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Imsi Çeviri İspanyolca

17 parallel translation
Yeah, and I guess the bureau can live without an IMSI GSM scanner for a few hours.
Sí, y apuesto que los federales pueden vivir sin un escáner IMSI GSM por unas horas.
Sat phone... better reception on the roof, but we have directional IMSI capability, so we can just pick up their communications.
- Telefono satelital... mejor recepción en el techo Pero tenemos capacidad de IMSI direccional, entonces podemos recoger sus comunicaciones.
IMSI activity.
Actividad IMSI.
All you need is technology that is readily available, called an IMSI catcher, that can intercept your phone's meta data remotely.
Basta con una tecnología que hay disponible llamada IMSI catcher que intercepta la metadata de tu teléfono remotamente.
Every phone has what's called am IMSI, Mm-hmm. Uh, which is actually for the SIM card.
Todos los teléfonos tienen el llamado IMSI que es para la tarjeta SIM.
IMSI catchers masquerade as the legitimate cell phone tower. Mm-hmm.
Los IMSI catchers se disfrazan como una torre celular.
So, when you're saying, "Hey, cell phone tower, can you hear me?" Instead, a man in the middle, somebody with an IMSI catcher in the trunk of their car, in a briefcase, in their office has it send a louder signal back to you Uh-huh. Than the cell phone tower and say, "I'm the cell phone tower."
Y cuando dices : "Torre celular, ¿ me escuchas?" un intermediario con un IMSI catcher en el maletero de su auto, maletín u oficina te envía una señal más fuerte que la de la torre celular y dice que es la torre celular.
How hard is it to... to make or buy an IMSI catcher?
¿ Es difícil comprar un IMSI catcher?
Really? Now, the use of IMSI catchers by police recently caused international headlines when a newspaper in Norway attempted to track the amount of IMSI catchers in Oslo, and actually found so many that they questioned if their tracker was working properly.
El uso de los IMSI catchers por la policía recientemente causó titulares internacionales cuando un diario de Noruega rastreó los IMSI catchers en Oslo y encontró tantos, que dudó de su rastreador.
In five places in Oslo, uh, the measurements were so serious that I could say with a high probability that there was IMSI catchers.
En cinco lugares de Oslo, la medición era tan seria que podía decirse con alta probabilidad que eran IMSI catchers.
Smith : And while the police initially denied using IMSI catchers extensively, in the face of overwhelming evidence, they were eventually forced to admit it.
Y aunque inicialmente la policía negó usar IMSI catchers dadas las abrumadoras evidencias, se vio obligada a admitirlo.
Foss : The police stated that we are using
La policía admitió que usaba IMSI catchers...
IMSI catcher, at minimum, once a week, and that was the first time ever that the police had gone out and stated how often they were using these kinds of equipment.
Fue la primera vez que la policía admitía la frecuencia con la que usaba estos equipos.
Shenanigans was a project to mount on airplanes an IMSI catcher and fly it around the city.
Shenanigans era un proyecto para montar un IMSI catcher en aviones para sobrevolar las ciudades.
The IMSl number.
El número IMSI.
In fact, in New York City alone,
Solo en Nueva York la policía usó IMSI catchers más de mil veces desde 2008.
IMSI catchers have been used more than a thousand times by police since 2008, and that's just the tip of the iceberg, as they're now being used all around us all the time.
Y eso es solo la punta del iceberg ya que ahora nos están rodeando todo el tiempo.

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