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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ J ] / Jaffrey

Jaffrey Çeviri İspanyolca

39 parallel translation
Welcome home cousin Jaffrey.
- Bienvenido, primo Jaffrey. - Gracias.
Yes Jaffrey?
¿ Sí, Jaffrey?
I'm sure your father will be here very soon Jaffrey.
Tu padre vendrá muy pronto...
─ Yes, cousin Jaffrey.
Sí, primo Jaffrey.
You know Jaffrey, you're no longer the only success in the family.
¿ Sabes, Jaff? Ya no eres el único con éxito en la familia.
Jaffrey, I must make a decision.
Debo tomar una decisión.
Jaffrey, this has been a most trying year.
Jaffrey. Ha sido un año muy duro.
As a student of law, Jaffrey.. You know the bankruptcy court does not accept family tradition as legal tender.
Como estudiante de leyes debes saber que el tribunal no valora la tradición familiar.
The respectable Colonel Jaffrey Pyncheon.
El respetable coronel Jaffrey Pyncheon.
Clifford's antagonism, his insistence on selling the house has become a scandal. Jaffrey, do not add to it.
Si insisten en la venta de esta casa será un escándalo, Jaffrey.
Jaffrey.. your tea.
Jaffrey, tu té.
Somewhere, hidden in these rotting walls as you call them.. Along with other papers, is a deed to Colonel Jaffrey Pyncheon.
Entre estas paredes destruidas está la escritura de nuestro antepasado.
If you find them, what value would they be? That was a 180 years ago Jaffrey.
¿ Qué valor tiene ahora después de 180 años?
But I prize my appetite much to have it ruined by Jaffrey's face across the table.
Pero si veo la cara de Jaffrey se arruinará mi apetito.
─ Why not? Hepzibah.. Do you know why Jaffrey is so anxious to keep the house?
¿ Sabes por qué Jaffrey quiere conservar la casa?
However Jaffrey is confident that we can collect these bonds immediately.
Pero Jaffrey cree que podemos canjearlos.
¡ Jaffrey!
Jaffrey.. you don't know what you're saying.
¡ Jaffrey! No sabes lo que dices.
You can't mean that, Jaffrey.
No hablas en serio.
Don't sound like one carved in granite, Jaffrey.. say you are mistaken.
Retira lo que has dicho. Di que te has equivocado.
The court wishes at this time to publicly commend Jaffrey Pyncheon.
El tribunal quiere elogiar a Jaffrey Pyncheon.
The honorable Jaffrey Pynchon..
El honorable Jaffrey Pyncheon.
It's Jaffrey Pyncheon.
Es Jaffrey Pyncheon.
─ Clifford, you think of Jaffrey again.
- Clifford... Jaffrey volverá.
Perhaps you have found it amusing to rekindle the fires of Jaffrey's greed.
¿ Le resulta divertido jugar con la codicia de Jaffrey?
─ Jaffrey.
- ¡ Jaffrey!
Oh help me Jaffrey, help me put it back before they find out..
¡ Ayúdeme a devolverlo, Jaffrey!
You are a resourceful man, Jaffrey.
Es un hombre de recursos, Jaffrey.
You look well Jaffrey.
Se te ve bien, Jaffrey.
You want the house, don't you Jaffrey?
Quieres la casa, ¿ verdad?
It doesn't read in that way.. it merely states that perhaps you were in error.
No dice eso. Dice que quizá te confundiste, Jaffrey.
The money Jaffrey, I must have it at once.
¡ Necesito el dinero ya mismo!
No Jaffrey, I can't wait. They been out to my house looking for me.
No puedo esperar ¡ Fueron por mí a mi casa!
Here they are! Jaffrey, here they are!
¡ Aquí vienen!
They're coming here! Jaffrey!
Vienen por mí.
Oh Jaffrey, please!
¡ Por favor, Jaffrey!
You're a stubborn old mule, John Jaffrey.
Eres una vieja mula testaruda, John Jaffrey.
And my brother, and Dr Jaffrey.
Y mi hermano. Y Dr. Jaffrey.
That's all Jaffrey.. you made a mistake.
Cometiste un error.

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