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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / It doesn't work

It doesn't work Çeviri İspanyolca

4,315 parallel translation
That might work for your editor, but it doesn't work in a court of law.
Eso podría funcionar para su editor, pero no funciona en un juzgado.
You know, without him, it just doesn't work- - it never has.
Sin él no funciona... jamás.
If you try to make your marriage work and it doesn't, then maybe we can talk about the future.
Si intentas que tu matrimonio funcione y no se puede, entonces quizá podamos hablar del futuro.
But it doesn't work like this.
Pero eso no funciona así.
My, uh... my key, uh... - doesn't work in my door. - It won't open.
Mi... mi llave... no funciona en mi puerta.
It doesn't work, fixing each other's lives.
No funciona, arreglar la vida de otros.
It doesn't work that way.
No puedo hacer eso.
- It doesn't affect my work.
- No afecta a mi trabajo.
But the thing I've learned from hiding out is, it doesn't work.
Pero lo que he aprendido de esconderse, es que no funciona.
Okay, well, if it doesn't work out that anyone else wants to arrange...
Vale, bueno, sino funciona nadie buscará arreglarlo...
Do whatever you have to do to make it work out with her, but if it doesn't we'll find each other again. "
Haz lo que tengas que hacer para que funcione con ella, pero si no es así nos volveremos a encontrar "
And what if it doesn't work?
¿ Y qué tal si eso no funciona?
If it doesn't work, I believe in you anyway.
Si no funciona, de todos modos, yo creo en ti.
It doesn't work.
No funciona.
I am smart, and it still doesn't work that way.
Soy listo, y así y todo no funciona de esa forma.
It sucks, it doesn't work?
- Pero no funciona. - Para eso.
- Why doesn't it work on me?
- ¿ Por qué en mí no funciona?
MARCO : No, no, no, no, it doesn't work like that down here!
¡ No, no, no, no, las cosas aquí no funcionan así!
It doesn't really work like that, Elise.
En realidad no funciona de esa manera, Elise.
It doesn't work anymore?
¿ Te sientes mal?
Not if it doesn't work.
No si eso no funciona.
- It doesn't work like that.
- ¿ Por qué? - Eso no funciona así.
I just told him it doesn't work that way.
Le dije que no funciona de esa manera.
It doesn't work unless you're walking towards me.
No funciona a menos que usted está caminando hacia mí.
Well, it's not over for me. ♪ Come on, baby, let's go it doesn't feel like work.
Bien, no para mi.
But it doesn't work.
Pero no funciona.
well, it's on my stuff, and it doesn't work,
Bueno, está en mis cosas, y no funciona.
- It doesn't work that way. - Please, we want to help.
Por favor, queremos ayudar.
It doesn't work like that.
No funciona así.
- What, so, it doesn't work?
- ¿ Qué, entonces no funciona?
Just because you've been experimenting with Dopaminergic Transmission in mice doesn't mean it's gonna work on people.
Solo porque ha estado experimentando con transmisión dopaminérgica en ratones no significa que funcione en la gente.
Uh, not if it doesn't work.
No si no funciona.
- It doesn't work like that.
- No funciona así.
Nobody does it because it doesn't work.
Nadie lo hace porque no sirve.
If it doesn't work out and you want to slap somebody around, that's okay, too.
Si no resulta y quieres abofetear a alguien, también está bien.
Yeah, but if it doesn't have a light bulb in it, we don't know how to make it work.
Sí, pero sino tiene una bombilla, no sabemos cómo hacer que funcione.
- ( Joyce ) So it doesn't work?
- ¿ Así que no funciona?
But it doesn't work now.
Pero no funciona ahora.
Hey, you know, if it doesn't work out between you and him, I'm always available to step in.
Oye, ya sabes, si no funciona entre él y tú, siempre estoy disponible para intevenir.
It doesn't work out well.
El resultado no es muy bueno.
It doesn't work out well for Wolper.
Al menos para Wolper.
Again, the world just doesn't work without us in it.
Una vez más, el mundo simplemente no funciona sin nosotros en él.
That way, if it doesn't work out, no harm, no foul.
De esa manera, si no funciona, no hay daño, no hay falta.
- It doesn't work! - Oh, God.
¡ No funciona!
It doesn't really work.
En realidad no funciona.
Well, it turns out there are some surfaces where it doesn't work.
Bueno, resulta que hay algunas superficies donde no funciona.
It doesn't work that way.
Eso no funciona así.
It doesn't work
No funciona
We thought this was our room, but our key doesn't work, so I guess it isn't.
Pensábamos que era nuestra habitación, pero nuestra llave no funciona, así que supongo que no lo es.
I would love to, but it doesn't work that way!
Me encantaría hacerlo, ¡ Pero esto no funciona así!
- It doesn't work like that for me.
- Para mí no funciona así.

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