It wasn't there Çeviri İspanyolca
2,561 parallel translation
It wasn't there.
No estaba allí.
it wasn't there either.
pero no estaba allí tampoco.
If it wasn't for these kids out there camping out and doing what they do, we don't have jobs.
Si no fuera por estos chicos allá afuera acampando y haciendo lo que hacen, no tendríamos trabajo.
It was just two different worlds he created there and Bernie wasn't of their world.
Creó dos mundos diferentes y Bernie no era del mundo de ellos.
And when she got here and I tried to hold her, I tried to recapture that... it just wasn't there.
Y cuando ella llegó y traté de asirla, intenté recapturar eso... no estaba allí.
Remember, this was pre-internet so, you know, it was, like, there wasn't any "straight boy goes gay for pay" websites or stick-a-monster-cock - up-your-arse-and-ear.
Recuerdas que esto era pre-internet. No había páginas de chicos héteros haciendo porno gay...
Come on. It wasn't that bad. - There.
Venga, no lo has hecho tan mal.
And if ever there was a man for the job, it wasn't lunatic giant Mr Gilbert.
Y si había un hombre para el trabajo, no era el gigante lunático Sr Gilbert.
Yeah, and walked through a lock-down protocol like it wasn't there.
Sí, y pasó a través de un protocolo de aislamiento como si no estara.
There was a lot of emotion in that first weekend for him to win on that bike. Trust me, it wasn't a given.
Hubo mucha emoción en ese primer fin de semana, para él ganar en esa moto... creeme, no era un hecho.
Doesn't mean it wasn't there.
Eso no significa que no estuviera allí.
It wasn't really about the girl. It was about the idea of someone out there... for me.
Realmente no era sobre la chica, era sobre la idea de alguien ahí fuera... para mí
You know, if we got busted and fined or whatever, arrested, um, you know, I had some evidence it wasn't me trying to push us down there, and it wasn't Tangles, but it was Natasha.
Si nos atrapaban, multaban, arrestaban o lo que fuera ya sabes, tenía pruebas de que no era yo quien intentaba presionarnos para bajar allí y tampoco era Tangles sino Natasha.
It wasn't really difficult to get great-looking shots down there, you know,'cause you're really just painting stuff with your light and whatever you saw there just was... it looked really cool.
No fue difícil conseguir buenas tomas allí abajo porque en realidad pintas imágenes con la luz y lo que sea que vieses lucía genial.
It wasn't there a moment ago.
No estaba allí hace un momento.
- No, it wasn't a woman crying in there, it was a little boy or little girl, a child.
- No, no era una mujer la que lloraba, era un niño o una niña el que lloraba ahí dentro.
So, I have to admit it's got me wondering now just what was real back there and what wasn't.
Así que, debo admitir que ahora me puse a pensar qué fue real y qué no lo fue de lo sucedido ahí.
There are already too many dead people around. Wasn't it enough?
Ya hay demasiados muertos en todo. ¿ No era suficiente?
So maybe it wasn't the best idea to go up there.
Quizás no fue la mejor idea subir allí.
Amber wasn't there, but it's her apartment.
Amber no estaba ahí, pero es su apartamento.
Well, it's just he talks about his mum's blood, but there wasn't much blood loss.
Es sólo que habló de la sangre alrededor de su madre, pero no había mucha pérdida de sangre.
Doesn't mean it wasn't there.
No significa que no haya estado.
There wasn't any shorthand in it.
No estaba escrito en código.
And since there was to be a fireworks display that night... it wasn't diffcult getting a fire cracker.
Y como iba a haber fuegos artificiales por la noche... No te fue difícil conseguir un petardo.
Of keeping the rabbit and not the guinea pig. Which wasn't really fair to the guinea pig, because it had been there before the rabbit.
Decidimos quedarnos con el conejo y deshacernos de la cobaya, aunque eso no fue muyjusto porque había llegado a casa antes.
It made a lot of sense of why there wasn't any evidence, why they weren't caught sooner.
Me hizo mucho sentido de por qué no había ninguna evidencia, por qué no se pilla antes.
It just wasn't in the conversation that, you know, there was going to be an economic crisis in journalism.
Pero no estaba en la conversación que fuera a haber una crisis económica en periodismo.
I wouldn't even have been there if it wasn't for you.
Ni siquiera estaría allí si no fuera por ti.
Wasn't the worst holiday we've been on, but it was certainly up there.
No son las peores vacaciones que hemos tenido. Pero casi.
There was a witness who said he thought he saw the kid get into a car but Francis wasn't having any of it.
Había un testigo que dijo que creyó ver al chico subir a un auto pero Francis no creyó nada de eso.
I was walking along, and I had this irrational fear that a tsunami was gonna hit and I'm not a very good swimmer especially if I have her and it wasn't just a water tsunami there were palm trees and hotels and convertible seabees
Iba caminando por ahí, y tuve ese temor irracional de que iba a haber un tsunami y no soy muy buena nadadora especialmente si la tengo a ella y no era solo un tsunami de agua había palmeras, hoteles y descapotables
Can you honestly say that when we were doing it, There wasn't a second where you were thinking about him?
¿ Puedes honestamente decir que mientras lo hacíamos no hubo un segundo en el que pensaras en él?
There's something up with the Doctor, and we owe him, I wouldn't have you or Mummy if it wasn't for him!
Hay algo con el doctor, ¡ Y se lo debemos, no los hubiese tenido ni a ti ni a tu mami si no fuera por él!
At first I wasn't sure it was him, but I got a closer look, and now there's no question in my mind.
Al principio no estaba seguro de que era el, pero lo vi de cerca, y ahora no hay duda en mi mente.
We don't even have any contacts there, do we? So it wasn't on your computer?
John, no hay nada en ese ordenador que pudiera hacer algún daño a alguien.
It wasn't like we wanted to be there either.
Tampoco nosotras hubiésemos querido estar allí.
That wasn't it. They couldn't find a cab, so I went down there.
No fue así ; no encontraban un taxi, así que bajé.
♪ nobody there ♪ wow, if it wasn't for all that...
Si no fuera por todo esto...
But it wasn't there, George. We checked the waste baskets after Dr Francis left.
Registramos después que el Dr. Francis se fue.
It was a violent blaze, and there wasn't much left of him.
Fue un incendio muy violento, no quedaba mucho de él.
The collection now is so big, if I want to find a record, if it wasn't in an order, you know, there's 2,000 records here, it'll take me a while to find them.
La colección es ya tan grande, si quiero encontrar un disco, si no estuviera en orden, ya sabes, hay 2000 discos aquí, tardaría un rato en encontrarlos.
I thought that if I could keep it away, then maybe it wasn't there... maybe it didn't even happen... but it did.
Pensé que si podía mantenerlo alejado, entonces a lo mejor no existía... a lo mejor ni si quiera pasaba... pero sí pasaba.
- It wasn't there last week.
- No la tenía la semana pasada.
There wasn't enough room in her OR so we're just following it on Twitter.
Y como se agotó el cupo en su quirófano, seguimos la operación por Twitter.
It was a pay phone, and there wasn't a surveillance, ATM or traffic cam within about a quarter mile.
Era una cabina, y no había vigilancia, ni cajeros, ni cámaras de tráfico en quinientos metros.
You know what, we did it your way, and it didn't work, the bear wasn't there, so we're doing it my way.
¿ Dinero desaparecido? Ya lo hemos hecho a tu manera y no funcionó, el oso no estaba allí, así que ahora vamos a hacerlo a mi manera.
I'm sure it wasn't born there.
Estoy seguro de que no nacio ni ahi ni asi.
He disappears into the bathroom, but then something else happens, something the judge didn't know about because he wasn't there when it happened.
Desaparece en el baño, pero luego pasa algo más, algo que el juez no sabía porque no estaba ahí cuando pasó.
♪ only you ♪ but my husband wasn't there to see it.
Pero mi esposo no estaba ahí para verlo.
There were a lot of problems with Tiffany's rice, but it wasn't inedible.
Había muchos problemas con el arroz de Tiffany, - pero no era incomible.
- Organic, my foot. - There was a giant elephant in the room, and we were all pretending it wasn't there.
- Había un elefante gigantesco en el cuarto, y todos nosotros fingíamos que no estaba allí.
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't my fault 280
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't hard 37
it wasn't a big deal 50
it wasn't fair 35
it wasn't a date 37
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't my fault 280
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't hard 37
it wasn't a big deal 50
it wasn't fair 35
it wasn't a date 37