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Isi Çeviri İspanyolca

343 parallel translation
Easy Weasy.
¡ Isi Wisi!
But I would be much prouder and happier if the one who is really responsible for its success were here to receive the applause she so richly deserves.
Pero estaria mas orgulloso y feliz isi uno de los responsables del éxito estuviera aqui para recibir los aplausos que se merece.
It's Hildy!
iSi es Hildy!
- You haven't seen her yet.
- iSi no la ha visto!
- I wish!
- iSi tUViela!
If only the moon was out, we could at least see the road!
iSi hUbiela luna! pol lO MenOt se podría ver la carreten.
- lf only my heart were free.
iSi mi corazón fuera libre!
He's marvelousI He isI Really.
Es realmente maravilloso.
- Come on, let's go.
- iSi! - ivamos!
Any change of plan, we'll be at Cutner's Point.
iSi algo cambia, estamos en Kutner Point. iAdeIante!
- l can teach'em.
- iSi no saben, Ies ensenare!
Is the boy cured? Open the door!
iSi has salvado al niño, abrid!
It is possible... Isi, yes!
Es posible... iSí, sí!
Why don't you cut out?
iSi te subes a la moto!
Otherwise, daddy.
iSi no! , papi...
If you could have seen how scared I was!
iSi usted ve el miedo que yo tenía!
- Just so, the both of you.
- ¡ ISi, Uds. Dos!
Yes, sir. You son of a...
¡ ISi, señor!
- But she is his wife!
- Isi es su esposa!
If I don't see you again soon, I'm going to die!
iSi no te veo pronto, me morirà ©!
- Shut up! - If I went around saying I was an emperor because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!
Isilenciol - iSi yo fuera diciendo que soy emperador... porque una tia mojada me lanzö una cimitarra, me encerrarian!
- Look, I'm fine!
- ¡ ISi estoy muy bien!
- Yes, let him tackle us single-handed!
- ¡ ISi, dejadle manejarnos con una mano!
- Yes, of course!
- ¡ ISi, por supuesto!
Yeah, like hell it is, Joe!
iSi, claro, Joe!
If you ever set foot in this place again, I will have you thrown out!
iSi vuelves a poner los pies por aquí, haré que te echen a patadas!
- Isi-dore
- Isi-dore
Let them clean their own shit!
iSi están llenos de mierda, que se la limpien ellos!
Right dad, I will get the bailer.
iSi papá, iré enseguida.
- iSi, senori
See that those marines are secure! Yes, sir! All right, move it!
- iOcüpese de que los infantes estén bieni - iSi, senori imuy bien, a moversei iVamosi
Yeah, she was a gypsy fortune teller!
ISi, era una adivina gitana!
- But you're not dressed.
- iSi no estäs vestida!
If I'm not back at the home by 9 they declare me dead and collect my insurance.
iSi no estoy en el hogar a las nueve me declararán muerto y cobrarán el seguro.
If you don't immediately bring me mutton, you will get eaten!
iSi no me traes inmediatamente carne de carnero, te comeré a ti!
Permítame isi Vd. hace eso, yo no puedo vigilar Está en alguna parte... Espere.
If it wasn't for me you'd still be slinging hash and fucking your boss!
iSi no fuera por mí aún serías una mesera y... con tu patrón!
If you blow this CBS will eat your lunch next season and I'll be with them because I'm out of here!
iSi fastidias esto la CBS te comerá vivo la próxima temporada y yo estaré con ellos porque me voy de aquí!
If anyone fucks up our escape I'll make it my mission to put Warden McClusky out of commission!
iSi alguien fastidia nuestra huida yo mismo me encargaré de liquidar al Director McClusky!
Jess has to do her homework tonight so she doesn't leave it for the weekend.
Amy? Jess trebuie sa isi faca tema in seara asta asa nu raman pe week-end.
Um, Casey's taking a nap... and Jess is teaching Samantha how to use a computer.
Um... Casey isi face siesta, si... Jess o invata pe Samantha sa foloseasca calculatorul.
If you told us how important the mission was we'd have loaned you the car straight out.
ISi nos hubiera dicho la importancia de su mision le hubieramos prestado el auto.
If we hadn't spent 30 years hating each other's guts we might have been friends.
ISi no hubieramos pasado 30 años odiandonos pudimos haber sido amigos.
If that man... was my husband!
iSi ese hombre... era mi marido!
If you want, shoot me!
iSi quieres, mátame!
You fuck with us, you accept the consequences!
ÌSi te metes con nosotros, "aceptas las consecuencias" /
Yeah, sure.
{ \ cHFFFFFF } iSi Señor!
Ready when you are, sir!
iSi, senori
This is ridiculous!
iSi se arrepintieran? les ridículo!
isis 48

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