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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / Iolaus

Iolaus Çeviri İspanyolca

177 parallel translation
- Iolaus!
- ¡ Dealaos!
Take care of Iolaus.
Tú quédate aquí.
Deianira... Iolaus, prepare the horses as quickly as you can!
¡ Dealaos, prepara mi caballo inmediatamente!
Iolaus! This belongs to Filarete?
Debemos estar en medio de la tierra de las Amazonas.
Iolaus, what do you think?
Iolaus, ¿ qué opinas?
Come on, Iolaus.
Vamos, Iolaus.
I'm sorry, Iolaus.
Lo siento, Iolaus.
I'm all right, Iolaus.
Estoy bien, Iolaus.
You know, Iolaus?
¿ Sabes, Iolaus?
- Drop it, Iolaus!
- ¡ Olvídalos, Iolaus!
Yo, behind you!
¡ Iolaus, detrás de ti!
Iolaus, it was a joke.
Iolaus, era un chiste.
Come on, Iolaus, it was a joke.
¡ Ay, vamos, Iolaus! ¡ Era una broma!
Iolaus... Look at the road.
Iolaus, mira el camino.
Iolaus, this. Iolaus, that...
Iolaus esto, Iolaus aquello.
¡ Iolaus!
I'm Iolaus.
Soy Iolaus.
- Iolaus.
- Iolaus.
Iolaus is the name of the man I've come to kill.
Iolaus es el nombre del hombre que vine a matar.
You're sure Iolaus is the right target?
- ¿ Estás segura de Iolaus es el indicado?
Nice try, Iolaus, but there are too many of them.
Buen intento, Iolaus, pero ellos son demasiados.
Iolaus is my friend, and so are you.
Iolaus es mi amigo, y tú también.
Iolaus needs my help.
Iolaus necesita mi ayuda.
- It's not the dark I'm afraid of, Iolaus.
- No es a la oscuridad que le temo.
Don't talk to it, Iolaus!
¡ No hables con ella, Iolaus!
Looks like you haven't lost your touch, Iolaus.
Parece que no has perdido tu toque, Iolaus.
For once, you cannot interfere with Iolaus'destiny.
Por una vez, no puedes interferir en el destino de Iolaus.
You have to let Iolaus do this for himself.
Tienes que dejar que Iolaus haga esto solo.
When Iolaus helps me, I don't end up hating him.
Y cuando Iolaus me ayuda no termino odiándolo.
You gave Iolaus too much help, and his injured pride walked him right into this.
Has ayudado demasiado a Iolaus, y su orgullo herido lo metió en esto.
Your friend, Iolaus, and I have had quite a day.
Tu amigo, Iolaus, y yo hemos pasado un tremendo día.
¡ Iolaus!
Iolaus earned his reprieve.
Iolaus se ganó el indulto.
Iolaus, my crazy, irreplaceable friend.
Iolaus, mi loco e irremplazable amigo.
I have to admit, Iolaus.
Tengo que admitirlo, Iolaus.
- Argeus...
- Argeas. - Iolaus.
- Iolaus, run..., get away.
Corre. Vete lejos.
Well, I'm Iolaus and this is my frien...
Ah, bueno. Yo soy Iolaus y él es mi amigo- -
Iolaus, see that catch inside?
Iolaus, ¿ ves ese cierre de adentro?
Hercules... and Iolaus!
Hércules, Iolaus...
Iolaus- -
Iolaus, everything's ok in here.
Iolaus, aquí está todo bien.
You have to promise you won't hurt Hercules or Iolaus.
Tienes que prometerme que no lastimarás a Hércules o a Iolaus.
I'm sorry about Iolaus.
- Lamento lo de Iolaus.
Start Iolaus walking!
¡ Que Iolaus empiece a caminar!
- Iolaus.
His name's Iolaus.
Se llama Iolaus.
Your Majesty, there's a... man in your jail names Iolaus.
Su Majestad, en su prisión hay un hombre que se llama Iolaus.
Iolaus would never do anything like that.
Iolaus nunca haría algo así.
- That boar is bigger than a horse. - It doesn't matter, Iolaus.
Ese jabalí es más grande que un caballo.

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