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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / If you want to know the truth

If you want to know the truth Çeviri İspanyolca

148 parallel translation
And if you want to know the truth, that dreadful woman is all but keeping you!
Si quieres saber la verdad, ¡ esa mujer espantosa es quien te mantiene!
If you want to know the truth, I was feeling lonesome.
Si quieres saber la verdad, me sentía solo.
If you want to know the truth, look me in the eyes.
Si quieres saber la verdad, mírame a los ojos.
Disgusted if you want to know the truth.
- Enojado, si quiere saber.
My main trouble's I just haven't had very much experience with girls if you want to know the truth.
Mi mayor problema es que no tengo mucha experiencia con las chicas si quieres saber la verdad.
If you want to know the truth, I don't much care for the time I was born into.
Bien si quieres la verdad, no me interesa la época en que nací.
If you want to know the truth, Babylon's doing fine!
¡ Amigo mío, Babilonia hace ya tiempo que cayó!
If you want to know the truth someone needs to tell him.
Si quiere saber la verdad, alguien tendrá que decírsela.
If you want to know the truth, it was an experiment.
Si quieres saber la verdad, fue un experimento.
More dead than alive, if you want to know the truth.
Más muerta que viva, si quieren saber la verdad.
One good look did it, actually, if you want to know the truth.
Con una mirada bastó, en realidad, si quiere saber la verdad.
And if you want to know the truth, I get favors from sailors... sometimes.
Si quieres saber la verdad, los marineros me hacen favores a veces.
We weren't quite ready for you, if you want to know the truth.
No estábamos preparados contigo, si quieres saber la verdad.
If you want to know the truth, I've always envied Ottavio!
¡ Si lo quieres saber, yo siempre he envidiado a Ottavio!
Well, if you want to know the truth... we had no choice but to come to Mortville.
Bueno, si quieres saber la verdad no teniamos otra opcion que venir a Mortville.
I feel like the village idiot if you want to know the truth.
Me siento como... el tonto del pueblo. Esa es la verdad.
Most of my stuff hasn't been that great, if you want to know the truth.
La mayoria de mis cosas no han sido buenas, si quieres saber la verdad.
Even if you make fun of it. Nd if you want to know the truth...
Y si quieres conocer la verdad...
Yeah, Fine boys, fine, Both of'em quite a credit to this little town, if you want to know the truth,
Así es, Buenos muchachos, los dos un orgullo para este pueblo, si quiere saber la verdad,
It ´ s highly unlikely, if you want to know the truth.
Es casi imposible, si quieres saber la verdad.
Well yeah, it's sort of pointless me breathing in and out if you want to know the truth.
A decir verdad, ya no tiene sentido que respire.
" Alguno de los pacientes también han sido tratados por infecciones virales - -Probablemente por ejercitarse mucho, si quieres saber la verdad.
If you want to know the truth, come to my house tomorrow.
Si quiere saber la verdad, venga mañana a mi casa.
He loved it too much, if you want to know the truth.
En verdad que le gustaba demasiado.
If you want to know the truth, I'm surprised you came back.
Si quiere saber la verdad, me sorprende que haya regresado.
That sums up the general thinking out there, if you want to know the truth.
Eso resume lo que piensa la gente, si quieres que te diga la verdad.
Si quieres saber la verdad, he estado teniendo una aventura.
If you want to know the truth... he stole her from Samuel before the war.
La verdad es que se la robó a Samuel antes de la guerra.
If you want to know the truth, he was kind of lousy in bed.
Si quieres saber la verdad era bastante malo en la cama.
If you want to know the truth, man, I'd give anything to have Christine back.
Si quieres saber la verdad, daría cualquier cosa por tener a Christine.
Hey, Monty jerk, I want a divorce and if you want to know the truth, this baby don't belong to you.
Monty, quiero divorciar. Y si lo quieres saber, el bebe no es tuyo.
And if you want to know the truth, why don't you talk to Judith Lessiter?
Si quiere la verdad, ¿ por qué no habla con Judith Lessiter?
You're sad, you're weak, and you're... you're shorter, if you want to know the truth.
Estás triste y débil y eres... más bajo si quieres saber la verdad.
If you want to know the truth, then please read it.
Si quieres saberla verdad, léelo, por favor.
If you want to know the truth, I'll tell you.
Si quieres saber la verdad, te la diré.
Okay, listen, you know, if you want to know the truth, my mother has this connection with the kid and that card.
Escucha si quieres saber la verdad mi madre tiene una conexión con la niña y esa tarjeta.
B.B. : We got a lot of lazy people if you want to know the truth.
A decir verdad, tenemos un montón de gente holgazana.
We got a lot of lazy people if you want to know the truth.
A decir verdad, tenemos un montón de holgazanes.
If he tells me what I want to know, if he tells me the truth, I give you my word I'll go easy on him.
Si me dice lo que quiero saber, si me dice la verdad le prometo que saldrá beneficiado.
If you really want to know the truth I'm doin'fine
Si quieren saber / a verdad Estoy muy bien
I think it's positively awful, if you really want to know the truth.
De hecho, me parece horrible.
I want you to know that if you tell me the truth, I will protect you.
Quiero que sepa que si me dice la verdad, yo lo protegeré.
But if you try to call me tonight and I'm not here... I want you to know the truth.
Pero... si llamas hoy por la noche y no estoy aquí quiero decirte la verdad.
If you want to know the honest truth, it's Stephen Carter I feel sorry for.
Si quiere conocer la verdad, es por Stephen Carter por quien siento lástima.
- Well, uh, Hyacinth Macaws, if you want to know the absolute truth.
Loros Jacinto, si quieres saber la verdad.
If you want to know the honest truth, Doc, you never completely get over a woman you really cared about.
Si quieres saber la verdad, doctor, nunca llegas a olvidarte de una mujer que te importó.
You know, if you're telling the truth... you want this machine to work.
Si dice la verdad, querrá que esta máquina funcione.
If you must know the truth, I didn't want to lose a good assistant.
Si quieres la verdad, no quería perder una buena asistente.
Remember when I asked you if you'd want to know the truth no matter what?
¿ Recuerda que le pregunté si le gustaría saber la verdad fuera lo que fuera?
Well, if you really want to know the truth, I do have a secret that I would like to share with you.
Pues si en serio quieres saber la verdad tengo un secreto que quisiera compartir contigo.
To tell you the truth, kid, I don't know if I want to go anymore.
Para ser franco, muchacho, no sé si quiero ir.

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