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Irrational Çeviri İspanyolca

1,206 parallel translation
I hate you talking about all women as irrational creatures.
Odio oírle hablar de las mujeres como si no fuéramos seres racionales.
- I said nothing so irrational.
- No he dicho nada tan irracional.
If you had told us what you had planned, we might have anticipated your irrational behavior.
Si nos hubieras dicho lo que planeabas hubiéramos anticipado tu irracional comportamiento.
Totally irrational, totally disoriented.
Totalmente irracional, totalmente desorientado.
But ever since, they have grown more and more irrational... have gone out of their way to harm us, to seize Centauri territory.
Pero desde entonces, se han vuelto cada vez más irracionales... se han esforzado por hacernos daño, por conquistar territorio Centauri.
Their rage against us is so irrational that they will sacrifice their own people... to get to us. Don't you see?
Su odio es tan irracional que sacrificarían a su propia gente... para destruirnos. ¿ No lo ve?
They are an irrational people, captain.
Son gente irracional, capitán.
- Irrational?
- ¿ Irracional?
- You're being irrational.
Niles, estás siendo tonto e irracional.
Well, I became aware of the harm that irrational beliefs do to people. I wanted to do something about it, and I guess I got bored sitting in the lab.
Supe del daño que estas creencias irracionales hacen a la gente quería hacer algo al respecto y creo que me aburría en el laboratorio.
True loyalty can only be demonstrated through the display of manifest actions... often defiant... when confronted by insurmountable obstacles... in the form of confrontational and irrational enemies.
La verdadera lealtad solo puede ser demostrada a través de acciones a menudo riesgosas, cuando nos enfrentamos a obstáculos insuperables en la lucha contra enemigos violentos e irracionales.
True loyalty can only be demonstrated through the display of manifest actions - often defiant-when confronted by insurmountable obstacles... in the form of confrontational and irrational enemies.
la verdadera lealtad sólo se demuestra con acciones manifiestas... generalmente desafiantes, al enfrentar obstáculos insalvables... que pueden ser enemigos belicosos e irracionales.
Your behavior has been irrational lately.
Tu comportamiento ha sido extraño últimamente.
It's as irrational as avoiding a crack in the sidewalk.
Tan absurdo como evitar una rajadura en la acera.
As a product of three generations of Klan mentality your indoctrination into a world of hate born of irrational fear resulted in diminished mental capacity to determine right from wrong.
Diré que 3 generaciones en el Ku Klux Klan te llenaron de tal odio y tal miedo enfermizo que menoscabaron tu capacidad mental.
But when I grew up, I began to have my own ideas and desires, and if they were opposed to his, he'd go wild and become completely irrational.
Pero cuando crecí tuve mis propias ideas y decisiones Pero si no coincidían, el se ponía furioso, completamente irracional.
He's very irrational.
Está muy irracional.
And because of an irrational fear of science, a preventable disease is allowed to run rampant?
¿ Y por un miedo irracional a la ciencia se permite que una enfermedad prevenible sea rampante?
Quinn says I'm being irrational. He tells us sliding is a random process, not a straight-line journey.
Quinn dice que estoy siendo irracional, que el deslizamiento es un proceso al azar, no un viaje en línea recta.
They'll make you violent, irrational, lonely.
Te volverán violento, irracional y solitario.
Where's the anger? The vicious name-calling? The irrational accusations?
¿ Dónde está el odio, los insultos, las acusaciones sin fundamento?
I had an emotional response- - anxiety, fear- - an almost irrational anger at myself for letting her fall.
Tuve una respuesta emocional. Ansiedad, miedo. Una furia casi irracional por dejarla caer.
That Regressive was completely irrational. He attacked you for no reason.
Ese primitivo te atacó sin razón.
It's his irrational behavior that concerns me.
Es su comportamiento irracional lo que me preocupa.
This man is in an irrational state of mind!
¡ Este hombre es irracional!
Attempting to climb Everest is a completely irrational act.
El intento de escalar el Everest es un acto completamente irracional.
Our feelings are irrational.
Porque son irracionales.
- And you realise it's absurd and irrational?
- Es absurdo e irracional.
So he surrenders himself to the most irrational desire... known to mankind.
De modo que se rinde al deseo más irracional... que conoce la humanidad.
it's like that, irrational, genetic.
Es así, es irracional, es genético.
On the other hand the unsystematic type can be virtually irrational in his movements.
Por otro lado el tipo no sistemático puede ser prácticamente irracional en sus movimientos.
Sir, he's highly irrational.
Señor, él es altamente irracional.
It is also a powerful and irrational master.
Es también un poderoso e irracional maestro.
That was irrational of you.
Ha sido irracional de tu parte.
Your wife has an irrational jealousy, I get punished for it and all you can say is you're sorry?
¿ Tu esposa tiene celos irracionales, a mí me castigan y lo único que dices es que lo sientes?
Irreversible, irreparable, irrational ruin!
Irreversible, irreparable, irracional. La ruina.
To write him off before he's even started... well, that's irrational, even for you, Henry.
Condenarlo antes incluso de empezar... bueno, es irracional, incluso para ti, Henry.
He fires on his own ships and you're calling me irrational?
¿ Le dispara a sus propias naves y me llamas a mí irracional?
I'm irrational that way.
Soy así de irracional.
Anyway, he was being totally irrational.
De todos modos, estuvo totalmente irracional.
Look, The man is irrational.
Mira, el hombre es irracional.
Well, in that problem, the roots turn out to be round numbers, but what if the roots turn out to be irrational?
Pues en el problema la raíz resulta ser un número entero pero si ¿ la raíz resulta ser un número irracional?
This is irrational.
Esto es irracional.
Instincts are irrational, Mr. Wall... and we must follow where they lead, yes.
Los instintos son irracionales, Sr. Pared... y debemos seguirlos adonde nos lleven, sí.
I want someone to get irrational over me.
Quiero que sea irracional por mí.
It's an irrational act.
Es un acto irracional.
No one dictates humiliating and irrational edicts to my family.
- ¡ Oí suficiente!
Well, Safford is clearly irrational. Recently, he wandered off.
Recientemente, él estaba vagando.
Wildly irrational.
Salvajemente irracional.
Is she irrational?
¿ Es agresiva?
¿ Irracional?

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