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If you're worried Çeviri İspanyolca

968 parallel translation
Even you don't say it out loud because you're worried if it will delay finding your mother, isn't it?
No me dijiste, porque pensaste que interferiría en la búsqueda de tu madre.
If you think I'm worried... about you buying me an ice cream soda, you're crazy.
Si crees que me preocupa que me invites a soda mezclada con helado, estás loco.
If you're worried about your mother, give her a call.
Si te preocupa tu madre llámala.
If you're worried about your professional standing... we might say that you're a distant relative.
Si le preocupa su reputación profesional... podríamos decir que es un pariente lejano.
If that's all you're worried about, don't give it a thought.
Si eso lo que te preocupa, no le des más vueltas.
If you're worried about the place, I'll have it closed up for you.
Si le preocupa el local, haré que se lo cierren.
But if you're a bit worried, if you think your hour has come,
Pero, si estás un poco preocupado... Si piensas que tu hora ha llegado...
If you're still worried in the morning, we'll investigate your story.
Si mañana sigue preocupado, investigaremos el caso.
I am married, I have children, Ottilie has children you can't wonder that we're worried about our existence if you become that much estranged to us may I ask who worries about my existence?
Estoy casado, tengo hijos, Ottilie tiene hijos... No te extrañe que estamos preocupados por nuestra existencia si te alejas. ¿ Se puede saber quién se preocupa por mi existencia?
- Everything fixed? - The district attorney said if you're worried... he'll let us have witnesses to prove Mitch hasn't been in Chicago in two years.
El fiscal dijo que si está preocupado, nos prestará sus testigos... para demostrar que Mitch no ha estado en Chicago en dos años.
If you're worried, call home and say you have a late rehearsal.
Si está preocupada, llame a casa y diga que tiene un ensayo después de la función.
If it's the waiter you're worried about, he'll get the part, won't he?
Si le preocupa el camarero, tendrá el papel, ¿ verdad?
Joe, if you're worried, I've got a right to worry with you.
Y si estás preocupado, tengo derecho a preocuparme contigo.
Kurt, if you're worried about Mr Preysing, he's gone, and he shan't return.
Kurt. Si te preocupaba el Sr. Preysing, se ha marchado y no volverá.
Si te preocupa tu aspecto, ve a ver a Molly.
If you're worried about anything, there's a lock just inside the door.
Si le preocupa algo, tiene un cerrojo por dentro.
And what's more... if you're worried about somebody's arteries, what's the matter with mine?
Si buscas unas arterias, ¿ qué tienen de malo las mías?
He won't bother to come back, if that's what you're worried about.
No se molestará en volver, si es lo que le preocupa.
If you're worried about sitting down with your general, then stop worrying.
Si te preocupa sentarte con tu general, despreocúpate.
You're not worried about me if I tangle with Garrett, are you?
Peor es marcharse y que Garret crea que fue culpa mía.
Look, Mr. Brown, if you're really so worried,
Mire, Sr. Brown, si está tan preocupado...
Why don't you come to me if you're worried about something?
¿ Por qué no acudes a mí si algo te preocupa?
And if you're worried when you're flying...
Y si esta así cuando vuela...
If you're worried aboutJohnny Farrell... don't be.
Si estás preocupado por Johnny Farrell... no lo estés.
If you're worried about that there's no need.
No se preocupe por eso.
If you're worried about my taking care of him...
Si le preocupa que yo cuide de él...
If you're so worried about how Englishwomen are dressed... there's nothing to stop you from sending them all to them instead.
Y si tanto te preocupan las inglesas ¿ por qué no se los mandas?
Well, if you're worried about me, you can stop.
Si estás preocupado por mí, deja de estarlo.
Listen, if you're worried about me talking, forget it.
No hablaré. No necesitan mi testimonio.
If you're worried about Tiger, I can handle him.
Si le preocupa Tigre, puedo lidiar con él.
If you're worried, remember that I'm behind you all the way.
Si está preocupada, recuerde que yo siempre estoy detrás de Vd.
- Well, give up the test if you're worried.
Cancela la prueba si estás preocupado. Claro que estoy preocupado.
If you're so worried about that, why don't you keep your voice down?
Si estás tan preocupado por eso,... ¿ por qué no bajas un poco la voz?
If you're worried about me, I already think you're quite a strudel.
Si se preocupa por mí, le diré que desde antes creo que es un budín.
She's up in the air, she's quitting her job... and for what? - Look, if you're worried about Vicki...
- Mire, si está preocupada por Vicki...
That's all you're worried about. If that's the way you want it, that's the way it's going to be.
Si lo quieres así, así va a ser.
If you're worried about that, there is another way
Mira, hay otra forma de hacerlo. Una forma que te daría más seguridad.
# If you're worried # # And you can't sleep #
Si tienes problemas y no puedes dormir
- I know. If you're worried about the Indian bill, it's over.
Si Ie preocupa el proyecto de Iey de Ios indios, ya terminó,
If you're worried I'll make phone calls, I give you my word I won't do a thing.
Si temen que llame por teléfono, les daré mi palabra.
There's plenty, if that's what you're worried about.
Hay de sobras, si eso le preocupa.
If you're so worried, you can cancel. There is still time.
Si estás tan preocupado, podemos cancelarlo.
I don't know if I'm worried about anything now that you're here.
No creo que me preocupe nada, ahora que estás tú aquí.
If you're not worried about losing it...
Si no tiene miedo de perderlo...
If you're still worried about Lori Shannon, you've got it all wrong.
Si te preocupa Lori Shannon, te equivocas.
If you're worried about the morale of the men, sir...
Si está preocupado por la moral de los hombres...
And if you're so worried about the money
Y si tanto te preocupa el dinero...
If you're worried about that girl, she's gone.
Si le preocupa la chica, ya se fue.
- I hope so. - If you're really that worried Jeff why don't you radio in and find out?
¿ Si estás realmente preocupado Jeff por que no enciendes tu radio y lo averiguas?
If you're worried about the numbers, maybe I better handle it alone.
Si te preocupan los números, quizá debería hacerlo solo.
But he'll come, if that's what you're worried about.
Pero vendrá, si es eso lo que te preocupa.

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