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It doesn't help Çeviri İspanyolca

901 parallel translation
And it doesn't help how you've been acting.
Y como has estado actuando no ayuda.
If my old man doesn't help me it's men again.
Si mi viejo no me ayuda volveré a los hombres.
It doesn't help the dead any to stop living just because they're gone.
No ayudas a ningún muerto dejando de vivir sólo porque se han ido.
It doesn't seem possible, but I believe you did it to help Sis'and me.
Ha hecho eso para ayudarnos, a mi hermana y a mí.
I Ieft everything open, but it doesn't seem to help.
Dejé todo abierto, pero eso no parece ayudar.
The old man doesn't know what to do about his kid, and wants us to help him, but just couldn't get it out.
El viejo no sabe qué hacer con su hijo, y quiere que lo ayudemos... pero no pudo decirlo.
Well, heaven help us if it doesn't work out.
Que Dios nos ayude si no sale bien.
It's very good of him, but doesn't help me to find her.
Me habló de la bondad de Dios, muy bonito, pero...
You think about it, but it doesn't help.
Piensas en ello, pero no ayuda.
I know you feel that I've failed you in certain ways, but it doesn't seem to me that you've done much to help.
Bueno, tú sientes que te he fallado, pero no has hecho nada por ayudar.
I dream you're not there and then wake up with a start... And you're not there, so it doesn't help.
Sueño que no estás aquí y me despierto sobresaltada... y no estás aquí, lo que no me ayuda.
It doesn't help us at all.
No nos ayuda.
Laying a hand on their head Doesn't really help much, Except that It gives them courage.
Ponerles la mano en la cabeza no ayuda... más que a darles valor.
It doesn't help to strike you.
No tenía que abofetearte.
I can't help it if it doesn't make sense!
¿ Qué le voy a hacer si no tiene sentido?
It doesn't help.
No sirve de nada.
He's got a ranch and he doesn't run any livestock on it... and he's got three hired hands to help him do nothing.
Tiene un rancho, pero no cría ganado y... contrato a tres para ayudarle a no hacer nada.
Okay. Doesn't help anything, but I'll take your word for it.
Ya no sirve de nada pero aceptaré su palabra.
But it doesn't help you, does it?
¿ Ves? Pero eso no te ayuda, ¿ verdad?
It doesn't help us if people call them martyrs.
No nos ayuda que la gente los llame mártires.
That doesn't help him much to grow up, does it?
No creo que eso le haya ayudado.
I have talked to him and it doesn't help.
Ya le he hablado, pero no sirvió de nada.
Some people it doesn't help.
A algunas personas no les ayuda.
That's all very romantic, I'm sure, but it doesn't help my cold.
Todo eso es muy romántico, sí, pero no alivia mi catarro.
Jacques doesn't like it at all. Let me help you.
Eso a Jacques no le gusta.
It doesn't help.
Esto no me calma, la verdad.
- Well, she doesn't. She lays it with help.
- Pues no, necesitan ayuda.
You can't help it if you were born Christian instead of Jewish. It doesn't mean you're glad you were.
No puedo evitar haber nacido cristiana en vez de judía.
I know it doesn't help, but I can not remain here.
Sé que no sirve de nada, pero no puedo estarme aquí.
Herr Birgel suspects she's two-timing him so he crawls out of his hole. Only he doesn't crawl fast enough. So we play it up a little with the help of an American officer.
Birgel sospecha que ella le engaña y empieza a salir de su agujero pero no sale lo bastante deprisa y le ayudamos con la ayuda de un oficial americano un capitán, para ser exactos.
It just humiliates the worker and doesn't help anything.
El subsidio humilla al trabajador, se gasta en un momento y todo queda como antes.
It doesn't help a guy's good behavior.
No me ayuda con el buen comportamiento.
If it doesn't come out well, I can't help it
Si no termina bien, no puedo hacer nada.
Look Maury, I have nothing against angels. But it doesn't help our position.
No tengo nada contra los ángeles, pero eso no mejora la situación.
If it doesn't help, at least it won't hurt.
Si no le sienta bien, al menos no le hará daño.
It certainly doesn't help that my contractor shouts from the rooftops.
Sólo servirá a que mi contratista ponga el grito en el cielo.
It doesn't help to win the war, it doesn't help the air force, It doesn't even help you in your work, does it?
No lo ayuda a ganar la guerra, no ayuda a la Fuerza Aérea, ni siquiera lo ayuda en su trabajo, ¿ verdad?
But, my goodness, doesn't it help?
Pero es un gran aliciente.
It doesn't even help to hold your nose.
Ni siquiera se va apretándote la nariz.
It's no help to him merely to pretend that he doesn't.
No vamos a ayudarle si ignoramos el problema.
Is it any wonder the guy doesn't sign his name or trust the police to help?
¿ Y por qué no firmó la carta, o por qué no confía en la policía para ayudarles?
When Dave has a problem, I try talking to him, but it doesn't always help.
Cuando Dave tiene un problema intento hablar con él. Pero no siempre sirve de ayuda.
Don't be so bitter. It doesn't help.
- Ser tan resentido no te ayudará.
To Mr Hannen, who's so proud he won't let anybody help him who doesn't want any help even if it's only to cross the street.
Por el Sr. Hannon, que es tan orgulloso... que no quiere la ayuda de nadie. Ni para cruzar la calle.
So do you, probably, but that doesn't help us at all, does it?
Igual que usted, supongo, pero no nos sirve de nada, ¿ o sí?
It doesn't help you to suggest that we stoop to such a trick.
No le conviene sugerir que nosotros hacemos esos trucos.
Window doesn't help much, does it?
- La ventana abierta no ayuda, ¿ no?
It doesn't help these eggs, that's for sure.
- Lo que no ayudan son estos huevos.
Now, she knows she's in a nightmare, but it doesn't help her to know.
Ella sabe que está atrapada en una pesadilla, pero eso no la ayuda.
Doesn't it help you?
¿ No te ayuda?
You're making it worse, it doesn't help.
- Esto no conduce a nada.

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