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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / It's the law

It's the law Çeviri İspanyolca

2,296 parallel translation
It's against the law.
Sería ilegal.
Yeah, and the next time I looked... Hey, you know it's against the law to spy on people?
¿ Sabía que es ilegal espiar personas?
What, it's against the law to urinate now?
Qué, ¿ va contra la ley orinar ahora?
Well, it's the law when you close a casino.
Bien, es la ley cuando cierras un casino.
And it's the same law all across the world.
Y en todo el mundo es la misma ley.
It's the law.
Es la ley.
You got a problem with your life, the way you lived it, that's your business, but you break the law, that's my business.
Ella tiene un problema con su vida. La manera en que la vive es su problema, pero ha infringido la ley y eso es mi problema
- But it's against the law, Feitosa, damn it!
- ¡ Pero eso es ilegal, Feitosa, mierda!
It's because of this change in the social law, you know?
Este cambio lo tenía en el INPS, ( Instit. de Previsión Social ) ¿ no?
Um, it's the law.
Es la ley.
Whether it be for your sham of a marriage... or the fact that Coach Tanaka's finally laying down the law with regard to Glee Club.
Ya sea por tu matrimonio fingido o por el hecho de que el entrenador Tanaka está poniendo mano dura respecto al coro.
Notre Dame's just the first step. And then it's off to a top five law school, the Justice Department,
Notre Dame es el primer paso, luego a la mejor escuela de leyes.
It's now clear that the Vampire Rights Amendment will not achieve the majority needed to become law.
Ahora mismo está claro que la Enmienda por los Derechos de los Vampiros no logrará la mayoría requerida para convertirse en ley.
Sometimes, it's not about the law at all.
A veces, la ley no tiene nada que ver.
We have a law on our side, we just show them the deed, and they vacate the premises and that's it.
Tenemos la ley de nuestro lado, les enseñamos la escritura ellos desalojan el inmueble, y eso es todo.
It's the law of the jungle.
Es la ley de la selva.
Not really,'cause it's not against the law.
En realidad, no, porque no va contra la ley.
Yes, I understand it's against the law.
Si, entiendo que va en contra de la ley.
Now, the problem with plans like enormous wind farms in Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, the fundamental law with electricity is, is that it's drawn off right where it's used first.
El problema de tener enormes granjas eólicas en Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado la ley fundamental de la electricidad es que se obtiene justo donde primero se usa.
It's a law as fundamental as gravity. It's a law as fundamental as thermodynamics, and if one thinks about it, it might also be viewed as true of the stock market or the financial markets, which go like this, and when they go like this, they automatically go like this.
Es una ley tan fundamental como la gravedad tan fundamental como la termodinámica y si uno lo piensa también podría ser cierta para el mercado de valores o los mercados financieros que van así y cuando van así van así automáticamente.
It's not against the law, so I won't tell you to stop.
No es contra la ley, asi que no te pediré que te detengas
Because it's the law.
Porque es la ley.
Well, if it's not OK, then they should change the law.
Bueno, si no está bien, deben cambiar la ley.
It's the law, you bum.
- Eso está mejor. Vete.
Sometimes it's wrong, sometimes it's right, but we always follow the law.
Algunas veces sale mal algunas veces sale bien pero siempre seguimos la ley.
Katrín Oddsdóttir Lawstudent as long as he hinders us from having elections and as long as he shields David Oddsson who has made such a mess of the nation's finances that it must be a world record.
Katrin Oddsdà © ttir Law studm mientras nos ponga dificultades para tener elecciones y mientras proteja a David Oddsson que ha hecho un desastre tal con las financias de la nación que debe de ser un récord mundial.
It's the law, innit?
- Es la ley, ¿ no es así?
So it turns out that the building's only Asian tenant is Paul Cho, who just happens to be Buckley's ex-brother-in-law. Oh.
El único residente asiático es Paul Cho que resulta ser el ex cuñado de Buckley.
It's against the law.
Es contra la ley.
- Well, it's against the law.
- Pero eso va contra la ley.
Look son-in-law, you're not taking my daughter, my family honour, you don't know about me, I trusted you and gave you my daughter, if there's any alteration in it, with the same hands that washed your feet,
Yerno, no te lleves a mi hija. Está en juego mi honor. Puedo hacer cualquier cosa.
You can't drive like that. It's against the law. You need to book into a garage.
Si estás tan preocupado por mi camioneta, por qué no compras las luces y lo arreglas tú?
It's two bad cops who took half a key of coke from a safe to pay off their debts, acting outside the law.
Son dos malos policías que tomaron 500 gr. de coca de una caja fuerte para pagar sus deudas, actuando fuera de la ley.
It's against the law.
Va en contra de la ley.
People are too spread out, it's far too exposed, and it's lousy with law enforcement thanks to the port across the way.
La gente está muy dispersa, están demasiado expuestos y es deficiente con la aplicación de la ley gracias al puerto cruzando la calle.
It's the first law of landscaping.
Es la primera regla del paisajismo.
It's against the law, Charlotte.
Es ilegal, Charlotte.
It's the law, sweetie.
Es la ley, cariño.
If martial law were enacted here at home, public fears and quelling dissent would be critical, and that's exactly what the Clergy Response Team, as it's called, helped accomplish in New Orleans.
Si la ley marcial fuese decretada aquí en casa, los miedos del público y suprimir la disidencia, sería crítico y eso es exactamente lo que el Equipo de Respuesta del Clero, como se le llama, ayudó a lograr en Nueva Orleans.
The both of you treat the practice of law like it's used cars!
¡ Los dos ejercen el derecho...
What, it's against the law for us to go out on a Wednesday night?
¿ Qué está en contra de la ley que salgamos un miércoles por la noche?
They are not given to us, and they cannot be given away. They most a person can do with a right is choose whether to exercise it or not. Maritime Admiralty Law is what's know as the law of the water.
La definición de la Ley Marítima la explica como una ley privada internacional que gobierna las relaciones entre las entidades privadas que operan navíos en los océanos.
Alright.. I know it's against the law.
Vale... va contra la ley...
Now, you tried to outrun an officer of the law... because you obtained a bag of peyote from a Mexican Indian chief... who thought it would help treat your friend's terminal illness?
¿ Trataron de escapar de un agente... porque un jefe indio mexicano les dio una bolsa de peyote... que creyó que podría ayudar a tratar la enfermedad terminal de su amigo?
So it looks like, you'll be needing to work outside the law now and that's my area of expertise.
Parece que ahora tienes que trabajar por debajo de la ley, - y eso es lo que mejor hago.
But it's funny in our law, we are allowed to use expert witnesses to testify as to literary merit, but we are not allowed to bring in, we will say, the average man to testify that when he reads the book,
Pero es interesante que en nuestra legislatura, podemos traer el... el testimonio de expertos para evaluar el mérito literario, pero no podemos traer, aquello que podemos... llamar, un hombre promedio para testificar que, cuando lee el libro,
It's the future of my law firm.
Es el futuro de mi bufete de abogados.
I thought we agreed hashish shouldn't be illegal. It's the law that's wrong.
Creí que estábamos de acuerdo en que el hachís no debía ser ilegal. es la Ley la que está mal.
It's not about my career, but to the law.
No se trata de mi carrera, sino a la ley.
- It's the law, I can't do anything about it.
Es la ley, no puedo hacer nada al respecto.
It's according to the law.
- Es de acuerdo a la ley.

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