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It doesn't exist anymore Çeviri İspanyolca

54 parallel translation
- Yes. It doesn't exist anymore.
Ya no existe.
You're talking about a society that doesn't exist anymore, and if it does exist all you do is profit from it.
¿ Todavía estamos en eso? Esa sociedad hoy ya no existe. Y, si existe, agradéceselo a Dios.
It's been dissolved. It doesn't exist anymore.
Se ha disuelto, ya no existe.
Czechoslovakia doesn't exist anymore, we have a Slovak postal service, and it has to work perfectly.
Checoslovaquia no existe más, pero el servicio postal eslovaco tiene que ser perfecto.
The third story on the news tonight... was that someone I didn't know 13 years ago, when I wasn't president... participated in a demonstration where no laws were being broken... in protest of something that so many people were against... it doesn't exist anymore?
La tercer notícia es sobre alguien que no me conocia antes de ser Presidente, que participó en una manifestación sin violar ninguna ley, en protesta sobre algo a lo que mucha gente se opuso y que ya no existe?
Like at first, it's all weird'n'you're bummed'n'shit - like this person you're used to hangin out with all of sudden doesn't like exist anymore
Al principio, es muy raro porque estás jodido y todo eso porque la persona con la que salías de repente ya no... existe.
It doesn't exist anymore.
Ya no existe.
It doesn't exist anymore which is why I contacted a master builder, showed him some photographs and had him duplicate it.
Ya no existe por lo que contacté a un carpintero, le mostré unas fotografías y pudo duplicarlo.
It's like she doesn't even exist anymore.
Es como si ella ya no existiera.
It's filled with pictures of somebody who doesn't exist anymore. The son dad really wanted.
Dímelo a mi, eso esta lleno de fotos de alguien que ya no existe.
It has to be, but the puzzle is 10,000 years old. Maybe the gate doesn't exist anymore.
Tiene que serlo, pero el puzzle tiene 10.000 años quizás ni siquiera exista la Puerta ya.
It doesn't exist anymore.
Ya no existe...
A judge expunged this, it doesn't exist anymore, man
Un juez lo eliminó, eso no existe más.
It was destroyed and doesn't exist anymore.
Ha sido destruída y ya no existe más.
When a boat disappears in the distance, it vanishes, but does that mean it doesn't exist anymore?
Cuando un barco desaparece a la distancia, se desvanece, ¿ pero significa que ya no existe más?
If the United States doesn't have its Bill of Rights and Constitution, it doesn't exist anymore.
Si los EEUU no tienen su Ley de Derechos y su Constitución, no existe más.
It's a good thing russia doesn't exist anymore.
Es bueno que Rusia no exista nunca más.
It doesn't exist anymore.
Ya no existe ;
And two kids. It's-that's like Having a bunch of money In the currency of a country That doesn't exist anymore.
Es... es como tener un montón de dinero... en la denominación de un país que ya no existe.
Hey, you know, it doesn't exist anymore.
Oye, sabes, no existe nada más.
Besides, that kind of crime, the way it used to be the kind I was part of, doesn't exist anymore.
Además, ese tipo de delito, la manera en que solía ser... la clase de la que formaba parte, ya no existe.
A black hole raises these challenges and really sharpens these challenges because it's practically a place where ordinary space doesn't exist anymore.
Un agujero negro plantea estos desafíos y realmente los agudiza porque es prácticamente un lugar donde el espacio ordinario ya no existe.
It's a shame it doesn't exist anymore.
Es una lástima que ya no exista.
But o.W.G. As we know it, it doesn't exist anymore.
Pero O.W.G. como lo conocemos ya no existe.
And it's because our family... r r family doesn't exist anymore.
Y eso es porque nuestra familia... nuestra familia ya no existe.
The five points, although it doesn't exist anymore as a specific intersection, still lives on in history and imagination.
Los cinco puntos, aunque ya no existe como una intersección específica, sigue vivo en la historia y la imaginación.
Tawergha doesn't exist anymore and let's just wipe it out of the map.
Tawergha no existe más y ahora solo queda borrarlo del mapa.
They weren't just my friends and to them, it's like everything from before Bobby died, never happened, like the person I was doesn't even exist anymore.
¿ Por qué? No eran exactamente amigos y para ellos es como si todo lo de antes de que Bobby muriera no hubiese pasado como si la persona que fui ya no existiese.
But our home, David, it doesn't exist anymore.
Pero nuestro hogar, David, ya no existe.
And as for your deal with Harvey, it doesn't exist because he doesn't want it anymore.
Y en cuanto al trato con Harvey, no existe porque él ya no lo quiere.
The building doesn't exist anymore, but when it did, it was abandoned.
El edificio ya no existe, pero cuando existía, estaba abandonado.
And the past, it doesn't really exist anymore.
Y el pasado, no lo hace realmente existe más.
It's like the guy doesn't exist anymore.
Es como si ya no existiese.
It doesn't exist anymore.
ya no existe.
Now, the problem is it's in a part of the city that doesn't exist anymore on any map.
Así que el problema es que está en una parte de la ciudad que ya no existe en ningún mapa.
Yeah, well, it doesn't exist anymore, but in the scheme of things, it'd probably be Washington Heights now.
- Sí, bueno, ya no existe, pero a la vista de la situación, probablemente ahora estaría en Washington Heights.
It turns out the injury doesn't exist anymore.
Parece ser que la lesión ya no existe.
No, no, but it doesn't exist much anymore.
No, pero ya no existe mucho.
This, what you're looking for, it doesn't exist anymore. No.
Lo que buscas, ya no existe.
That doesn't mean it doesn't exist anymore.
He dicho que ya no existe.
This is kind of somber. But even though I grew up here, because both my parents don't live anymore, it feels like this place is a part of a past that doesn't exist anymore.
Esto es un poco sombrío, pero aunque crecí aquí... ya no viven, siento como si fuera parte de un pasado que ya no existe.
Thanksgiving is a day for family gathering, and since I don't exactly gather with my family anymore, it's just as soon act like it doesn't exist.
Acción de Gracias es un día de reunión familiar, y como ya no me reúno con mi familia exactamente, simplemente hago como si la fiesta no existiese.
- It doesn't exist anymore.
Ya no existe. Lo ves?
Obviously it doesn't exist anymore.
Obviamente ya no existe.
Kjeld... It doesn't exist anymore.
Kjeld, ya no existe.
It's bad. The Wesen Council doesn't exist anymore.
El Consejo Wesen ya no existe.
Oh, see, I'm confused. Because I hear the Militia is a radical group that you helped disband. It doesn't exist anymore.
Oh, ve, estoy confundida, porque escuché que la Milicia es un grupo radical que usted ayudó a desbandar, ya no existe.
Summer I was 18, I worked in menswear at Gimbels department store. It doesn't exist anymore.
El verano en el que cumplí 18 trabajé en una tienda de ropa para hombres ya no existe.
Mars has so many cool things. Like it has water and the possibility of old extraterrestrial life that doesn't exist there anymore.
Marte tiene cosas geniales, como agua y la posibilidad de vida extraterrestre que ya no existe.

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