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Ivor Çeviri İspanyolca

127 parallel translation
And there is Iva Owen at the farm and Trevor Owen.
E Ivor el granjero y Trevor Owen...
- Get up, Sir Ivor, and give him your place.
- Sir Ivor, cededle vuestro sitio.
Come, Sir Ivor.
Vamos, Sir Ivor.
Sir Ivor, Nigel, Baldwin, Norbert.
Sir Ivor, Nigel, Baldwin, Norbert.
Ivor Morgan, three pounds seven.
Ivor Morgan, tres libras con siete.
● I'm so proud for Ivor.
- Estoy muy orgullosa por Ivor.
You think well of our Ivor?
¿ Estás contenta con nuestro Ivor?
Bronwyn and Ivor were to be married by the new preacher, Mr. Gruffydd... who had come from the university at Cardiff.
El señor Gruffydd, el nuevo pastor, sería quien casara a Bronwyn y a Ivor. Venía de la Universidad de Cardiff.
Ivor, find Dai Griffiths and Idris John and bring them to Mr. Evans's office.
Busca a Dai Griffiths y a Idris John. Que vayan al despacho del Sr. Evans.
He should be fed now, Mrs. Ivor. A little soup... and some warm smiles.
Un poco de sopa... y mucho cariño.
For Mr. Ivor Morgan.
Para el señor Ivor Morgan.
" Mr. Ivor Morgan is commanded to appear before Her Maj -
" El señor Ivor Morgan ha de presentarse ante su Maj...
"Mr. Ivor Morgan is commanded to appear before Her Majesty at Windsor Castle... " with chosen members of his choir, on the 14th of May between the hours of three and five. "
El señor Ivor Morgan ha de presentarse ante su Majestad en el castillo de Windsor con los miembros que él elija de su coro el 14 de mayo entre las tres y las cinco ".
Ivor. Fell under a tram. Lower level.
Ivor... quedó atrapado bajo una vagoneta en la galería inferior.
¡ Ivor!
Ivor was with him.
Ivor estaba con él.
You must admit that, Ivor.
Debes admitirlo, Ivor.
Wednesday she's going to have a cavity filled by your Uncle Ivor.
El miércoles su tío Ivor le pondrá un empaste.
Ivor is nervous.
Ivor está nervioso.
Her hair is as black as ebony, her face is like an ivor goddess, and her neck is like a swan.
Un cabello negro como el ébano, la cara de una diosa de marfil, un cuello de cisne.
Here you are, Ivor.
Aquí tienes, Ivor.
- Ivor's been after me to buy some.
- Ivor quiere que me compre algo así.
Well, you're rather tall.
Ivor, justo a tiempo.
That could be a disadvantage. Well, we'll just put you to the test, shall we?
La Sra. Peel, Ivor Bracewell, Instructor de señores mayores.
Oh, Ivor, just in time. Now, this is Mrs. Peel.
- Lleve a la Sra. Peel alrededor del piso.
Ivor Bracewell.
- Encantado.
Here comes Ivor, the dirty old sooty engine driver... to make you feel alright.
Here comes Ivor, the dirty old sooty engine driver... to make you feel alright.
My name is Ivor
My name is Ivor
On Ivor the Engine Driver's lap
On Ivor the Engine Driver's lap
He was being sponsored by Adm. Ivor Naismith, U.S.N., retired, and he owned an import company.
Estaba apadrinado por el almirante Ivor Naismith, de la marina y retirado, y tenía una compañía de importación.
In my day, Adm. Naismith had been affectionately known as "Ivor the Terrible."
En mi época, a Naismith se lo conocía como "Ivor el Terrible".
Ivor Thomas.
Ivor Thomas.
I remember talking to this friend, Ivor Robinson... and we were having this animated conversation... and then we had to cross a road... and as we crossed the road, of course, the conversation stopped... and then we got to the other side.
Recuerdo haber hablado con un amigo, Ivor Robinson, y estábamos teniendo una animada conversación, y entonces había que cruzar una calle. Y mientras cruzábamos, por supuesto, la conversación se detuvo... y llegamos al otro lado.
Yes, Ivor, go on.
Sí, Ivor, vaya.
Come on, Ivor. This is a national emergency.
Venga, Ivor, es una urgencia nacional.
I don't want to have to tell people that it failed because of you, Ivor.
No quiero tener que decir que se ha suspendido por tu culpa, Ivor.
Our colony on Ivor Prime was destroyed this morning.
La colonia de Ivor Prime ha sido destruida esta mañana.
Sherman up in a ivor tower... just'cause he went to college.
No quiero que mi muchacho vea esto. Ese hombre jamás se recuperará. Por eso le tomo la presión a Isaac.
I'm William McCordle's cousin, Ivor.
Soy el primo de William McCordle, Ivor.
Ivor Novello.
Ivor Novello.
- Was that really Ivor Novello?
- ¿ Era realmente Ivor Novello?
Hello, Ivor.
Hola, Ivor.
He's a friend of Ivor.
Es amigo de Ivor.
Ivor asked if he could bring him.
Ivor me preguntó si podía traerlo.
- Hello. I'm Ivor.
- Hola, soy Ivor.
But since I was in England I thought I'd do a little research on country living and Ivor was kind enough to arrange it for me.
Pero como estaba en Inglaterra, se me ocurrió investigar la vida en el campo e Ivor tuvo la amabilidad de proporcionarme esto.
Ivor, darling, it was lovely.
Ivor, querido, ha sido precioso.
Ivor Novello, but I'm sure needs no introduction.
Ivor Novello. No necesita presentación.
Ivor... would you play something cheerful?
Ivor... ¿ podrías tocar algo más animado?
It pays to be nice to me.
Yours, Ivor Bigbottie, age two. "
Edad, 2 años.

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