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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / Ivey

Ivey Çeviri İspanyolca

101 parallel translation
Seen Ivey around?
- ¿ Ha visto a Ivey por aquí? - No.
Ivey's not here.
Ivey no vendrá.
Frank Ivey.
Frank Ivey
Walt thinks Ivey's only bluffing they won't stop him from taking the stage.
Walt cree que Ivey solo fanfarronea que no impedirán que tome la diligencia.
My own father's with Ivey against the man I'm going to marry.
Mi padre y Ivey están en contra del hombre con quién voy a casarme.
There's still Frank Ivey.
Aun quedaría Frank Ivey.
The whole town knows Ivey wanted to marry you.
El pueblo entero sabe que Ivey quiere casarse con usted.
- Listen Ivey...
- Escucha Ivey...
- I suppose Ivey sent you.
- Supongo que te envía Ivey. - No.
You've pushed Ivey at me ever since I can remember.
Tú has puesto a Ivey por encima mía desde que recuerdo.
And that goes for Ivey!
¡ Y eso va también por Ivey!
Strong enough to beat both Dad and Ivey at their own business.
Tan fuerte como para plantarles cara en su propio negocio.
But I'll never turn to Frank Ivey.
Pero yo no regresaré con Frank Ivey.
Ivey scared all the spare hands out of the valley.
Ivey los amenaza a todos para que no se acerquen al valle.
How do you stack up with Frank Ivey?
¿ Cómo te llevas con Frank Ivey?
Ivey ordered me out of town.
Ivey me ordenó dejar el pueblo.
I can get fifty men to work for nothing. Just for one crack at Ivey.
Puedo conseguir a cincuenta que lo harían gratis Sólo por el hecho de estar contra Ivey.
Anything we do against Ivey has got to be legal.
Cualquier cosa que hagamos contra Ivey debe ser legal.
I said before, Frank Ivey leaves pretty big tracks.
Te lo dije antes, Frank Ivey siempre deja su huella.
He said Ivey wasn't God.
El dijo que Ivey no era Dios.
Ivey says he is.
Ivey dice que lo es.
Ivey's got a line camp near here.
Ivey tiene una casita cerca de aquí.
Ivey's tough ramrod.
El duro capataz de Ivey.
Tell Ben and Ivey that she'll be glad to trade houses.
Dígales que está encantada de haber intercambiado las casas.
Two of Ivey's men held him, while Virg... Don't waste time talking.
Dos hombres de Ivey le sujetaban mientras Virg...
I'll pay Ivey back for this if it's the last thing I do.
Ivey pagará por esto aunque sea la última cosa que haga.
Let's send him back to Ivey in a basket.
Se lo mandaré a Ivey en una cesta.
- Who you fighting? Ivey or Burma?
- ¿ Con quién está luchando?
- Ivey.
¿ Ivey o Burma?
Then fight him.
- Ivey Entonces combátale.
Ben and Ivey's doing his bail.
Ben y Ivey van a pagar la fianza.
What's Frank Ivey?
¿ Y que es Frank Ivey?
I want to break Frank Ivey.
Quiero acabar con Frank Ivey.
Dave will take care of Ivey.
Dave dará buena cuenta Ivey.
They'll think Frank Ivey did it.
Pensarán que lo hizo Frank Ivey.
Ivey and his crew jumped us about midnight.
Ivey y su gente nos asaltaron sobre medianoche.
So Ivey's really gone wild.
Así que Ivey ha pasado al ataque.
Everyone of them has a grudge against Ivey, and the law has to be immune.
Todos tienen alguna rencilla con Ivey, y la ley debe ser imparcial.
You know Dad tried to force me to marry Frank Ivey.
Sabes que mi padre me forzaba a casarme con Frank Ivey.
Frank Ivey killed the sherrif.
Frank Ivey ha matado al sheriff.
Another thing... If Frank Ivey hears of this, I'm gonna kill you!
Otra cosa Si Frank Ivey se entera de esto ¡ Te mataré!
Frank Ivey was at my place, yesterday, looking for Dave.
Frank Ivey estuvo en mi casa, ayer. Buscando a Dave.
Frank Ivey will be watching all of us.
Frank Ivey nos vigila a todos.
I mean Ivey cutting loose his dogs.
Me refiero a soltar a sus "perros".
The load that gets Ivey.
La bala que mate a Ivey.
I've seen Ivey work.
Ya sé cómo se las gasta Ivey.
Ivey's after us.
Ivey nos sigue.
Ivey doesn't want her.
Ivey no la quiere a ella.
No. Ivey knows we were at the mine.
Ivey sabe que estábamos en la mina.
Ivey shouldn't have got Bill Schell that way.
Ivey no debió hacer que mataran a Bill de ese modo.
Ivey didn't find out from me.
Ivey no le encontró por mí.

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