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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / It's about

It's about Çeviri İspanyolca

85,298 parallel translation
- No, it's not about the wedding.
- No se trata de la boda.
It's not about you.
No es tu culpa.
Of course it's about me!
¡ Claro que sí!
She clearly cares about you a great deal, Mr Pennyfeather, as do I. But... it's too late.
Ella claramente se preocupa mucho por usted, señor Pennyfeather, Como yo. Pero...
It's 175 more than you get from that Jag that James would be droning on about now, had I not stepped in and saved the day.
Son 175 más... De los que obtienes con ese Jag... Con el que James los estaría aburriendo ahora...
It's about time.
Ya era hora
In fact, it's about the only thing in here that does make a noise.
De hecho, es lo único aquí dentro que hace ruido
If you think about it, it's gonna be Britain versus Germany.
Si lo piensan, va a ser Gran Bretaña contra Alemania
Because it's not that long ago, if you think about early Range Rovers and the like, going fast was actually quite frightening.
Porque hasta no hace mucho tiempo... Si piensan en los primeros Range Rover y demás Ir veloz era de hecho algo que asustaba mucho
- There's no "Ah, well" about it.
- No hay un "Ah bueno" sobre esto
It's about an hour until tomorrow.
Falta alrededor de una hora para mañana.
It's what I like about you.
Es lo que me gusta de ti.
It's one of the things I like about you.
Es una de las cosas que me gustan de ti.
Now it's all about new alliances.
Ahora todo consiste en nuevas alianzas.
It's nothing to be concerned about yet, but we'll keep a close eye on it.
Aún no es nada de lo que preocuparse, pero lo vigilaremos de cerca.
In about 30 seconds, it's not gonna matter.
En unos 30 segundos, eso dará lo mismo.
It's about these new neighbors who move in, and it turns out they eat people.
Es sobre unos nuevos vecinos que se mudan al barrio y resulta que se comen a la gente.
Now it's all about new alliances.
Ahora se trata de establecer nuevas alianzas.
It's not about Six.
No se trata de Seis.
It's about someone else.
Se trata de alguien más.
My point is, after really thinking about it, it's become obvious :
El punto es que después de pensarlo bien, es obvio.
Minutes can turn into hours, and I won't even notice, but if I stop to think about it, it's like starting the clock, and I am aware of every second.
Los minutos pueden convertirse en horas y ni siquiera me doy cuenta, pero si me paro a pensarlo, es como si pusiera en marcha el reloj, y soy consciente de cada segundo.
It's not about Sarah, all right?
No se trata de Sarah, ¿ de acuerdo?
It's one of the things Future Five warned The Android about while she was time-jumping...
Es una de las cosas que Future Five advirtió a la androide mientras saltaba en el tiempo...
It's okay to be scared about what happened.
Está bien tener miedo por lo que pasó.
It's nothing for you to be worried about.
No es nada para que te preocupes.
I'm just thinking about how it's changed everything.
Sólo estoy pensando en cómo ha cambiado todo.
Yeah, well, it's not all about you. This is ridiculous.
Sí, pero no todo se trata de ti.
And it's something no one here seems to give a shit about.
Y parece que a todo el mundo aquí le importa una mierda.
I think it's something that you should talk to your dad about.
Creo que es algo que deberías de hablar con tu papá.
I just don't think that it's my place to talk to you about that sort of thing.
Creo que no me corresponde hablarte de ese tipo de cosas.
That's, obviously, what it's really about at the end of the day.
A final de cuentas, de eso se trata, obviamente.
It's a friendly atmosphere, and you can chat about absolutely anything.
Es una atmósfera amigable y pueden hablar de absolutamente lo que sea.
I've never really thought of it before, but talking about it now, that's what I think.
Nunca antes lo había pensado, pero al mencionarlo ahora, eso se me ocurre.
And that's what it's all about, having some fun, kick a barbecue in the guts.
Lo importante es divertirse y comer carne asada.
And there's not a day that goes by that I don't think about the amount of animals it took for us to serve our menu for the day.
No pasa ni un día en el que no piense en la cantidad de animales necesarios para cumplir con el menú del día.
The Hamburglar says so on my McDonald's placemat, and he would never lie unless it's about stealing delicious hamburgers.
El Hamburglar lo dice en mi salvamantel del McDonald's, y él nunca mentiría a menos de que se trate de robar hamburguesas deliciosas.
Express concerns about the bid rigging. Make it clear that you know it's going on.
Muestra preocupación por las licitaciones deja en claro que sabes lo que sucede.
You're not thinking about bringing Wendy back. It's a done deal, isn't it?
No estás pensando en traer a Wendy de vuelta ya es un hecho, ¿ verdad?
It's funny. Something about a settlement doesn't sit right with me.
Es curioso cómo no termina de convencerme llegar a un acuerdo.
I'm willing to bet he didn't give it a moment's thought, while you've been thinking about it every second of the day, suffering from something you've never felt before.
Apuesto que ni siquiera lo pensó mientras que tú lo has pensado durante cada segundo del día sufriendo por algo que nunca habías sentido antes.
It's just about who I am at this precise moment in time.
... ser reflexivo, calmado y considerado. Se debe a quién soy en este preciso momento.
It's easy when it's about someone else.
Es fácil decírselo a otro...
It's about you, it's hard to know.
Si es sobre uno, es más difícil.
You can tell me about the last few months, how you got here, where you think it's going.
Cuéntame acerca de los últimos meses cómo llegaste ahí, cómo crees que terminará. Sé oír.
- Let's make it about money.
- Que se trate de dinero.
I know it's late, but I expected you earlier, and, well, Freddy has something very important to tell you about someone.
Sé que es tarde, pero esperaba que llegaras antes, y Freddy tiene algo muy importante que decirte sobre alguien.
Just to be clear, this isn't about payback, it's about respect.
Para ser claro, no se trata de revancha, se trata de respeto.
- No, it's not about that.
- No, no se trata de eso.
And anytime she does, all she cares about is tearing me down, and it's like she's trying to ruin everything.
Y si lo hace, su único interés es humillarme. Solo quiere arruinarlo todo.
- It's about time.
Ya era hora.

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