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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / Isn't that enough

Isn't that enough Çeviri İspanyolca

1,301 parallel translation
Isn't that enough already?
¿ No es suficiente?
Isn't that enough now?
¡ Ya basta!
Isn't that enough to start with?
¿ No es suficiente para empezar?
- Isn't that enough?
¿ Es suficiente?
Isn't that enough?
- ¿ Le parece poco?
Although that isn't important, because he was pretty old already... and I think he'll die pretty soon... before you would be big enough to even know him, really... if you know what I mean.
Sin embargo, eso no importa demasiado. Era muy viejo y creo que morirá pronto. Antes de que fueras lo bastante mayor para conocerle...
Isn't that enough to wipe the smile off anybody's face?
¿ No es eso suficiente para borrarle la sonrisa de la cara a cualquiera?
Isn't that enough for starters?
¿ No es suficiente para comenzar?
"I see. In that case, sir, it isn't good enough."
"Aún así, señor, no se justifica".
tsk. that isn't really good enough.
Eso no es suficiente.
I got enough, I don't want anything that isn't mine.
Me voy a enfadar, no quiero nada que no sea mío.
That isn't tight enough.
No está muy ajustado.
That's enough, isn't it?
Es todo, ¿ no?
Isn't that enough?
Pero cómo ¿ no te basta?
I'm sorry that isn't enough.
Lo siento, no es suficiente.
Isn't that enough?
¿ Es poco?
I captured the entire Confederate Army all by myself. Now isn't that enough?
He capturado todo el ejército confederado todo yo solo. ¿ Ahora no es eso suficiente?
Isn't that sinister enough for you?
¿ No le parece ya bastante siniestro?
- Isn't that good enough for ya?
-? No te basta? - Sí,?
That's more than enough, isn't it?
Es más que suficiente, ¿ no?
Isn't it enough that they murdered my husband?
No les fue suficiente asesinar a mi marido?
Isn't that enough?
¿ No es suficiente?
Isn't that enough reason for you?
¿ No es motivo suficiente para ti?
You're free. Isn't that good enough?
Está libre. ¿ No es suficiente?
Isn't that enough?
¿ No es eso suficiente?
[But Tritoni knows that this isn't enough.]
Pero los hombres no bastan, y Tritoni lo sabe.
Well, unless they treat their tribbles, too, that ship isn't going to be big enough for all of them.
Bueno, a menos que traten también a sus tribbles... su nave no será lo suficientemente grande para todos.
Isn't that enough to convince you he's not right in the mind?
¿ No es suficiente para convencerte de que está loco?
We've been a minority party since'52. Isn't that enough?
Somos un partido minoritario desde el 52. ¿ No es suficiente?
- I know it isn't- - - Do you know what it is like... to patch up... to repair sick, broken people... knowing that the Germans are going to butcher them... because they are not well enough to work.
- Sé que no es- - - ¿ Sabes lo que es... coser... remendar a gente enferma, deshecha... sabiendo que los alemanes los van a masacrar... porque no están sanos para trabajar?
That isn't enough. - Detective.
- Detective.
I love you now, isn't that enough?
Te quiero ahora. ¿ No basta?
That hole in the skylight isn't large enough for a full-sized human being.
El agujero de la claraboya no es lo bastante grande para un adulto.
- Isn't that enough?
- ¿ No es suficiente?
If that isn't enough, there's microphones, electric eyes, pressure-sensitive mats, vibration detectors, tear gas, and even thermostats that detect the slightest rise in temperature.
Si con eso no basta, hay micrófonos, ojos electrónicos, alfombras piezosensibles, detectores de vibraciones, gas lacrimógeno y hasta termostatos que detectan el más mínimo aumento de temperatura.
It smells musty enough. That isn't all must, Sarah.
No todo el olor es a cerrado, alguno es a momia.
Just a minute. That isn't strong enough?
¿ No es resistente?
Isn't that enough?
- Os basta, ¿ no?
Isn't that enough for you? Plenty.
No es eso suficiente para usted?
Isn't that enough of a rehearsal?
¿ No es suficiente un ensayo?
Isn't it enough that you caused the death of that poor old man just for your stupid whims?
¿ No le basta haber provocado la muerte de ese pobre anciano por sus imbéciles caprichos?
- Isn't that enough?
- ¿ Después que? ¿ No te basta?
Isn't it enough that you killed him?
¿ No le basta con matarlo?
- I tell you, isn't that enough?
- Te lo digo a ti, ¿ no es bastante?
Jane! That's isn't clean * enough. Put some line *.
Jane, no es suficiente.
Isn't that enough?
- ¿ No es suficiente?
I know that listening to tape recorded instructions isn't enough to put me over.
No, no quiero un sin-lujos. Sé que escuchar las instrucciones grabadas en la cinta no es suficiente para ponerme encima.
Isn't that enough?
¿ Y no es suficiente?
- That's enough, isn't it?
Ya basta, ¿ no?
I just worry that your Tiger Style isn't good enough
Tan sólo me preocupo porque quizás tu Estilo del Tigre no es tan bueno.
- I'll be a priest. Isn't that enough?
Si, pero, ¿ seguirás teniendo derecho a tu asignación?

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