It wasn't you Çeviri İspanyolca
12,304 parallel translation
That's because Horvat tripped you, wasn't it?
Fue porque Horvat te echó la zancadilla, ¿ verdad?
I mean, yeah, my parents were self-absorbed, but, you know, it wasn't a big deal.
Quiero decir, sí, mis padres estaban ensimismados, pero, ya sabes, no fue un gran problema.
You see, we'd never have met that nice man if it wasn't for our cars.
¿ Lo ven? Nunca hubiésemos conocido a ese buen hombre... De no ser por nuestros autos
Mind you, it wasn't all good news.
Sin embargo, no eran todas "buenas noticias"
You may, but I believe all you need to know is that it wasn't Mr. Baynes or your Colonel Wegener.
Puede, pero creo que lo único que necesita saber es que no fue para el Sr. Baynes o para su coronel Wegener.
Whatever they did to you, it wasn't your fault.
Lo que te hicieron, no fue culpa tuya.
I tried to make some changes and tried to suggest certain things that I felt could potentially help our dish become a complete dish, but you know, it wasn't a complete entree.
Traté de hacer algunos cambios y traté de sugerir ciertas cosas que me sentí podría potencialmente ayudar nuestro plato convertirse en un plato completo, pero ya sabes, no era una completa plato.
You, that inspiration you had in the subway "The weak one behind", wasn't it?
Con la inspiración que tuviste en el metro... "the weak on behind", ¿ lo encontraron?
It wasn't so good what you did there.
No fue muy bueno lo que hiciste.
So you're saying it wasn't your fault?
¿ Así que estás diciendo que no fue tu culpa?
It wasn't anything you did.
No fue por nada que hayas hecho.
That was the moment you were supposed to open the trunk, wasn't it?
Eso pasó en el momento en que se supone que tendrías que abrir el baúl, ¿ no?
- You can't even prove it wasn't you.
- Ni siquiera puedes probar que no fuiste tú.
Thing is, you see, this message, this testament, it wasn't just my alibi.
La cosa es que este mensaje, este testamento, no era solo mi coartada.
Are you sure it wasn't one of my guys?
¿ Estás segura que no era uno de mis chicos?
It wasn't because this is what we used to do, because that you isn't here.
No ha sido porque fuese lo que solíamos hacer, porque esa tú, no está aquí.
I wouldn't have the helm if it wasn't for you.
No tendría el timón si no fuera por ti.
Hey, if it wasn't for us, you wouldn't even know Cory was dead.
Oye, si no fuera por nosotros, que ni siquiera sabe Cory estaba muerto.
You wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me.
No estarías aquí si no fuera por mí.
You said it wasn't enough money.
Usted dijo que no había suficiente dinero.
I hope it wasn't too bumpy for you in the cup holder.
Espero que no haya demasiados baches para que vayas en el posavasos.
I've thought about this a lot, and it wasn't fair for me to make you the bad guy.
He estado pensando mucho esto, y no fue justo de mi parte hacerte el villano.
You know, whatever my father was after, he wasn't afraid to find it.
Sabes, fuese lo que fuese lo que mi padre perseguía, no tenía miedo de encontrarlo.
Listen, Haskell, you know I would not be here if it wasn't life and death, okay?
Mira, Haskell, sabes que no hubiera venido, de no ser algo de vida o muerte, ok?
I don't know what would have happened to me if it wasn't for you.
No sé qué sería de mi, si no fuera por ti.
It wasn't much... the fan barely moved the air... but that time... that you're so hell-bent on putting in the rearview... that's when I found you.
No era mucho... el ventilador apenas movía el aire... pero ese tiempo... estabas tan empeñada en poner el retrovisor... es cuando te encontré.
It probably wasn't easy for you to decide to leave this place, right?
Probablemente no fue fácil para ti decidir dejar este lugar, ¿ verdad?
If it wasn't for you, I'd be eating alone.
Si no fuera por ti, estaría comiendo solo.
If it makes you feel any better, mine wasn't that different.
Si te hace sentir mejor, la Mia no fue diferente.
And to be honest, it wasn't the same without you.
Y para ser honesto, no era lo mismo sin ti.
! Clearly, I didn't know it was about vampires, because I wasn't paying attention, which you would know, if you ever paid attention to me!
Claramente, no sabía que era sobre vampiros, porque no estaba prestando atención, lo cuál tu sabrías, si tu alguna vez me prestaras atención a mí.
" That shit wasn't little when you borrowed it, God damn it!
" ¡ No eran moneditas cuando me lo pediste, maldita sea!
And what if I told you I used to work Ronnie Bonito's desk, and I happen to know that he had a client so hush-hush, - it wasn't even on the master list.
¿ Y si te dijera que yo trabajaba para Ronnie Bonito y resulta que sé que tenía un cliente tan secreto que ni figuraba en la lista principal?
No, I meant make it seem like it wasn't a big deal for you.
No, quiero decir hacer que parezca como que no era un gran problema para usted.
But, honey, something happened, and it wasn't safe for me to be with you.
Pero, cariño, ocurrió algo... y no era seguro para mí estar contigo.
But something happened, and... it wasn't safe for me to be with you.
Pero pasó algo y... no era seguro para mí quedarme contigo.
Ashley, I realize now that it wasn't right for me to tell you what to do with that big fat butt.
Ashley, ahora me doy cuenta de que no estuvo bien por mi parte decirte qué hacer con tu culazo.
It was you that gave Eric away, wasn't it?
¿ Fuisteis vosotros los que entregasteis a Eric, verdad?
If it wasn't for this tie, you'd be losing!
Si no fuera por ella, ¡ estarías perdiendo!
Ms. Fayad wasn't sure it would work, but I knew you couldn't turn down a good old-fashioned robbery.
La Sra. Fayad no estaba segura de que funcionase, pero sabía que no podrías resistirte a un robo a la vieja usanza.
It was you, wasn't it?
Fuiste tú, ¿ verdad?
The last time we stuck our necks out for you, it wasn't a happy ending.
La última vez que nos jugamos el cuello por ti no acabó bien.
Some fucking clown- - and I sure hope it wasn't you, Dar- - just tore apart 12 years of painstaking work.
Algún jodido payaso... y de verdad espero que no seas tú, Dar... se ha cargado 12 años de meticuloso trabajo.
You sure it wasn't too harsh?
¿ Estás segura de que no he sido demasiado dura?
Dad, I'm telling you, it wasn't me.
- Papá, te lo digo, no fui yo.
You know, I wasn't the first 80 times we went over it, but now I think I got it.
Usted sabe, yo no era las primeras 80 veces que fuimos por encima, pero ahora creo que lo tengo.
Coming out of those woods just now, seeing you sitting there, I'll be damned if it wasn't the best thing I had ever seen.
Saliendo de esos bosques justo ahora, verte sentada allí, que me aspen si no es la cosa más bonita que haya visto nunca.
If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't even be alive.
Si no fuera por ti, ni siquiera estaría vivo.
That's what you tried to tell me, wasn't it?
¿ verdad?
but that stuff that you found today, that it wasn't mine.
Pero lo que han encontrado hoy, eso... no es mío.
Well, befriending Tamir wasn't a total waste of time... it got you in.
Bueno, hacerse amigo de Tamir no ha sido una total pérdida de tiempo... te ha metido dentro.
it wasn't your fault 315
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't my fault 280
it wasn't hard 37
it wasn't a big deal 50
it wasn't fair 35
it wasn't a date 37
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't my fault 280
it wasn't hard 37
it wasn't a big deal 50
it wasn't fair 35
it wasn't a date 37