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It doesn't matter anyway Çeviri İspanyolca

425 parallel translation
It doesn't matter you'll never find them anyway.
No importa. De todos modos, nunca los encontrará.
It doesn't matter anyway.
Eso me da igual. No quiero volver a casarme.
It doesn't matter anyway.
- No tiene importancia. - No tiene importancia.
I can't check whether this is true, but it doesn't matter anyway, I wouldn't allow my children to go to the opera just like I find the theatre and the cinema depraved what would you say if my mother got married again?
No he podido comprobar si es cierto, pero es posible. De todos modos, yo no permitiría que mis hijos fueran a la ópera. Igual que al teatro o al cine, ¡ pervierten a los niños!
It doesn't matter anyway.
Igual no importa.
─ Oh it doesn't matter, we'll go anyway.
- ¡ No importa! Nos iremos de todas formas.
It doesn't matter, anyway I'm home-schooled!
No importa, soy una alumna libre.
Women change their names so much anyway, it doesn't seem to matter.
Cambian tanto de apellido, que no parece tener importancia.
- Well, no, I'm afraid I'm not the one. - Oh, it doesn't matter anyway.
- No importa de todos modos.
- It doesn't matter, take it anyway.
- Da igual, llévaselo así.
But it doesn't matter now, anyway.
De todos modos, ya no importa.
It doesn't matter anyway.
No tiene importancia de todos modos
It doesn't matter. Tell me anyway.
Dígamelo de cualquier forma.
Ah, it doesn't matter. I'm through anyway.
- Ya no importa, he acabado.
It doesn't matter. With fewer boys, we couldn't carry it all anyway.
Pero no importa, el canto de ellos no nos afectará de ningún modo.
It doesn't matter anyway.
Da igual de todas formas.
Anyway, it doesn't matter.
De todas formas, no importa.
Anyway, one or a hundred, it doesn't matter.
Además, uno o cientos no tiene importancia.
It doesn't matter anyway, because we're moving.
De todos modos no importa, porque nos mudamos.
Well, it doesn't matter much anyway since none of us swim stripped at the Y, even when people are watching.
Bueno, tampoco importa mucho, porque ninguna de nosotras va a nadar desnuda aunque haya gente mirando.
Anyway, it doesn't much matter.
Pero no importa.
Anyway, it doesn't matter.
Bueno, no importa.
It doesn't matter anyway.
Eso no importa de todos modos.
It doesn't matter if you leave it here, I won't be coming back to school anyway.
Es absurdo dejarlo aquí, ya que no volveré al colegio.
Actually it's black, but it doesn't matter, it's beautiful anyway.
En realidad es negro, pero no importa, es hermoso de todos modos.
It doesn't matter, we'll be glad to help you anyway.
Eso no importa, estaremos encantados de ayudarle de todas formas.
it doesn't matter anyway.
Tampoco importa mucho.
Anyway, it happened and it doesn't matter if it was right or wrong
De todos modos, ocurrió. Y no importa si estuvo bien o mal.
But it doesn't matter a bit, because you've stopped caring anyway.
Pero no importa, has dejado de quererme.
- Anyway, it doesn't matter.
En todo caso, ya no tiene ninguna importancia.
It doesn't matter anyway.
De todas formas no importa.
Anyway, it doesn't matter anymore now.
En fin, ya no importa.
If everything goes, it doesn't matter anyway!
¡... ya nada importará!
Oh, it doesn't matter anyway.
De todos modos, no importa.
It doesn't matter anyway.
De todas formas, no importa.
It doesn't matter anyway.
Esto no importa de todos modos.
Anyway, it doesn't matter.
De todas formas, eso no importa.
It doesn't matter, it'll do no harm, anyway.
No importa, no va a hacer ningún daño, de todos modos.
I don't know any, and it doesn't matter anyway.
No conozco ninguno, y no importa de todos modos.
Seeing as that we're leaving tomorrow, it doesn't much matter anyway.
Dado que nos vamos mañana, no creo que importe mucho.
Well it doesn't matter, anyway.
Bueno, no importa, de todos modos.
- I doesn't matter who did it, I wont be ringing these bells anyway.
- Eso ya no importa, no volveré a tocar la campana.
And it doesn't matter anyway, since tomorrow's Sunday.
Y si lo pierdes no pasa nada, ya que mañana es domingo.
It doesn't matter, you wouldn't understand anyway.
No importa, de todas formas no lo entenderías.
It doesn't matter if he's not good-looking, I'm fed up with men, anyway!
¡ Ya he tenido bastante de los hombres!
Doesn't matter. Try it on anyway.
Pruébesela de todos modos.
It doesn't matter anyway, because the four of us are Waikiki Beach.
De todas maneras no importa, porque nos vamos los cuatro a la playa de Waikiki.
Well, it doesn't matter anyway.
Da lo mismo.
What the hell. It doesn't matter anyway.
¡ Qué diablos, no importa!
No, it doesn't matter, thanks anyway.
No, no importa. Gracias de todos modos.
- Anyway it doesn't matter.
- De todos modos eso no tiene ninguna importancia.

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