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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ J ] / Just one of those things

Just one of those things Çeviri İspanyolca

471 parallel translation
- Yeah, it's just one of those things.
- Sí, es una de esas cosas.
Oh, well, it was just one of those things.
Just one of those things.
Una de esas cosas que pasan.
It's just one of those things.
Es solo una de esas cosas.
Why hello, Joe! I'm awfully sorry we couldn't pay off on that thing, but that was just one of those things...
Siento mucho que no pudiéramos pagarte aquello, pero fue una de esas cosas...
It was just one of those things.
Fue una de esas cosas.
Just one of those things.
Ha sido inevitable.
It was just one of those things that happens without a cause and has no meaning.
Fue una de esas cosas que ocurren sin una causa. Y no tienen explicación.
- Alice, it's just one of those things.
- Alice, son esas cosas que no tienen... ninguna explicación.
Its just one of those things that began with the war.
Es sólo una de esas cosas que comienza con la guerra.
Fue sólo una de esas cosas.
Son cosas que pasan.
That time when you kissed me when we were dancing, Uh, was that just one of those things or... I mean, did it mean anything to you,
¿ Cuando bailamos y me besó, fue una de esas cosas insustanciales, o significó algo para usted?
- It's just one of those things.
- Como siempre.
It's just one of those things.
Tranquila. No pasará nada.
It's just one of those things you know.
Son de esas cosas que sabes.
Oh, well, it's just one of those things that a woman knows.
Bueno, es de esas cosas que una mujer sabe.
Well, it's just one of those things I guess.
Bueno, supongo que es una de esas cosas que pasan.
It was Just one of those things. I thought Paul was different.
Creí que Paul era diferente.
Just one of those things somebody started. Lots of things like that.
Es una de esas costumbres que empieza alguien.
He said he's sorry for what happened, but it was just one of those things.
Dijo que lamentaba lo ocurrido... pero simplemente fue una de esas cosas.
Just one of those things.
¡ Cosas que pasan!
No. It's just one of those things.
Es una de esas cosas.
Oh, I guess it was just one of those things.
Cosas que pasan.
- Oh, it's just one of those things.
- Es una de esas cosas.
It's just one of those things. You can't help it.
Es una de esas cosas que no puedes ayudarlo.
No? This isn't just one of those things where a sailor picks up a girl for just one day. No.
- ¿ No?
Just one of those things.
Solo una de esas cosas.
It's just one of those things in a scrapbook, but when you carry it around in here...
Es tan sólo una cosa más en ese libro de recortes, pero si tiene que cargar con eso...
Just one of those things.
- Son cosas de la vida.
Just one of those things.
Cosas que suceden.
Oh, it was just one of those things.
Oh, cosas que pasan.
This is just one of those things that never happens but does once in a billion flying miles.
Es algo muy inusual, pero... ocurre una vez entre mil millones.
It was just one of those things
Fue sólo una de esas cosas
Just one of those things
Sólo una de esas cosas
It was great fun But it was just one of those things
Fue muy divertido pero fue sólo una de esas cosas.
It's just one of those things that wouldn't have happened if the world was in its right senses.
Es sólo una de esas cosas que no pasarían de estar el mundo en su sano juicio.
This business tonight... it's just one of those things.
Lo de esta noche... son cosas que pasan.
It's just one of those things.
Fue un accidente.
This isn't just one of those things you read in the newspaper.
Esto no sólo es algo que se lee en el periódico.
Oh, well, it was just one of those things.
Bueno, son cosas que pasan.
It was just one of those excitement-of-the-moment things. Well, watch out for the next moment, honey.
Cuidado con el siguiente momento podría durar más que el primero.
Now, look here, Mr. Jordan, this isn't just another one of those things, is it?
¿ Espero que no me haga pasar otra mala jugada?
I guess it's just one of those things. The McCorkles are allergic to the Haskels.
Sí, supongo que son cosas que pasan.
It ´ s just one of those little things that happen, people start exaggerating.
Es de esas pequeñas cosas que pasan y todos comienzan a exagerar.
- Just one of those things.
- No debías hacerlo.
Just one of those things.
Son esas cosas.
Doing one of those silly things people do just like that once in a while, without thinking much like rich people do when they throw money away
Hacer... esas cosas un poco absurdas que se hacen así... de vez en cuando, sin pensarlo demasiado, sin darle demasiada importancia. Como despilfarrar el dinero.
Honey, this isn't just another one of those things with me.
Cariño, ésta no es una de esas cosas mías.
It's one of those things that you just....
Es una de esas cosas que uno...
It's just one of those things, you know?
No hay problema, señor.

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