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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / It took me a while

It took me a while Çeviri İspanyolca

470 parallel translation
And it took me a while to discover just how insidious Amthor is...
Y me llevó tiempo descubrir lo insidioso que es Amthor...
It took me a while to see it
Me ha costado entenderlo, pero es cierto.
It took me a while to straighten him out.
Tardé bastante en hacérselo comprender.
Por eso me tomo algo de tiempo notarlo.
It took me a while.
Me tomó un tiempo.
- Hmm? - It took me a while, but I traced you.
Me tomó un tiempo, pero lo localicé.
It took me a while before I understood what Delphine wanted.
Me llevó un tiempo comprender lo que quería Delphine.
It took me a while to go back to sleep last night.
Me costó volver a dormirme anoche.
It took me a while, it could have happened sooner, but, better late than never!
- Me ha venido tarde, es verdad. Podría haberme venido antes. En fin, nunca es tarde para hacer lo correcto.
You know, it took me a while to perfect the basket trick.
¿ Sabes? Me tomó un tiempo perfeccionar el truco del bote.
Well, it took me a while to figure it out, too.
A mí también me costó bastante.
Tell her it took me a while to figure out what ajerk I've been but, um... that... that when things started to pan out for her I should have been more supportive.
Dile que tardé mucho en darme cuenta de lo estúpido que había sido, pero, um... que... que cuando las cosas empezaron a salirle bien tendría que haberle dado más apoyo.
It took me a while to get back, but I guess I was lucky.
Tardé un poco en regresar, pero creo que tuve suerte.
"It took me a while to work it out."
"Me llevó un rato darme cuenta".
It took me a while... to get used to this new body.
No estaba muy acostumbrada a este cuerpo y me tomó algo de tiempo ajustarme a él.
It took me a while, but I got him back really good.
Me costó un tiempo, pero le devolví la broma.
You see, it took me a while to work up the nerve to just drive here, and I think if I don't do it today, right now,
Verá, me costó controlar los nervios solo por venir hasta aquí, y creo que si no lo hago hoy, ahora mismo,
And it took me a while to realize... it would have been your only adventure.
Y me tomó un tiempo darme cuenta. Hubiese sido tu única aventura.
It took me a while to notice the drop in patients.
He tardado un tiempo en notar la falta de pacientes.
I admit it took me a while to recover from the wedding, but eventually life got back to normal, which is exactly the way I prefer life to be.
Reconozco que me tomo tiempo recuperarme del matrimonio, Luego mi vida volvio a su curso normal, tal como me gusta.
It took me a while to find them, and they're both lame... but I'm just surprised you haven't found anything yet.
Ninguno vale la pena pero me sorprende que no halles uno.
Yes- - pilot error- - but it took me a while to admit it.
Sí. Error del piloto. Pero me tomó tiempo admitirlo.
But it took me a while to figure out why I felt so different.
No. Pero me llevó un tiempo entender por qué me sentía tan diferente.
It took me a while to realize I was wrong... but he gave me you, so it wasn't all bad.
Me tomó un tiempo para darme cuenta que estaba equivocada... pero él me dio a tí, por lo que no fue todo tan malo.
I remember when I got promoted to Lieutenant it took me a while to get used to being called "sir" by my friends who were still Ensigns.
Cuando me ascendieron a teniente tardé en acostumbrarme a que amigos alféreces me dijeran "señor".
It took me a while to realize it.
Tardé en darme cuenta.
I would like to ask you something, Herr Clausen please would it be alright if I, while you are at sea... also took a holiday?
Me gustaría preguntarle algo, sr. Clausen. Por favor...
It took me a while but here I am.
Me ha llevado mi tiempo, pero aquí estoy.
Mother and Dad came in, it took them quite a while to calm me down
Tuve que comprobarlo.
He was sure it would be all right with her if I took his room for a couple of weeks while he's on his trip back east.
Me aseguró que por ella no habría problema si ocupaba la habitación durante un par de semanas mientras él estaba de viaje por el Este.
It took me quite a while to decide.
I took a peek inside a while ago, and I must say it looks mighty tasty.
Me asomé hace un rato y les diré que es una delicia.
I kind of got used to being a commander so when I arrived here at the hospital I took a look at the enlisted men's ward and then the officer's ward and I said to myself, "Let's let it ride along for a while."
Me acostumbré a ser comandante y al llegar a la enfermería vi la diferencia de alojamiento entre soldados y oficiales y me dije : "Dejemos las cosas como están".
If I were you, I'd live with that a while before I took it in anyplace.
Yo en tu lugar, me acostumbraría a él un tiempo antes de llevarlo a algún sitio.
His son came to my cell during the night. He opened it. He took my place and waited while I did it.
Su hijo vino a mi celda de noche, ocupó mi lugar hasta que terminé, luego me encerró de nuevo.
It'll be a while yet, my first took 20 hours
Esto va a llevar tiempo. Con mi primer hijo me pasé veinte horas.
It took a little while for me and grandpa to get acquainted.
Nos tomó un tiempo al abuelo y a mi acostumbrarnos
DetectiveJohn Walsh took it upon himself - while all the other members of WAD were being honorably arrested - to single me out for preferential treatment.
El detectiveJohn Walsh decidió, por cuenta propia... darme un tratamiento preferencial mientras a las otras integrantes... de MCD las arrestaban honorablemente.
Mr. Sledge, it took me quite a while to track you down.
Sr. Sledge, me ha costado mucho localizarle.
It took my mind off everything for a while.
Me hizo olvidar todo durante un tiempo.
It took us a while to love each other equally. I watched your love catch up with mine. And when it did, a tune started going round in my head.
Tardamos en amarnos por igual, y cuando vi que cada vez me amabas más y te acercabas más a mí, una música sonó en mi cabeza, un estribillo.
Amazing. It took me a little while to figure out Visitorese... but now it's like second nature handling their symbols and codes.
Al principio fue difícil entender su idioma... pero ya puedo manejar sus símbolos y códigos.
It took a while, but the whisky caught up with me, I guess.
Ayer parecía que no, pero al final el whisky pudo conmigo.
It's just that it took me a little while to get into the spirit of things.
Es que me cuesta un poco entrar en ambiente.
It took a while, but I finally found my car stashed on the side of the motel keys in it and everything guess I'm lucky it wasn't stolen well I'd found Samantha Kelso but she'd led me to something even bigger I'd stumbled into the middle of an evil, insidious
Yo tenía las llaves... tuve suerte. Samantha encontró, pero Me condujeron a algo más grande. Me pregunto si la libertad ido religiosa demasiado lejos en ese país?
It took a while to find it.
Me costó bastante conseguirlo.
It took me a little while to figure out exactly what to do with these.
Además, no sabía cómo ponerme exactamente estas cosas.
Took me a while to see it.
Tardé en verlo.
It took a while to get a fine enough beam from the phaser.
Me costó un poco conseguir un rayo de phaser tan fino.
It took me a while to convince them
- Sí. Me ha costado convencerlos de que era quién soy.
It took me a little while, but I figure it out.
Me ha costado un poco, pero me lo he imaginado.

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