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It's a win Çeviri İspanyolca

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But if we get a streak going, if we take a run at State, these guys will feel what it's like to win and that's something that they will strive for long after high-school basketball is over.
Pero si logramos ganar el campeonato, estos chicos sabrán lo que se siente al ganar y eso es algo por lo que lucharán mucho después de que el baloncesto en el instituto acabe.
Look, Julie, I'm very protective of J.D., so it's gonna take a lot to win me over.
Mira Julie, yo protejo mucho a J.D así que te costará conquistarme.
If he gets us Guerrero, it's win-win.
Si nos consigue a Guerrero, es doble ganancia.
The reason they've asked me to speak Is because it's win month.
La razón por la que me pidieron que hablara es porque es el mes C.I.A.
Well, it's a case I can't win.
En ese caso, no podré ganar.
- It's a win-win situation.
- Todos salimos ganando.
It's not a win-win situation!
¡ Yo no salgo ganando!
It's frustrating, but there will be a Challenge he can not win.
Es frustrante, pero habrá un desafío que no podrá ganar.
Let's just take it as a win right now.
- Tómalo como una victoria por ahora.
It's a no-win situation.
De cualquier forma, pierdes.
I have a broken crotch, you need to get out of the house, it's win-win.
Yo tengo la entrepierna rota y tú necesitas salir de aquí. Ambas ganamos.
Well, you know, if we pull this off, it's gonna be a win for the whole neighborhood. Yeah.
Sabes, si conseguimos hacer ésto va a ser un triunfo para todo el vecindario.
It's a win-win.
Los dos ganamos.
I mean, you know, steph pointed outthat it didn't reallygo with anything elsethat we had, so shepainted it white anddistressed it a bit, and added someantique crystal pulls, but still... a win's a win. You know whatI'm saying.
Quiero decir, sabes, Steph realzó que de verdad no combinaba con nada de lo que teníamos, así que lo pinto de blanco lo lijo un poquito, y le añadió unas tirones de cristal antiguos, pero aun así... una victoria es una victoria.
So it's a win-win for us.
- Así que en cualquier caso ganamos.
I mean, it's a win-win situation.
Quiero decir, es una situación en la que ganamos todos.
You dragged usnto a no-win case- - it's a fair question.
- ¿ Cómo dices? Nos arrastraste hacia un caso perdido. Es una pregunta justa.
# # You got an Alfa-Romero, It's a natural win # #
Tienes un Alfa-Romeo Es un triunfo natural
It's insane for us both to fight over a prize neither of us could win.
Es insano que peleemos por un premio que ninguno puede ganar.
Something classier than this'll win. Because I was thinking the same, and then I was looking down the list of nominees and it's all crap this year, so you've got as good a chance as anyone. No, no.
Ganará alguien con más clase que yo.
Well, then we can run for Congress, so it's win-win.
Y nos podremos dedicar a la política, así que igual salimos ganando.
It's just a game to all those who can win.
Es un juego donde todos pueden ganar.
It's a win-win situation.
- Ganas de todas todas.
OK, yeh, you win it's been a massive?
Ok, tu ganas. Ha sido así desde que mi madre se fue.
property surrounding out is right for the development with your financial backing and Neil's sales experience, it'd be a sure win but we need to go quickly to gain maximum returns excuse me, but do we have to develop it?
propiedad circundante a cabo es el adecuado para el desarrollo con su respaldo financiero y experiencia en ventas de Neil, que sería un triunfo seguro pero tenemos que ir rápidamente a obtener el máximo rendimiento discúlpeme, pero no tenemos que desarrollarlo?
And handling the wheel's a beautiful thing.Trust me, it's win-win.
Y manejar el volante es una cosa preciosa, créeme, una solución que conviene a todo mundo.
It's not a competition, Soph. Although if it was, Mao would probably win.
Aunque si lo fuera, seguramente ganaría Mao
It's a no-win situation.
En esa situación, todos pierden.
Dude, it's a win-win... except for the ditch one.
Hey, es ganar o ganar... excepto por la zanja.
And on top of that, it's a no-win.
Porque, ¿ sabes qué?
That was a perfect Walken... and it's gonna win me the talent show.
Hice el Walken perfecto. - Con eso ganaré el concurso de talento.
And if you win, you'll try to make a little extra until it's gone.
Y si ganas, intentarás ganar un poco más hasta que lo pierdas todo.
But actually, scouting didn't win over the nation's affections gradually. It was an overnight sensation. It all began in 1908 with a best-selling handbook.
En el siglo XX, sólo la Biblia, el Corán, y los pensamientos de Mao, vendieron más copias que Escultismo para Muchachos.
Won't win any awards, but a tech's trying to clean it up, get us a face.
No espero mucho, pero un técnico está mejorándola para darnos un rostro.
I put him out of business, it's a win for both of us.
Si lo saco del negocio, ambos ganamos.
In the end, we knew we'd win. And it's a good thing that we wrote it for the people because - - it's got a lot of holes in it, they say.
Sabíamos que a la larga ganaríamos, y es algo bueno haberla redactado para la gente, porque no tiene que...
I mean, i picked denise for reward, and to have her win twice now and not pick me, it's tough.
Llevé a Denise a la recompensa, ganó de nuevo y no me eligió, es difícil.
Well, if he's gonna take anything from me, he's gonna have to win it, all right?
Si va a tomar algo de mí, va a tener que ganarlo.
Somebody realized there's a war going on, and the only way to win it is in a lab.
Alguien se dio cuenta que hay guerra, y solo aquí la podemos ganar.
It looks like he's going to win this pot.
Parece que vá a ganar esta mano!
What is it? AL GHAZl : It's a small win.
- Es una victoria menor.
That's a bet you're gonna have to win because if we do meet again then that'll be the end of it, you know.
Es una apuesta que vas a tener que ganar, porque si nos volvemos a ver, ese será el final.
The way I see it, it's a win-win proposition.
Para mí, es una propuesta beneficiosa.
The way I see it it " s a win-win.
Creo que todos ganamos así.
It " s a win thing.
Todos ganamos.
It's come to my attention some of you don't believe we can win tomorrow.
Viene a mi atencion que uds crean que no ganaran mañana.
So you think I'm seeing a band, I do my fantasy draft, and it's win-win.
Tú crees que estoy con un grupo, yo estoy con mi equipo ficticio, y los dos contentos.
It's wired into floor security cameras that measure pupil dilation and determine if a win is legitimate or expected.
Está conectado a cámaras que miden la dilatación de las pupilas y determinan si una ganancia es legítima o esperada.
And it's a war we can't win.
Y es una guerra que no podemos ganar.
It's not a fight a person can win.
No es una pelea que una persona pueda ganar.
Now it's on to Washington, and let's win this thing.
Ahora vayamos a Washington, y ganemos esto.

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