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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / It's time for me to go

It's time for me to go Çeviri İspanyolca

297 parallel translation
We want to have somewhere you can sit, forget everything, go there for some time. I think it's great.
Pero cuando se tiene donde posarse, olvidarlo todo, pasar un buen momento, me parece formidable.
Excuse me, sir? I have to go, it's time for our next case.
Señor, es la hora del siguiente compromiso.
Setting up that motor's the first real fun I've had since I quit business... and it's got me raring to go again for the first time.
Montar ese bote ha sido mi primer trabajo serio desde que dejé los negocios. Eso me ha dado un nuevo impulso.
It's almost time for me to go to work.
Queda una hora para ir al trabajo.
It's time for me to go.
Tengo que irme.
All the time, the guy up there with the book, me, stood there nodding'his head and he said : "Go to it, whack her for me. That's the way I feel too."
Y todo el tiempo el tipo que estaba con el libro, yo, movía la cabeza y decía : "Bien dicho papá, continúa hablándole así porque es lo que yo pienso también".
No, but it's time for me to go.
No, pero es hora de que me vaya.
Your clock thinks it's time for me to go home.
Tu reloj piensa que es hora de que me vaya.
Millions of people right now are pretty happy to be right where they are, but when someone wants to go somewhere else so badly that they'll risk their lives, then it's time for me to help them,
Millones de personas son felices donde están. Pero cuando uno arriesga su vida para ir a otro sitio, entonces me toca ayudar en vez de rechazar.
Well, let's say it's 10 times worse than I think it is now. I'd still go ahead with it because for the first time in my life I'm facing up to something. I kind of like the feeling.
Digamos que si fuese diez veces peor de lo que me imagino, aún así seguiría adelante, porque, por primera vez en mi vida, me estoy enfrentando a algo y me gusta esta sensación.
It's time for me to go now.
Me tengo que ir ya.
It's time for me to go home.
Es hora de volver a casa.
It's about time for the... pawnshop to open there on South Rampart Street... and I'm going down there and get my guitar out of hock... and I'm going to split out of this city... and go for good.
Es casi la hora de que abran la casa de empeños de la calle South Rampart... y voy a ir allí para recuperar mi guitarra... y voy a abandonar esta ciudad... me iré para siempre.
It's not that I'm overly ambitious. It's just a way of killing time until it's all right for me to go home.
Es sólo una forma de pasar el tiempo hasta que pueda ir a casa.
As a matter of fact, when it's time for me to go... and I may go just like that...
De hecho, cuando muera, y puede que suceda de repente,
I know it's time for me to go.
Sé que es hora de que me vaya.
Either you take me where I want to go, or you can forget where I live, and this time it's for good!
O me llevas donde quiero ir,... o puedes olvidarte de dónde vivo, ¡ y esta vez para siempre!
It's time for me to go.
Es hora de irme.
But for me... It's time to go.
Pero para mí... es hora de partir.
Heaven is goodbye forever It's time for me to go
En cambio el cielo es la despedida Ya es hora de que me vaya
It's been agony for me when it was time to go to bed.
El pensar en irnos a la cama fue una agonía para mí.
It's time for me to go home.
Es hora de ir a casa.
It's time for you to realize this is my country, and I do whate ver I want. ... if you don't like it, you know where you can go.
Ya va siendo hora de que te enteres que esto es mi país y hago lo que me da la gana si no te gusta ya sabes a donde te puedes ir.
I'll say, "Let's go for a walk this afternoon, today is a lovely day", but he rejects it every time... because he says, "no", he says to me, "No Mama, I won't go with you... because you get yourself much too upset".
"Vamos, por la tarde vamos a pasear. Hace un buen día". Pero él lo rechaza siempre.
OK, and now it's time for me to go.
Bien, ya es hora de que me vaya.
So, after that have happen to me, then, uh, I said to myself, "Now it's time for you to go from Quebec."
Así que, luego de que me sucediera, entonces yo me dije. "Ya es hora de irme de Quebec."
It's time for me to go.
Tengo que marcharme.
It's time for me to go through the usual nonsense.
Es hora de que realice las tonterías de siempre.
It's time for me to go.
Debo irme.
It's time for me to go.
Hora de irme.
Tío, creo que es la hora de prepararme e ir al trabajo.
It's time for me to go, and I know it.
Tengo que irme, y lo sé.
- It's time for me to go.
Es hora de que me vaya.
- OK. I think it's time for me to go.
- Bueno, ya me voy.
Yeah, I think it's time for me to go.
¿ Si? Creo que es hora de irme.
Well, Miss Celie, I do believe it's time for me to go.
Bueno, Sra. Celie, creo que ya es hora de que me vaya.
I think it's time for me to go.
Ya es hora de irme.
It's time for me to go, Mama.
Ya es hora de irme, Mamá.
Yeah, Lady Francis.... I think it's about time for me to go home.
Sí, Sra. Francis, creo que es hora de que vaya a casa.
Well, I could put you on the line at the hanger factory. I think it's time for me to go.
También podrías ser operario.
- It's time for me to go home.
- Es hora de volver a casa.
It's time for me to go back to the tanners.
Es tiempo de que vuelva con los Tanner.
Thanks for trying, but it's time for me to go now.
Gracias por intentar, pero es hora de marcharme.
Then it's time for me to go.
Ha llegado la hora de irme.
But I really feel like it's time for me to go home now.
Pero creo que ya es hora de que vuelva a casa.
If the cuckoo is Baptistin, it's time for me to go!
Si el cuco es Baptistin, ¡ qué cosa!
Well, then it's time for me to go.
Entonces es hora de que me vaya.
Now that it's time to go, he's showing his love for me.
Es hora de irte y estás mostrando tu amor por mí.
You know, it's time for me to go back to Sao Paulo.
Sabe una cosa Camina, es hora de que regrese a Sao Paulo.
They're all ganging up, Gilles, sayin'it's time for me to get over you and let you go.
Se están organizando, Gilles, me dicen que es hora de olvidarte y dejarte ir.
And I think, son it's time, once again, for one of our little chats about where you're supposed to and not supposed to go in this hotel.
Y me parece, hijo que debemos tener otra pequeña charla sobre donde puedes entrar en este hotel y donde no.

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