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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / It's been three days

It's been three days Çeviri İspanyolca

316 parallel translation
And here, ever since... it's been almost three days,
... pero usted no se... ha movido de aquí durante casi tres días.
He's been like it three days.
Han sido 3 días.
It's been going for three days.
Lleva así tres días.
It's been three days since that letter disappeared and you still haven't found the slightest trace.
La carta desapareció hace 3 dias y Ud. no ha sido capaz de encontrarla.
It's been three days!
- Hace tres días que te busco.
They've been coming in for three or four days now, looking for protection, but it's blasted little protection they've got.
Han estado llegando y se quedarán por tres o cuatro días, buscando protección, pero lo que tienen es una maldita pequeña protección.
It's been over three days since we've seen each other, Laura.
Hace más de tres días que no nos vemos, Laura.
It's been three days that everything is sold.
Hace tres días que está todo vendido.
My wife and I, for three days, have been telling what we knew. We've been before every committee and commission in Washington. It's time we did something.
Mi mujer y yo llevamos tres días respondiendo ante todas las comisiones.
It's been three days now.
Ya han pasado tres días.
It's been three months, one week, four days.
Han pasado tres meses, una semana y cuatro días.
It's been three days now that Miep hasn't been to see us.
Han pasado tres días sin que Miep haya venido.
It's been three days.
Han pasado tres días.
And the hunger! It's been three days since I and my wife... -.. haven't eaten.
Mi mujer y yo hace tres días que no comemos.
- It's been dead for three days.
- Hace tres días que está muerto.
It's been three days. I want to see you tonight.
Hace tres días que no vienes, y quiero verte esta noche.
It's been three days since you last ate.
Hace tres días que no has probado bocado.
It's been three days now.
Hannes, venga. Te esperan hace tres días.
Let's face it, since I've been three days old,
He sido una niña rica, consentida y egoísta.
It's been three days, sir.
Han pasado tres días, señor.
It's been three days.
Ya van tres días.
"It's been three days since we did it."
Hace 3 días que no lo hacemos.
It's been three days since we left, and Azya has said nothing.
Ya hace tres días que partimos, y Azya no ha dicho nada.
- Robertson, this insect, which normally dies within an hour or two of it's birth has been alive for three whole days.
Robertson, este insecto, que suele morir a las 2 horas de nacer lleva vivo tres días.
It's been three days now
Ya hace tres días.
- Well, anyway, it's been a terrific three days.
Bueno, de todos modos fueron 3 días tremendos.
In fact, in those days, and it's been proved since, three bombs in every 100 got within five miles of the aiming point.
De hecho, en aquellos dias, y se ha demostrado desde entonces, 3 de cada 100 bombas caían dentro de las 5 millas respecto del objetivo.
It's been three days, skipper.
Han pasado tres días.
It has been three days since I broke the back of Moriarty's organisation and there has not been a single letter or a caller worthy of my attention.
Hace tres dias que regresé de ver la organización de Moriarty y no he tenido ni una simple carta, ó una llamada que ocupe mi atención.
Well, I'll tell you, this wound looks like it's been healing for about three days.
Parece que esta herida lleva tres días sanándose.
It's been lying here for three days.
- ¿ Un telegrama?
For three days and nights it's been pushing south.
Hace tres días y tres noches que se extiende hacia el Sur.
It's only been running three days.
Sólo está hace tres días.
Isn`t it strange to you, that only in last few days, has been murdered few persons, all three women? - Let the police do it`s work on peace.
¿ No le resulta extraño que en unos pocos días hayan sido asesinadas tres mujeres?
I can't believe it's only been three days.
No puedo creer que sea solamente en 3 días.
It's been, what, three or four days since your last visit?
¿ Han pasado unos tres o cuatro días desde tu última visita?
It's been three days now
Ya han pasado tres días.
It's three days since I've been looking for him at the paper...
Hace tres días que Io busco enla gaceta.
It's been out here for three days.
Lleva tres días sin recoger la leche.
Jesus, it's been three days already.
¡ Jo, ya han pasado tres días!
It's been like this for three days.
Hace tres días que está así.
It's been three days.
Ya lleva 3 días aquí.
And for three days it's been... swimming up and down in my bathtub.
Y por tres días ha estado nadando en mi bañera.
But it's been raining for three days now.
Pero lleva lloviendo tres días.
But it's only been three days.
- Pero sólo han pasado tres.
- It's been three days, Cap. Hastings.
Ya llevamos tres días, capitán Hastings.
It's only been three days.
Sólo serán tres días.
It's been three days.
Pasaron tres días.
It's been three days, and he hasn't called.
Han pasado tres días y no ha llamado.
It's been three days already.
Han pasado tres días.
I know it's been three days.
Sé que pasaron tres días.

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