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It should have been you Çeviri İspanyolca

293 parallel translation
It should have been you, Rivera.
Deberías haber sido tú.
Always, it should have been you.
- Siempre deberías haber sido tú.
You've told me there's already someone who knows... but do you realise that it should have been you instead of Carroll?
De acuerdo a lo que me dijiste debió ser alguien que conocías... Pero te das cuenta que... ¿ debiste ser tú en lugar de Carroll?
It should have been you who died, not Germanicus!
¡ Debí haber sido yo la que muriera, no Germánico!
It should have been you two.
Deberían haber sido ustedes dos.
It should have been you, Gordon.
Deberías haber sido tú, Gordon.
It should have been you, Alison.
Deberías haber sido tú, Allison.
You should have been grateful to find it out.
Deberías agradecer que Io descubriste.
You know, if it was only the Ames killing, I should think it'd have been simpler to stay there and prove that
¿ Sabes? Pienso en la muerte de Ames... habría sido más fácil quedarse y probar... que Farrow lo mató.
You should have been with us, dads. It was fun.
Tendrías que haber venido papá, fue divertido.
It says right here on your work slips, you should have been here last night.
Según dice, deberían haber estado aquí anoche.
Do you know that if it hadn't been for that postal address you so thoughtfully wrote down... I don't know what I should have done.
¿ Sabe que de no ser por esa dirección que tan consideradamente anotó, no habría sabido qué hacer?
- You've gotta hand it to him. - He should have been a senator.
Maxwell hizo un milagro.
Why should you, it's my life. It might have been bailey's life.
Un médico debe tener dignidad...
It's after 3 now and as much as I enjoy your hospitality.. I should have been on my way back to New York when you sat me down to lunch.
Pero ya son más de las tres y, aunque agradezco su hospitalidad, debería haber vuelto a Nueva York en cuanto me sentó a comer.
It should be perfectly obvious to you by now, young lady that you have been stood up.
Ya deberías haberte dado cuenta, jovencita que te han dejado plantada.
It's the left you should have been watching.
Tenías que cuidar la izquierda.
May I know where you have been ; is it even possible that a gentleman, coming back home from work.. Work, I say, can't have the pleasure of finding his own family where it should be.
¡ Es posible que un hombre de bien que vuelve a casa del trabajo... y digo trabajo, no pueda encontrar a su familia en casa!
Maybe I wasn't around a lot of times I should have been but I guarantee you that I'm gonna spend all the time I have off duty making it up to you.
Sé que no estuve ahí siempre que debía pero pasaré todo el tiempo que tenga compensándote por ello.
¿ se ha parado usted a pensar por qué cinco hombres como nosotros hemos llegado a esto?
It should have been me, but you can't change things by wishing.
Debería estarlo yo, pero las cosas no se cambian con desearlas.
Oh, thank you, sir. I can't understand why it should have been sent here...
No entiendo por qué la mandaron aquí.
Don't you think it a trifle coincidental that she should have been murdered so soon after making that statement?
¿ No encuentra usted coincidente que ella fuera asesinada tan pronto, después de dar aquella declaración?
Should you not have realized it, you've been the object of considerable observation for the past several months.
En caso de que no lo haya notado,... ha estado sometido a un gran estudio en los últimos meses.
It's morning already, and you should have been in the shop already!
Ya es de mañana, y ya deberías estar en la tienda.
Yes, but it should have been me to do it for you.
Sí, pero debería haber sido yo quien se decidiera.
Mind you, it spoiled what should have been a lovely sentiment, you know.
Imagínese, estropeó un sentimiento encantador.
"You guys really missed it. You should have been here yesterday."
Cito : "Chicos os Io habéis perdido, deberíais haber estado aquí ayer".
That tarpaulin should have been rolled back 50 feet,..... and it's gonna cost you $ 20,000 per foot!
Esa lona debería haber estado 1 5 metros más atrás, ¡ y eso les costará 20.000 dólares por cada 30 cm!
I would like to remind you that the report should have been drawn up, but it never was.
Si no recuerdo mal, se hizo una recomendación y hasta la fecha, queda incumplida.
And as a gentleman, madame, I should have been forced to give it to you.
Y yo me vería obligado a dársela.
It should never have been sent, you know.
Nunca debería haber sido enviado, sabe?
It should have been difficult to you to give birth to the prickly ones.
Parece que tirásteis al feto y os quedásteis con la placenta.
And it should not have been interfered with by you.
En la que Ud. No debería haber interferido.
You should have been there, Bernie. It was really...
Y, Deberías haber estado allí Bernie, eso fue -
Know what? You should have been there to share it.
Sí, por eso deberías haber venido.
But, High One, you yourself should have been among those who drank of the Elixir. It is your time.
Pero Altísima, tú deberías haber estado entre las que bebieron elixir, es tu hora.
I know, it's pointless to rehash everything. But I think I should have been absolutely frank with you... more explicit.
Sé que es inútil revolverlo todo, pero debería haber sido totalmente sincera contigo, más clara.
You should consider yourselves highly honoured to have been chosen to perform it.
Y deben considerar un gran honor su elección para llevarla a cabo.
It's just odd, you see, that he should mention that. Because Romana and I have just been looking at your ship's old manifest and I can't remember what the ship was called but Romana might be able to remember. What was it called, Romana?
Es sólo extraño, ves, que tenga que mencionarlo,... porque Romana y yo acabamos de ver el manifiesto de su vieja nave... que no puedo recordar cómo se llamaba,... pero Romana podría ser capaz de recordar. ¿ Cómo se llamaba, Romana?
Oh, you think my guys and I have been taking money from some fruit peddlers... and you expect that I should pay it back.
Creen que mis hombres y yo hemos estado robándoles a unos vendedores de fruta y esperan que les pague.
I mean, our very lives were being, you know, threatened - the ways that we live, what our lifestyle is - and our reaction was extreme, and it should have been extreme.
la forma en que vivimos, lo que es nuestro estilo de vida... y nuestra reacción fue extrema, y debió ser extrema. Pero luego cuando te pones en los zapatos de otra persona... te dabas cuenta de que había mucho miedo por parte de los fundamentalistas también.
You should've finished on a song. It would have been perfect.
Tendrías que haber acabado con una canción.
You know, I should never have thought of it, if it had not been for Mrs. Beaver.
Fue de lo más servicial,
Should have known it. Once you've been gassed, you'll never be a real tomato again.
Una vez que recibió el gas, nunca más será un tomate de nuevo.
So, for example, if you think the trousers that I wear in sketch A should have been worn by Stephen in sketch G, for example, then just write it down.
Así que, por ejemplo, si crees que los pantalones que llevo en el sketch A deberían haber sido usados por Stephen en el sketch G, por ejemplo, entonces simplemente apúntalo.
But if you did... it should have been special.
Pero si lo hiciste tuvo que ser especial.
You should have been there. It was beautiful.
¡ Tenías que haber estado allí!
You should have been writing it down.
Deberías haberlo escrito.
He should have been with us all year. It's you guys who were cheated.
El debió estar en el equipo todo el año.
It seems so strange to me that Edwina should have been married twice, and you still a spinster.
Me extraña que mi Edwina se haya casado dos veces, y tú te hayas quedado para vestir santos.

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