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It doesn't really matter Çeviri İspanyolca

1,032 parallel translation
It doesn't matter, it really doesn't.
Oh, it really doesn't matter.
Oh, realmente no importa.
It doesn't matter, she's got an really fine figure.
Aunque cualquier trapo le sentaría bien.
No it isn't. Because it really doesn't matter.
No, no lo es, porque no me importa.
Well, it doesn't really matter, 29?
No me importa. ¿ Qué tal la 29?
Oh, it really doesn't matter, as long as I- -
Oh, eso no importa realmente, yo lo que quiero es...
Then it really doesn't matter... which way you go.
Entonces realmente no importa el camino que cojas!
I don't know what you're father did or didn't do. I couldn't possibly know. But you've got to realise, even if it's very hard to... that that really doesn't matter.
No sé lo que hizo o no hizo tu padre, pero debes entender que no importa.
I suppose it really doesn't matter...
Me imagino que no importa...
It doesn't really matter. Leave that.
No se moleste...
- Well, it really doesn't matter all that much. If Ivo wants- -
- No cuesta nada...
- Oh, no it doesn't matter though, really.
- No, en serio, no hace falta.
It really doesn't matter.
En realidad no importa.
But as he had only one, it doesn't really matter.
Pero como sólo tenía una, da igual, ¿ no? Perdón, un momento.
It really doesn't matter though.
La verdad es que no importa.
It really doesn't matter.
Realmente no importa.
It doesn't really matter.
Realmente no importa.
But it doesn't matter, really, it doesn't.
- Pero da igual.
Don't worry, dear-- - it really doesn't matter
No puedo encontrar la nota.
You won't understand what I'm saying, but it doesn't really matter any more.
Ud. no entenderá lo que voy a decir,... pero ya no tiene importancia.
It doesn't really matter.
- ¿ Adónde? ¿ Qué voy a hacerle?
Some scenes he said, "It really doesn't matter."
En algunas escenas decía : "No tiene importancia".
After all, in any war, Christian, after all the arms and the legs have been blown off, it doesn`t really matter, because nothing really changes.
Después de todo, en cualquier guerra, cuando todos los brazos y piernas han saltado por los aires, realmente ya no importa, porque nada ha cambiado.
It really doesn't matter.
Da igual, realmente.
It really doesn't matter.
No importa realmente.
Maid or Duchess, it really doesn't matter.
Escuche bien, sirvientas y duquesas hacen las mismas cosas.
It really doesn't matter.
No importa. Soy minoría.
I don't know who or where... But it doesn't really matter.
Ignoro quién y dónde, pero no importa.
Well, it really doesn't matter.
En realidad, no importa.
Well, it doesn't really matter, does it?
Bueno : eso no importa realmente, ¿ o sí?
It doesn't really matter.
Bueno, no importa.
Oh, no, it really doesn't matter.
Oh, no, no tiene importancia.
It really doesn't matter at all.
No tiene ninguna importancia.
It doesn't really matter, does it?
No tiene importancia, ¿ no?
It doesn't really matter, does it?
Realmente no importa, ¿ verdad?
Doesn't really matter, does it?
No es importante, ¿ verdad?
Well, it doesn't really matter.
Bueno, en realidad no importa.
It doesn't really matter.
Ni hago nada importante.
It doesn't really matter.
No importa.
It doesn't really matter, though.
Aunque ya no me importa.
- It doesn't matter, Judith, really, it doesn't.
- No importa, Judith, en serio.
- It really doesn't matter.
- Ya no importa.
That's right, but it really doesn't matter now.
Es cierto, pero eso no ya no importa.
It really doesn't matter.
Realmente no me importa.
Oh, no, it really doesn't matter.
No, no. No importa.
It doesn't really matter.
Eso no importa.
But I suppose it doesn't really matter.
Pero supongo que en realidad no importa.
But it doesn't really matter that you are tired of these things, Jean-Pierre.
Pero en realidad no importa que estés cansado de estas cosas, Jean-Pierre.
We decided it doesn't really matter.
Acordamos que eso daba igual.
It doesn't really matter.
No es lo que importa.
It really doesn't matter.
No importa, de verdad.

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