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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / It doesn't hurt

It doesn't hurt Çeviri İspanyolca

1,174 parallel translation
What your father is trying to say, dear, is whatever you do is all right with us... as long as it doesn't hurt you, or anyone else.
Lo que tu padre intenta decirte querida, es que apoyamos en todo lo que hagas mientras no te hagas daño a ti misma ni a otro.
No, it doesn't even hurt any more.
No, ni siquiera hagan más daño.
It doesn't hurt.
No irrita.
They say it doesn't hurt.
Dicen que no causa dolor.
It doesn't hurt.
¿ Dónde está herido?
- It doesn't hurt.
- No me duele. - ¿ Puedes ver?
It doesn't hurt or anything.
No ha estado mal.
It doesn't seem to have hurt you any.
Parece que no te ha sentado mal.
Doesn't it hurt you to sell the "Swallow"?
Serguéi Serguéievich, ¿ no le da lástima deshacerse del "Gaviota"?
It's not surprising that he doesn't want to be hurt again.
No me sorprende que quiera evitarlo ahora.
It doesn't matter who you hurt to get what you want, does it?
No importa quién sale herido si consigues lo que quieres, ¿ no es así?
It doesn't hurt.
No duele.
- It doesn't hurt much.
- No duele mucho.
- It doesn't hurt any more?
- ¿ No duele más?
You're too kind. Of course. It doesn't hurt to be kind.
es demasiado amable por supuesto, no hace daño ser amable pero no soy ningun tonto, tengo mis modales
He's an outstanding sports figure, he's attractive, and in this town it doesn't hurt that he's Irish.
Él es una figura destacada de los deportes, que es atractivo, y en esta ciudad no hace daño que es irlandesa.
I'm a pharmacist, it doesn't hurt.
Soy un farmacéutico, no hace daño.
It doesn't hurt or anything.
No duele ni nada.
Go fast, so it doesn't hurt.
Hazlo rápido para que no duela.
It doesn't matter what or who gets hurt in the process.
Sin importar qué o quién resulte herido en el proceso.
I know it sounds like a cliché to... to say that this is going to hurt me more than it does you... but it doesn't make it any less true... for you see, it is I...
Sé que suena como un cliché... decir que este me va a doler más que a ti... pero no lo hace menos cierto... para que vea, es I...
Do you think it doesn't hurt that I'm always neglected and overlooked at social functions? I'm sorry.
¿ No cree que duele el ser siempre ignorada y pasada por alto en funciones sociales?
Do you think it doesn't hurt that I'm always neglected and overlooked at social functions?
¿ No cree que duele el ser siempre ignorada y pasada por alto en funciones sociales? Lo siento.
- It doesn't even hurt.
- No me hace daño.
It doesn't even hurt.
Pero si no hace daño.
It doesn't hurt it.
Ya no le hago daño.
Easy, girl, easy. Pick them up by their ears, it doesn't hurt them as much.
¿ Sabes que si las levantas por las orejas les duele menos?
I'm afraid they'll all have to go. Tell Freddy when it doesn't hurt.
Me temo que tendremos que quitarlos a todos, dile a Freddy si te duele.
Please tell me it doesn't hurt.
Dime que no te duele.
"It does hurt, brother, doesn't it?"
"Te duele, ¿ verdad hermano?"
It doesn't look like she's hurt.
No parece estar herida.
- Anybody can watch anything as long as it doesn't hurt somebody else.
- Se puede ver lo que se quiera si no hace daño a terceros.
It doesn't hurt to check it out. Some sleepy towns really pay off.
No hace mal a nadie verificarlo Algunos pueblitos te recompensan.
She doesn`t want to admit it `cause she`s afraid of getting hurt.
No quiere admitirlo, porque tiene miedo de salir lastimada.
Personally, I don't give a damn what your scam is as long as it doesn't hurt my daughter.
Me importa un comino su chanchullo mientras no perjudique a mi hija.
It hurt too much and now, it doesn't matter the way it does to you.
Ahora ya no me afecta como te afecta a ti.
Doesn't it hurt?
¿ Y no te duele?
It doesn't hurt.
No hace daño.
It's my job, Xavier, to see that this thing doesn't hurt us.
Mi trabajo, Xavier, es procurar que esto no nos perjudique.
A healthy bottom line doesn't mean much if to get it, you have to hurt the ones you depend on.
Un término saludable no significa mucho si para obtenerlo, debes herir a aquellos de quienes dependes.
Four syllables now, it takes a little longer to say, doesn't seem to hurt as much.
Se tarda más en decirlo... ¡ Pero parece que no hace tanto daño! "¡ fatiga"
I meant it doesn't hurt.
Digo, que no me duele.
No duele.
It doesn't hurt.
Es lo normal.
It doesn't hurt when I beat people up today Really?
Hoy no duele cuando le pego a la gente. ¿ Cierto?
It doesn't seem as though it's very easy to hurt Ian now, does it?
No parecen ser muy fácil Ian está herido, ¿ no te parece?
It doesn't hurt anymore.
Ya no me duele más.
It doesn't hurt that much!
¡ No duele tanto!
You think it doesn't hurt, that I don't have feelings?
- Así es. ¿ Piensas que eso no duele? ¿ Que no tengo sentimientos?
I can feel the blade... but it doesn't hurt.
Siento la navaja pero no me duele.
I hope it doesn't hurt this much in a week.
Espero que no duela tanto en una semana.

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