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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / Ime

Ime Çeviri İspanyolca

227 parallel translation
- Siegfried, my husband gave it to me!
Sigfrido, mi esposo, ime lo regalo!
I don't care, no one may pass through!
iNo es más que un ramo de flores! iMe importa un bledo! iNadie puede pasar!
they are trying to trap me, Bibikoff!
- iMe han preparado una trampa! - ¿ Una trampa?
iMe ayuda? Estoy en problemas.
That puts me in a peculiar hole.
iMe pone en un brete!
I said I am taking the 9 o'clock...
iMe voy en el tren de las 9!
I don't care if you've been after her. Our lives are at stake!
iMe da igual que lleves 6 años con ella!
Say, would you've taken me if I were big, like Mummy?
dime, WOlf9an9, ime hUbient llevado si fuese tan grande como mamá?
Come again soon, okay?
Re9leta plOntO, ime Oyet?
Immediately, you hear?
De inmediato, ime Oyet?
Would you let me have another piece of bread?
ime pOdlía dal OtlO tlOlO de pan?
And watch out for low-flying bombers, you hear?
Y ten cuidado con los aviones aUe vuelan bajo, ime Oyet?
- I'll get shot.
- iMe matarán!
- It sounds wonderful!
- iMe parece estupendo!
- l'd feel better to be out there on that wall.
ime encontrarla mejor ahi fuera!
Maybe I like it here. - l don't care what you like.
Quizas me quiera quedar. - iMe da Io mismo!
It's an order, do you understand me?
ES Una Olden, ime entiendes?
He socked me.
iMe ha querido matar!
Hate you all for leaving me! I'm out!
iMe dejasteis pero salgo!
ime feel love and so happy!
iMe siento enamorada y tan feliz!
ime you said that was the Minnie little mouse!
iMe has dicho que era la ratoncita Minnie!
And that's the farewell song, long ime!
Y esa es la canción de despedida, ime largo!
I liked it, I liked it, I liked it!
iMaldita seas, me gusta! iMe gusto, me encanto!
- Gee, I can hardly wait to meet him.
- iMe muero por conocerlo!
You're driving me crazy!
- Ime vas a volver loca!
First the noise in the street, and now the row at home. It's driving me mad!
Primero el ruido en la calle, y ahora este escándalo aquí. iMe vuelvo loco!
I do understand, but we have to realise, that if we quit now, the management will be rubbing their hands.
Entiendo, pero no debemos olvidar que, si abandonamos ahora, la dirección se va a frotar las manos. - iMe importa un bledo!
You hear me?
ime oyen?
I'm dyin'!
ime muero!
You insult me?
ime esta'insultando?
I'm hit, Rainbow Leader!
ime han dado, Rainbow 1!
I'm hit, I'm hit!
ime han dado!
and now that I I read it it... in the future... to me, it... its as if... it has a... for me... the last... at the end, it ends, and of the sonnects this one... me, it... the last one, it... its because me, it... well, YOU it doesnt, you it doesnt, me it DOES do,... each one has, me, I, I I I I I I...
y ahora que lo lo leo me... en el futuro... a mí me... es como si... tiene una... para mí... el último... al final, termina, y de los sonectos... este... a mí me... el último me... es que a mí me... bueno, a vos no, a vos no te, a mí sí me,... cada cual tiene, a mí me me me me me me me me... ime gusta!
I don't like those. They make me pregnant.
IMe quedaré embarazado!
How good to see you!
iMe alegro de verlo!
I used to hide and you never found me!
iMe escondía y nunca me encontrabas!
it's just my imagination?
OO de la mañana... ime lo estoy imaginando?
Now. will you just listen?
iMe vas a escuchar?
Are you listening?
iMe estás escuchando?
Hold on. will you?
iMe esperan, por favor?
- Good to see you, mate!
- iMe alegro de verte, amigo!
- I like it.
- iMe gusta!
- And this? - Rejected again!
- iMe Io ha rechazado la editorial!
Fucking God Almighty! My jug!
iMe cago en los que han cavado la sepultura al señor!
- I don't give a damn!
iMe da igual!
I'll be damned.
iMe cago en la leche, coño!
- I can't anymore. - Push!
{ \ cHFFFFFF } - iMe tiene cogida!
Come back! I'll get you for this, David Gardner!
iVuelvei ime las pagarás, David Gardneri imaldita seai
Alan Quartermain, ime Ilevas donde mi padre, por favor?
I'm dying. Hurry up.
iMe muero!
I am leaving right now!
Si quieres que me vaya, sé más directo. iMe voy! Hoy mismo.

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