It's your problem Çeviri İspanyolca
965 parallel translation
But it's your problem ;
Es asunto tuyo.
If your father doesn't understand it's a problem.
Es un problema que tu padre no lo entienda.
- What's your problem? - I have it. - What?
Creo que son anginas.
It's as much your problem as it is mine.
Esto es tanto problema tuyo como mío.
Now I know my problem, and it's up to me to change your mind.
Ahora sé cuál es mi problema y deberé hacerlo cambiar de opinión.
If it's money you all are worried about, I think I have the solution to your problem.
Si lo que les preocupa es el dinero, tengo la solución a sus problemas.
But it's nothing compared to your problem, Mr. Crandall.
Pero no es nada comparado con su problema, Sr. Crandall.
It's your problem, son, not mine.
Ese es tu problema, chico, no mío.
Take your head out of the sand and help solve this problem peacefully... because it's got to be solved, peacefully or not.
Ayude a resolver este problema pacíficamente, porque se resolverá, pacíficamente o no.
You are the responsible politician, it's your problem. You end up in jail.
Con el responsable político te la tienes que ver tu, terminas en la cárcel.
Well, it's your problem! I won't go.
Ve tú, yo no voy.
- It's not your problem, Sister Angela is on duty.
- No le incumbe a Vd. Sor Ángela está de guardia.
I know it's not your problem, it's mine.
No es tu problema, sino mío.
That's your problem, isn't it?
Ese es tu problema, ¿ No?
It's your problem.
Es su problema.
It's not your problem any more.
Ya no tienes que preocuparte por eso.
It's not your problem if I get sick, so mind your own business!
¡ No es cosa suya si me pongo malo, métase en sus asuntos!
How can we punish them? Well, that's your problem and you have to solve it without us.
Éste es problema su, tendrán eso a hacer sin nuestra ayuda?
- It's your problem!
- Apáñatelas.
It looks like to me that's your problem, Doctor, not mine.
Eso es problema tuyo, doctorcito, no mío.
It's your problem.
Es tu problema.
- It's no longer your problem.
- Ya no es tu problema.
You got a $ 30 problem? It's solved. All I can say, missus, is you took your complaint to the wrong department.
Sólo puedo decirle que se queja con el equivocado.
So? I'd say it's your problem.
- Diría que es cosa vuestra.
It's more your kind of a problem than mine.
Es más de la suya que de la mía.
It's not your problem.
No es sólo tu problema.
We all thank you for your interest, Edmond, but it's an equipment problem.
Gracias por su interés, pero es un problema de equipamiento.
- It's your problem.
- Es asunto tuyo, yo no sé nada.
History has shown that even in your beautiful sooth which I'd never seen before, the time has come to tackle the problem of women's liberation and to resolve it, just as your Chinese brothers have done.
Porque se ha aceptado que aquí en el bello sur que tengo el placer de visitar por primera vez, ha llegado por fin el momento de afrontar el secular problema de la emancipación de la mujer. como ya lo han afrontado y resuelto, por ejemplo, nuestros hermanos chinos
Mind your own business. It's my problem. - Or you should feed him.
- Usted es un animal.
From now on it's your problem.
Desde ahora es su problema.
It's your problem now.
Ahora que Ud. ha venido, es asunto suyo.
If it's your personal problem, tell me later.
Si es un problema personal, dímelo luego.
Well, it's no problem at all, after all you want to do you very best for your fellow artists well, why not the arena?
- Bueno, no es problema en absoluto. Después de todo, quiere hacer lo mejor para sus compañeros artistas, bien, ¿ por qué no la arena?
The Port Master said with the deepest sympathy for your problem, he says he's sorry but it is necessary either that your ship be removed as soon as possible.
- Probaré. El comandante del puerto se hace cargo de su problema y lo lamenta, pero dice que hay que sacar el barco de ahí cuanto antes.
I've got no problem with that, you were right to do it, it's part of your bartender job.
No podía mandarle a tomar viento.
Well, it's no problem at all, after all you want to do you very best for your fellow artists well, why not the arena?
Después de todo, quiere hacer lo mejor que usted para sus compañeros artistas, bueno, ¿ Por qué no la arena, ¿ eh?
Your wife was sure it was scarlet fever, but it's just a minor skin irritation. No problem.
Tu esposa pensaba que era sarampión, pero sólo es una irritación.
It's not your problem.
No es problema tuyo.
It's your problem now.
Ahora es su problema.
Besides if you do your planting 20 days earlier no matter how stormy it gets in early September it's no problem, because the rice is fully grown by then!
Además si comienzas a plantar veinte días antes no importa las tormentas que caigan a primeros de septiembre porque el arroz ya ha crecido por completo para entonces.
It's obvious that you've surmised my problem, Doctor, and my compliments on your insight.
Es obvio que descifró mi problema, doctor y mis felicitaciones por su perspicacia.
It's ok, that is not your problem.
Está bien, ese no es problema tuyo.
- It's your problem, Al.
- Es su problema, Al.
No, it's your problem too.
Sí que lo es.
And it's not your problem
Y tampoco es tu problema.
It's not my problem. It's your problem.
No es mi problema, es tu problema.
Casey, it's only your problem.
Casey, el problema es solo tuyo.
- It's your problem.
- Es el tuyo.
That's your problem, isn't it?
Es tu problema.
It's your problem.
Es problema tuyo.
it's your choice 290
it's your birthday 200
it's yours 974
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it's your funeral 64
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it's your turn now 40
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it's your birthday 200
it's yours 974
it's your turn 401
it's your move 63
it's your decision 99
it's your funeral 64
it's your lucky day 103
it's your turn now 40
it's your call 289