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Is that what i think it is Çeviri İspanyolca

1,179 parallel translation
- Is that what I think it is?
- ¿ Eso es lo que creo que es?
- Is that what I think it is?
- ¿ Es lo que creo que es?
- Is that what I think it is?
- ¿ Es eso lo que creo que es?
- Is that what I think it is?
- ¿ Eso es lo que parece?
Is that what I think it is?
¿ Eso es lo que creo que es?
is that what I think it is?
¿ Es eso lo que pienso que es?
Is that what I think it is? Yeah.
¿ Es lo que yo creo?
is that what I think it is?
¿ Eso es lo que creo?
Is that what I think it is?
Es lo que creo que es?
Is that what I think it is?
¿ Será eso lo que creo que es?
Is that what I think it is?
¿ Es lo que yo creo que es?
Is that what I think it is?
¿ Es lo que creo?
- Is that what I think it is?
- ¿ Eso es lo que creo?
What happens when people get together is if they aren't all headed in the same direction, toward a particular goal, then things that individuals do kind of get in the way of the whole team, and I think RICHARD : it's really, really important that what we decide be decided as a group.
Cuando la gente está en un equipo si no avanzan en una misma dirección, buscando un objetivo particular, entonces lo que hagan individualmente, terminará harán añicos al equipo, y creo que es muy, muy importante que lo que decidamos sea como equipo.
That's right. It's useless. I think religion is what destroys our society.
- Es inútil, pienso que la religión destruye nuestra sociedad.
And I think what makes it equally hard is that in doing so, you're sort of forced to hold a mirror up to yourselves.
Y creo que al hacer esto realizarán otra tarea igual de difícil, que es como forzarse a verse en el espejo a sí mismos.
That's not what I think it is, Is it?
No es lo que creo, ¿ verdad?
It's just that... what if what I think is great really is great... but it's not as great as something greater?
¿ Pero qué tal si lo que yo creo que es fantástico lo es, pero es menos fantástico que otra cosa?
I want to know what it is you think you will do, now that everything in the world you've ever cared about
¿ Qué piensas hacer... ahora que has perdido todo lo que te importaba...
If I were to say that the beast is made up of flesh and steel... that it could reason and that it could disappear at will... what would you think?
Si dijera que la bestia está hecha de carne y acero... que podría razonar y que podría desaparecer a voluntad... ¿ qué pensarías tú?
Go. What is it about this look that makes you think I know?
¿ Qué te hace pensar que sé?
I... have had a lot of time, see, to... think about what it is... that makes somebody a good parent... and it's about constancy... and it's about... patience, and it's about listening... and it's about pretending to listen... even when you can't listen anymore.
Yo... tuve un montón tiempo para... pensar eso... eso hace a alguien un buen padre... y es acerca de la constancia... y es acerca de la... paciencia, y es acerca de escuchar... y es acerca de querer escuchar... hasta cuando no podes escuchar mas.
And it wasn't about winning challenges, it was about strategizing. And that's what this is all about. And I think she deserved it.
Y es estrategia y no fue por ganar reto, fue por planear estrategia y de eso se trata este juego y creo que se lo merece.
Yeah, I don't think that's what it is.
Sí... no creo que se trate precisamente de eso.
I still think there's lots of people who don't quite get what it is that's so exciting about Linux.
Todavía creo que hay mucha gente que no entiende que es tan excitante sobre Linux.
Show me a piece of code that does that. Something that's tangible that I can test myself so I can try it out and I can think about what it is. Instead of just talking abstractly about a topic all day.
Enséñame algo concreto, envíame un fragmento de código, algo tangible que yo mismo pueda probar para hacerme una idea de que se trata en vez de pasarte el día entero hablando del asunto de forma abstracta
I hate to say I told you so... did we sack Shane MacGowan there is the question no... it's just never as simple as that what actully happened was it was becoming very obvious that the band wanted to carry on playing at something if they think they paid a high price now you know...
No pensaban que pagaban un alto precio... si es que lo piensan ahora...
What the hell is that? Think about how I feel about it.
¿ Y a mí qué me cuentas?
I think perhaps I realized that what I was looking for... ... this is the place to find it.
Tal vez comprendí que lo que andaba buscando, tenía que encontrarlo aquí.
That is what I think it is.
Eso es lo que creo que es.
Yeah, I don't think that's what it is.
NO, no creo que sea eso.
Brennan, no quiero que pienses que esto es algo diferente de lo que es.
Please, son, I beg you, think about what it is that you're doing.
Por favor, te ruego, piensa en lo que estas haciendo.
If that scroll is what I think it is the world could be in a lot of trouble.
Si ese pergamino es lo que creo que es el mundo podría estar en grandes problemas.
Maybe they're doing the same thing, and we're gonna have a whole new camp. Yup, I think that's what it is.
Tal vez hacen lo mismo y tendremos un campamento nuevo.
Yup, I think that's what it is. JERRI :
- Si creo que eso es.
That better not be what I think it is.
Ojalá eso no sea lo que creo que es.
- ls that what I think it is?
- ¿ Esto es lo que pienso que es?
Is that what I think it is?
¿ Es lo que creo que es?
Only I think that perhaps, only your and, let us have small chance to stop it That is everything what I say
Sólo pienso que tal vez, sólo tu y yo, tengamos una pequeña chance de pararlo Eso es todo lo que digo
And that's what I think that it's all based on, is the whole idea that, "Keep everyone afraid and they'll consume."
Creo que de eso se trata. Mantengamos a todos asustados y consumirán.
I to think that somewhere down deep he knows what he was doing he knows it was against a lot of first principles which is why so much his masked and hidden there's so much distrust it's a very very sad way to go to your life
Pienso, que en lo más profundo de su ser, el sabe lo que estaba haciendo Sabe que iba contra muchos principios básicos... Por lo cual siempre está escondido detrás de una máscara y es tan desconfiado.
You know, I think what we're seeing here is that humor, while so often a tonic, can be a poison to those unprepared to take it.
Saben, creo que lo que vemos aquí es que el humor, si bien es a menudo un tónico puede ser un veneno para quienes no están listos a recibirlo.
No, I think that this is what you wanna do. I think it's great!
No, creo que si esto es lo que quieres hacer, es excelente.
If it's what I think it is, none of that'll matter.
Si es lo que pienso, nada de eso importará.
I think the question is, what is it that you know about him?
La pregunta es... ¿ qué sabes tú de él?
So, what I think about... Is that I couId empty my drawer Into my knapsack... on Saturday, when I close out. No one would know about it.
Así, que pienso en que podría vaciar mi caja en mi mochila el sábado, cuando la cierre.
I think what people mean when they say that... Is that you deal with whatever pain that you have by building a bridge over it... With all the things that life hasn't taken away from you.
Lo que la gente quiere decir cuando dice eso... es que superas cualquier dolor que tengas construyendo un puente sobre él... con todas las cosas que la vida aún no te ha quitado.
It stops right there and it continues right here, because I think what Mitch is trying to say is that true love is blind.
y se detiene justo aquí y continúa con esto, porque creo que lo que Mitch trata de decir es que el amor verdadero es ciego.
I mean think about it. He's seeing stuff and everyone is telling him he's not. Every time he goes to tell someone they say he's wrong and that he shouldn't be feeling what he's feeling.
716 01 : 10 : 50,779 - - 01 : 10 : 53,748 cada vez que va a contarle a alguien le dicen que esta equivocado y que no debería sentir lo que esta sintiendo.
When I see that, I think of our forefathers fighting to make this country what it is.
Cuando veo eso, pienso que nuestros antepasados pelearon para hacer de este pais lo que es ahora.

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