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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / Is none of your business

Is none of your business Çeviri İspanyolca

959 parallel translation
My wife's body is none of your business!
El cuerpo de mi esposa no es asunto tuyo!
Though you're a neighbour and my friend, I must say this is none of your business. It isn't?
César, aunque sea mi vecino y mi amigo Debo decirle que este no es su problema
It is none of your business.
No te incumbe.
Where I go or what I do is none of your business.
Adonde voyy lo que hago no es asunto suyo.
- This is none of your business.
- Éste no es asunto tuyo.
- That, too, is none of your business.
- Eso tampoco es asunto tuyo.
My blouse is none of your business.
Mi blusa no es asunto suyo.
What goes on between me and Del is none of your business. I told you that a long time ago.
Mi relación con Del no te incumbe. ¡ Ya lo sabes!
What I do is none of your business.
No es asunto suyo.
And what I do from now on is none of your business.
Y lo que haga ahora no es de tu incumbencia.
What I said is none of your business.
Esto no es asunto suyo.
Austin no es mi hijo y él no es tu hijo, y toda la cosa no es de tu incumbencia.
You stay out of it. This is none of your business.
Tú no te metas en esto, no es asunto tuyo.
You're quite right, Mrs. Hawkins. It is none of your business.
Tiene mucha razón, señora, a usted no le incumbe.
It is none of your business why I tried to kill myself.
No es asunto suyo por qué trato de suicidarme.
- That is none of your business.
- Eso no es asunto tuyo.
Is none of your business.
No es asunto suyo.
- Is none of your business.
- No es asunto suyo.
That is none of your business.
- Eso no es asunto suyo.
- Yeah? Has it ever occurred to you, aside from certain medical considerations... that most of this is none of your business?
¿ No has pensado, aparte de las cuestiones médicas... que esto no es asunto tuyo?
Go home this is none of your business.
Regresen a su casa. No es para ustedes este asunto.
What I clock up at night is none of your business.
Lo que yo hago de noche no tiene por qué interesarle.
My life is none of your business.
Mi vida no es asunto suyo.
Shut up.. what I do is none of your business.
¡ Cállate! ¡ No te importa!
This is none of your business, Al.
Esto no es asunto tuyo, Al.
What Ms. Fiorini does is none of your business. You come here and what you do?
Lo que haga la señora Fiorini no es de tu incumbencia.
This is none of your business.
Esto no es asunto tuyo.
This is none of your business.
A Ud. que le importa.
This is none of your business.
Pero, ¿ qué decís?
Mac, this is none of your business, we know where we're going.
- Mac, esto no te incumbe. Sabemos lo que hacemos.
This is none of your business!
¡ Eso no es asunto suyo!
Hallie, this is none of your business!
¡ Hallie, eso no es asunto tuyo!
How I make my living is none of your business.
Cómo me gano la vida no es asunto tuyo.
What's between me and your picture is none of your business.
Lo que hay entre yo y su cuadro es asunto mío y de otros.
But how and why I discipline my crew is none of your business.
Pero no es asunto suyo por qué o cómo castigo a mi tripulación.
None of your business. but the only thing that's changed about you is that eyepatch.
No te incumbe. Asuka, dijiste que han pasado catorce años, pero no ha cambiado nada excepto tu parche.
No es asunto tuyo, ¿ verdad?
It's none of your business. Anyhow, this is Lane's paper, And you're investigating Thomas.
Es de Lane, no de Thomas.
This is none of your business.
- No es asunto tuyo.
I'll come right to the point, Monsieur Claudio. What you do with your money is none of my business.
Le diré, haga con su dinero lo que le plazca.
Which is none of your business.
- No es asunto tuyo.
It's none of your business, but since we're what you call "partners in crime" I'll tell you that the firm of Bannister Grisby is insured against the death of either partner.
No es cosa suya, pero como somos lo que se llama "compinches en un delito", le diré que la firma Bannister y Grisby está asegurada... contra la muerte de los socios.
What my wife does is none of your business.
Lo que haga mi mujer no es de tu incumbencia.
# The reason why is, none of your business! #
El por qué Es sólo asunto mío
Your getting married is none of my business,
El que usted se case no es asunto mío,
Evelyn, this is really none of your business.
Evelyn, realmente no es asunto tuyo.
Our business is none of your concern.
El negocio es asunto nuestro.
You know how it is with married... none of your damn business!
Sabes cómo es con... ¡ No es asunto tuyo!
My answer is still, it's none of your damned yankee business
Mi respuesta sigue siendo : "No les incumbe".
Your private life is none of my business, but you're acting very uptight.
Su vida privada no me importa, pero está actuando muy nervioso.
None of your business, since the case is closed.
- No le importa. Es caso cerrado.

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