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Iria Çeviri İspanyolca

294 parallel translation
Perhaps as a fool in a painting among pretty men and women, an effective contrast, with a fool's cap, the hump would fit in quite well, for the people to jeer at for all time!
Tal vez de bufn en un retrato entre bellos hombres y mujeres, un contraste efectivo, con un sombrerete de cascabeles, la joroba iria bien con el sarcasmo de la gente, inmortalizado para siempre!
Them woods is the lastest place I'll ever go.
El Bosque es el último lugar yo iria.
Well, I wouldn't go around saying,
Yo no iria por ahí diciendo :
I'd go where there was cheese, of course.
Iria a donde hay queso, claro.
Zé Iria, I don't know why, but I think you're right.
Zé Iria, no sé por qué, pero creo que tienes razón.
Then it would go hard with Long John if you was to turn it in now.
Le iria mal a Long John si la entregas ahora.
- Maybe I ought to go instead.
- Iria yo en vez de Jjm.
If I was running it, I'd head south and cross the river down there.
Yo iria por eI sur y despues cruzaria el rio.
- Where'd I go?
- A donde iria?
Certainly not! Now why should I go to Paris when I already live in Mexico City?
¿ Por qué iria a París cuando ya vivo en México?
Marja Singh said he would go with them.
Marja Singh dijo que iria con ellos.
No, no, uh... alan is a very busy man.
De cualquier forma, cuando él me dijo que iria a Inglaterra por negocios, me hizo la promesa de llevarme, en la forma que yo quisiera.
If I knew where he was I could go and find him.
Si supiera adonde fue iria por el.
The Duke would go if the Cardinal called him.
El duque también iria si el cardenal le llamara.
Do you go to bed with me for 100 dollars?
¿ Usted iria para cama conmigo por 100 doláres?
If I could take guns... I would go with you.
Si pudiera conseguirlas... iria contigo.
Who did it then?
Quién iria querer su muerte?
If I were born again, I'd go and work.
Si yo naciera de nuevo iria a trabajar.
Even if I had the money, where would I go?
Incluso si tuviese dinero, ¿ dónde iria?
If we just stop and think about ourselves sometimes, everything would be all right, You understand me?
Si nos parasemos y pensaramos en nosotros mismos a veces, todo iria mejor ¿ me entendeis?
I said I wouldn't go, yet you forced me to
Dije que no iria, pero me obligasteis.
You should see Fogarty.
Si fuese tu, iria a ver a Fogarty.
If I were you, I'd stay far from his territory.
si fuera usted me iria de su territorio.
Nice house. Adrian, baby, that's a great spot for a bag.
Bonita casa aqui iria muy bien el saco
If it said that Michael Bradley was going to go bust?
Si decía que Michael Bradley se iria a pique...
- I'll come for you when I can.
- Iria contigo si pudiera.
Or she would pack up and go home.
Simplemente empacaría sus cosas y se iria si no lo fuera!
But not without me.
Pero no se iria sin mi!
He was supposed to leave at dawn, but he may have been disconcerted by what is happening here.
Se suponía que se iria al amanecer, pero puede haberle desconcertado lo que pasa aquí.
Otherwise, she's off to Cuba alone.
De otra forma, se iria a Cuba sola.
Why should I be held responsible?
Porque iria a ser yo el responsable?
Any man would do.
Cualquier hombre me iria muy bien.
Where did the friar go?
Donde dijo el fraile que iria?
If I paid attention to you, I'd look like a clown.
Si te hago caso. Iria como un payaso.
I'd do great if I worked in the theatre.
Si trabajara en el teatro me iria de maravilla.
I mean, I said no to her when she asked me to come live with her, but I can't say no when she asks me to come visit.
Tengo que ir. Le dije que no me iria a vivir con ella, pero no puedo negarme a visitarla.
Look, I never said I was going.
Jamás dije que iria.
With someone I wouldn't normally go with
Con alguien con quien normalmente no iria
Look, I said I'm going and I'm going.
Dije que iria e ire. Y ella va a ir.
If one of you has an hundred sheep and loses one of them, don't you leave the ninety and nine and go after the missing one until you find it?
Si uno de ustedes tuviera cien ovejás, y perdiera una, ¿ No dejaria a las noventa y nueve e iria en busca de la extriaviada hasta hallarla?
She had also promised to come to your party. Don't insist.
Ella tambien prometio que iria a tu fiesta.
If I could beat it, I'd go anywhere.
Si salgo de esto, iria a cualquier parte.
Yes, I would go sailing!
Si, iria a navegar!
I'd have gone to the "Whisky-A-Go-Go"!
Si quisiera la opinion de un travesti, iria a un cabaret.
I wonder what sort of great bird would suit me?
- ¿ Que tipo de chica me iria bien? - ¿ Una ciega?
But that's as far as I would go with this if I were you.
Pero hasta ahi no mas, iria si yo fuera tu.
Not a vote, I won't go that far.
Ningun voto, no iria tan lejos.
I wouldn't go down there.
Yo no iria.
Why are you looking at me like this?
No queria, fue forzado! Ello iria me matar!
What would have you done in my place?
Ello iria me matar!
A boy will be unhappy all his life if he chooses the wrong job.
Lo que quiero decir es que le iria mucho mejor Si escogiera otra ocupación. Pues bien...

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