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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / If you don't want to

If you don't want to Çeviri İspanyolca

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Son, you got a good man here, But look, if you want to keep an eye on me yourself, I don't mind coming where you are,
Hijo, tienes un buen hombre aquí, pero mira, si quieres mantener un ojo sobre mí por ti mismo, no me importaría ir a donde estás o escucha...
You know something, if you don't want to go, don't go.
¿ Sabes qué? Si no quieres ir, no vayas.
Now, if you don't want to get charged as a pimp, you better cooperate.
Ahora, si no quiere que le levantemos cargos como proxeneta, mejor que coopere.
Okay, we don't have to talk about him if you don't want to.
Vale, no tenemos que hablar de él si no quieres.
If you don't want to get married, you have to tell him.
Si no te quieres casar, se lo tienes que decir.
If you don't want to support the president, you shouldn't want to be his number two.
Si no quieres apoyar al presidente no deberías ser su número dos.
Whoa, ho. don't say "alas" to the lieutenant first thing in the morning if you want to make it to the afternoon.
Whoa, ho no digas "alas" al teniente a primera hora de la mañana si desea hacerlo a la tarde
You don't have to do this now, if you don't want to.
No tienes que hacerlo ahora, si tú no quieres.
If you don't want to be in the middle, don't answer Grace's phone calls.
Si no quieres estar en medio, no respondas a las llamadas de Grace.
I sure don't want to step aside, but I'm willing to if you feel that's what's best.
Claro que no quiero quedarme al margen, pero estoy dispuesto a hacerlo si Vd. cree que es lo mejor.
I don't want you to go. If you do, I'll die.
No quiero que te vayas, siento que me voy a morir.
I didn't think you were taking this "house of death" stuff too seriously but, er, I certainly understand if you don't want to be there.
No creí que te estuvieras tomando tan en serio esto de la "casa de la muerte" pero, en realidad entiendo que no quieras estar allí.
Listen, if you want me to be your wingman, I'll go with you, i don't care.
Escucha, si quieres que sea tu apoyo, iré, no me importa.
If you don't want to do it, if you don't want to go through with this, say the word now, I'll drop you at the bus station, and... get the next bus out of town.
Si no quieres seguir adelante con esto, sólo dilo ahora, te dejaré en la estación de autobuses, y, tomarás el próximo autobús para salir de la ciudad.
Gerry, we want to help you, but how can we do that if we don't know...?
Gerry, queremos ayudarte, ¿ pero cómo podemos hacerlo si no...?
Believe your own lies if you want, don't expect me to swallow them.
Cree en tus propias mentiras, si quieres, pero no esperes que me las trague.
You know, if... I-if you don't want to do this, I completely understand.
Sabes, si no quieres que haga esto, lo entiendo totalmente.
If you don't want to find yourself grounded, get upstairs now.
Si no quieres ser castigada, vete arriba ahora mismo.
We don't have to if you don't want to.
No tenemos que hacerlo si no quieres.
Listen, if we don't get to speak again, I just want to let you know that I think what you've been doing is noble.
VIOLACIÓN DEL PERÍMETRO Si no volvemos a hablar, quiero que sepas que lo que haces me parece noble.
We don't have to get married if you don't want us to.
No tenemos por qué casarnos si no quieres que lo hagamos.
All right, Caleb, look, if you don't want to help...
Mira, Caleb, muy bien, si no quieres ayudarme...
Ma'am, if you don't want to meet me..
Señora, si no quieres conocerme..
Tell me right away, if you don't want to see me again.
Si no quieres volver a verme, dímelo ya mismo.
If you don't want to talk, OK, but I hope that you do talk because you can and because I'm interested in what you have to say. Uh-huh.
Si no quiere hablar no pasa nada, pero espero que hable porque puede hacerlo y porque me interesa lo que vaya a decir.
And I don't want you to get rid of it if you don't want to get rid of it, but I want you to want to get rid of it and not because I asked you to get rid of it.
Y yo no quiero a deshacerse de él si usted no quiere deshacerse de él, pero quiero que quiere deshacerse de ella y no porque yo le pedí que deshacerse de él.
I'm afraid I'm gonna need a longer explanation if you don't want me to think that you're a major-league ass.
Me temo que necesitará una explicación más larga, si no quiere que piense que es una imbecil integral.
Okay, look, if you don't want to deal anymore, that's fine, but at least tell me what's going on.
Vale, mira, si no quieres lidiar con eso nunca más, está bien, pero al menos dime que está pasando.
- not if you don't want them to...
- no si no quieres que ellos...
You want to hate me for what you think that I've done to you, go ahead, but believe me, if you don't accept the help, you don't stand a chance of winning your case.
Si quieres odiarme por lo que crees que te he hecho, adelante, pero créeme, si no aceptas la ayuda, no vas a tener ninguna oportunidad de ganar tu caso.
I want to buy my son a gift if you don't mind? !
Quiero comprarle a mi hijo un regalo ¿ si no te importa?
If you don't want to get shot, announce yourself and come out with your hands behind your head.
Si no quiere recibir un disparo, identifíquese y salga, con las manos detrás de la cabeza.
Arrest me if you want to ; I don't talk about my clients.
Arréstame si quieres ; no hablaré de mis clientes.
Okay, well, look, you don't have to tell me anything, but... you can if you want to.
De acuerdo, bueno, mira, no tienes por qué decirme nada, pero... puedes hacerlo si quieres.
I don't work here anymore, but if you want a confession, if you want the truth, I'm ready to give it to you.
Ya no trabajo más aquí, pero si quiere una confesión si quiere la verdad, estoy preparada para dársela.
What, are you saying that if you could learn what's gonna happen in the future, you don't even want to know?
¿ Dices que si pudieras saber lo que va a pasar en el futuro, igual no querrías saberlo?
If you don't want to be here, then maybe you should go home.
Si no quieres estar aquí, quizá debas irte a casa.
If you don't want to, you don't have to do this.
No tienes que hacerlo si no quieres.
You know, if you want to treat me like a two-year-old, why don't you just have another baby?
Saben, si quieren tratarme como a un niño de dos años, por qué tan sólo no tienen otro bebé?
But I can go alone if you don't want to go.
- Pero puedo ir sola si no quieres ir. - No, no, no. No vas a ir sola.
And if you don't mind, I-I want to be alone now.
Y si no te importa, quiero estar sola.
Okay, I want to remind you about something, but I am afraid if I do, you're gonna think it's because I don't think you should marry Rafael, which is true,
Vale, quiero recordarte una cosa, pero me temo que si lo hago, vas a pensar que es porque no creo que debas casarte con Rafael, lo cual es verdad,
I don't want to hurt you, but I will if I have to.
No quiero hacerte daño, pero lo hare si tengo que hacerlo.
If it's not, I don't want to hear from you.
Si no lo es, no quiero saber nada de ti.
Hey, I'm not here to hurt you, and I know you don't want to hurt anyone else, so if you could just not... Flame on.
Oiga, no estoy aquí para lastimarlo, y sé que no quiere lastimar a nadie más, así que si solo pudiera no no inflamarse.
If you're as good as you say you are, you don't have to kill anyone to get what you want.
Y si eres tan bueno como dices que lo eres, no tienes que matar a nadie para conseguir lo que quieres.
I'd power down if you don't want me to melt your face.
Me apagar si no quieres que me derrito su cara.
And if you don't want to do that,
Y si no quieren hacer eso,
Okay, I don't want to get real right now, but if you blow this friendship, I'm gonna be extremely angry.
Bueno, yo no quiero ser realista en este momento, pero si arruinas esta amistad, Estaré muy enojado.
- Mm, and there might be certain things that we don't see eye-to-eye on, but we want you to know that you can try new things, even if we're not in love with them.
- Y hay ciertas cosas... que no vemos a los ojos, pero queremos que sepas... que puedes probar cosas nuevas... aunque no nos gusten demasiado.
Okay. If you don't want to work next to me, then maybe I'll buy you out.
Bien, si no quieres trabajar a mi lado... quizás pueda comprar tu parte.

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