more careful in the future... there isn't going to be any, future, I mean.
Por favor, Sr. Sears, si no tiene un poco más de cuidado en el futuro es decir, no habrá ningún futuro.
You're not going up there, even if I have to sit on you!
¡ Tú no subes allá arriba aunque tenga que sentarme encima de ti!
If they're not there, we'll come straight on to you.
Si no están ahí, iremos directamente a tu casa.
If you're about to be shot there's not much you can do.
Si van a fusilarte, poco puedes hacer.
She say if you're not there in half an hour, the place'll be triple locked against you.
Dice que si no está ahí en media hora... le cerrará las puertas con triple cerrojo.
That word means nothing if you're not there beside me.
Para que me guardaras un mal recuerdo. Para que pudieras olvidarme más fácilmente.
And if you're Not in there?
¿ Y si usted no está ahí?
So let's all go out there and have ourselves some fun... because, um... well, if you're not there- -
Vamos a divertirnos, porque... Si no van... Déjenme decírselos así.
If you're not there... I'll lam into you something fierce when I get you in here next week!
Si no van, los abrumaré increíblemente la semana próxima aquí.
There's a lot to like if you wouldn't try to be something you're not.
Lo habría si dejases de ser alguien que no eres.
And if we're not there, you can call us somewhere.
Y, si no, en mi casa. O si no, en cualquier parte.
What we're trying to figure out is if there's something in your religion that says you're not supposed to send a shell into a cave.
Lo que tratamos de comprender es si en su religión hay algo... que les prohíba meter un proyectil en una cueva.
Not if you're there.
No si tú estás allí.
If you've got the price, you're welcome. If not, there is the front door.
Si pagas el precio se bienvenido, si no ahí está la puerta.
If there's one thing I'm certain you're not, it's narrow-minded.
- Sé que eres de mente abierta.
What I've been thinking, er, what I mean to say, if I was to'ave your bed,... .. you'ave my bed... There's not all that difference between'em, they're the... the same sort of bed.
Lo que he estado pensando, lo que quiero decir, he pensado que, si usted me diera su cama y usted durmiera en la mía, no hay mucha diferencia entre ellas, son el... el mismo tipo de cama.
Check first to see that underneath that chrome there does not lie a conscience, especially if you're driving along a rain-soaked highway in the twilight zone.
Checar primero que debajo del cromo no se halle una conciencia, especialmente si usted está conduciendo a lo largo de una carretera mojada por la lluvia en la Dimensión Desconocida.

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