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Inexplicable Çeviri İspanyolca

839 parallel translation
He developed an unexplainable appetite for pumpkin pie.
Él desarrolló un apetito inexplicable para pastel de calabaza.
I have such an inexplicable fear...! "
¡ Tengo un miedo inexplicable...! "
I do not know what secret he is going to give us.
¡ Estamos ante un misterio inexplicable!
" I'm coming to you because I'm totally distraught! ...... Tormented by inexplicable fears...!
Vine porque estoy completamente alterado.
Your presence of mind is a mystery to me.
Su presencia de ánimo me resulta inexplicable.
This would all be quite inexplicable had you not incurred on that young lady's behalf expenses that far exceeded your known sources of income.
No saldría a relucir si no hubiese realizado por esa persona unos gastos muy superiores a sus ingresos reconocidos.
It was totally inexplicable.
Era totalmente inexplicable
The police arrested him and confiscated all the stolen goods, but he managed to escape in an inexplainable manner.
La policía le arrestó y confiscó todo lo robado, pero se las arreglo para escapar de forma inexplicable.
These incidents are really inexplicable.
Estos numerosos incidentes son inexplicables.
- Madame, it's inexplicable.
- Señora, es incomprensible.
You know me, I do inexplicable things.
¿ Sabes? Yo hago cosas que no tienen explicación...
It's just inexplicable to me, why.
No puedo entender por qué.
This was the beginning of a swift, eventful, and inexpressibly strange life.
Así comenzó una extraña vida, inexplicable, densa y heterogénea que se desarrolló vertiginosamente.
It must be a cabal.
Si no, ¡ es inexplicable!
I, your Wizard per ardua ad alta am about to embark upon a hazardous and technically unexplainable journey into the outer stratosphere!
Yo, vuestro Mago per ardua ad alta voy a emprender un viaje arriesgado y técnicamente inexplicable. ... hacia la estratosfera exterior.
They've conceived a misguided affection for you.
Le han cogido un cariño inexplicable.
Oh what connection can he have with Judge Brisson and Lady Penrose?
Pero en todos los casos es algo vago e inexplicable. ¿ Y qué relación tiene con el juez y con Lady Penrose?
A strange sense of fear for which he could not account came over him at the sight of Basil Hallward and prevented him from making any sign of recognition.
Una extraña e inexplicable sensación de miedo se apoderó de él al cruzarse con Basil Hallward y evitó hacer ningún signo de reconocimiento.
There are times, Holmes, when your behavior is utterly inexplicable.
Hay veces que no comprendo su conducta, Holmes.
Something shocking and inexplicable.
Algo sorprendente e inexplicable.
And yet, a calf a simple calf, with one head, such as yours or mine... It's very strange, in fact inexplicable, when you think about it.
Sin embargo... un ternero normal y corriente, con una cabeza como usted y yo, es algo extraño e inexplicable.
This is inexplicable even to you with your vast ecclesiastical knowledge.
Esto es inexplicable incluso para usted con su vasto conocimiento eclesiástico.
I just have the most inexplicable feeling of happiness.
Tengo el más inexplicable sentimiento de felicidad.
Oh, it offends me to the soul to hear a robustious, periwig-pated fellow... tear a passion to tatters to split the ears of the groundlings, who, for the most part, are capable of nothing... but inexplicable dumb shows and noise.
Me ofende en el alma oír a un individuo tosco y con peluca hacer jirones una pasión, aturdir los oídos del vulgo, siendo por demás incapaz de hacer nada, salvo obras inexplicables y ruido.
Orpheus and his guide trudge on, at every turn forced back and forced on by a great and inexplicable breath.
Orfeo y su guía caminan con dificultad, forzados a retroceder y luego atraídos por un gran soplo, inexplicable.
The deputy head was much troubled by this inexplicable business
El delegado estuvo muy preocupado, por está historia incomprensible.
By some premonition I can't explain, I understood that God didn't want me to die without knowing something of this risk. Just enough for my sacrifice to be complete when it's time came.
Por un presentimiento inexplicable, comprendí también que Dios no quería que muriese sin conocer ese riesgo, para que mi sacrificio fuera total.
Reports have come in from all over the globe of inexplicable objects being sighted in the sky.
Han llegado noticias de todo el mundo de objetos inexplicables vistos en el cielo.
- To me it's inexplicable!
- ¡ Me parece inexplicable!
Sure, that's nothing serious. But there are inexplicable things that may not be doubted.
Pero hay cosas inexplicables que no pueden ponerse en duda.
I asked nobody to say anything because it's inexplicable.
Pedí a todos que nada te dijeran porque fue algo imposible de explicar.
Whatever that inexplicable phenomenon in your hand may be... you hand over that inexplicable phenomenon to me!
Lo que sea ese fenómeno inexplicable que tienes allí... ¡ entrégame ese fenómeno inexplicable a mí!
Fourth, unexplained wreckage off the coast of Massachusetts.
Cuarto, la inexplicable destrucción del litoral de Massachusetts.
"Your inexplicable refusal has made me face reality."
Por su rechazo inexplicable he tomado una decisión.
A substance so strange, so inexplicable and alarming... that the best minds in the nation had to be called upon to solve the problem.
Una sustancia tan extraña, tan inexplicable y alarmante... que llamaron a las mentes más brillantes del país para resolver el problema.
There are mysteries all around us - stirring, wonderful, inexplicable.
Estamos rodeados de misterios : Conmovedores, maravillosos, inexplicables.
If I may offer.. a few words of comfort At the grave of this poor, poor, under-age child... who was taken from his suffering mother... on the last day of the year... in such a strange and inexplicable way...
Knobbe... y aún cuando yo pueda... pronunciar unas palabras de consuelo... junto a la tumba de este pobre, pobre menor... que ha sido arrebatado a su apenada madre... el último día del año... de una forma tan extraña, tan inexplicable...
" Why must there be such inexplicable pain?
"Entonces una luz, ilumino mi pensamiento"
In the 2000 centuries since that unexplained catastrophe even their cloud-piercing towers of... Of glass and porcelain and adamantine steel have crumbled back into the soil of Altair-4, and nothing absolutely nothing, remains above ground.
Transcurridos dos mil siglos de esa inexplicable catástrofe hasta sus torres de cristal y porcelana y de acero se han desmoronado sobre el suelo de Altair-4 y nada absolutamente nada ha quedado en pie.
You had just become aware... of a curious, unexplainable, epidemic mass hysteria.
Acabas de ser advertido... acerca de una curiosa, inexplicable, epidemia de histeria colectiva.
This unexplainable layer exists in all seas.
Esta capa inexplicable existe en todos los mares.
And the facts are that you have, for some unaccountable reason... become enamored of this outsize amoeba.
Y la verdad es que, por alguna razón inexplicable... te has enamorado de esta ameba gigante.
Isn't it the scientist who always calls what he can't explain otherwise... by the word "coincidence"?
¿ No usan ustedes, los científicos, para explicar lo inexplicable... la palabra "coincidencia"?
Your dumbness seems to be inexplicable.
No veo explicación para su mudez.
Your husband is of the opinion that there really are inexplicable forces.
Su marido opina que existen unas fuerzas inexplicables.
The inexplicable.
Lo inexplicable.
An inexplicable notion that Bjørn's in danger.
La impresión inexplicable de que Osso está en peligro.
You are interested in the unknown, the mysterious, the unexplainable.
Ya que está interesado en conocer lo misterioso, lo inexplicable.
Like the inexplicable, mysterious control which keeps a colony of ants functioning in perfect unity back on Earth.
Como el inexplicable y misterioso control que consigue que unas hormigas trabajen al unísono en la Tierra.
It just won't work!
¡ Es inexplicable!
Sometimes there are inexplicable facts.
Claro, eso no es nada grave.

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