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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ K ] / Kenley

Kenley Çeviri İspanyolca

32 parallel translation
- Yes, at Kenley.
- Si, vamos a Kenley.
It'll keep all the trouble in one spot!
He visto que van los dos a Kenley, les gustan las emociones fuertes.
- I'm going to Kenley next week.
- Iré a Kenley en una semana.
Mightn't going back to Kenley depress you?
¿ Crees que es buena idea volver a Kenley? ¿ No temes los complejos?
Thelma... wish me luck at Kenley.
Thelma, deséame suerte en Kenley.
Manston, Biggin, Kenley...
Manston, Biggin, Kenley...
Kenley and Biggenor are shambles again... and the rest are not much better.
Kenley y Biggenor están destrozados nuevamente... y el resto no está mucho mejor.
OK, Dr. Kenley's going to check his liver function test.
El Dr. Kenley revisará el estudio del funcionamiento del hígado.
Dr. Kenley calls me any time Jackson's here.
El Dr. Kenley me llama cada vez que viene Jackson.
- Dr. Kenley?
- ¿ Dr. Kenley?
It looks like Jordan Kenley just had a massive coronary.
Parece que Jordan Kenley acaba de sufrir un infarto masivo.
Dr. Kenley was gonna sign this, before he died and everything.
El Dr. Kenley iba a firmar esto antes de que se muriera.
- No way Kenley was gonna sign that.
- Kenley no hubiera firmado eso.
- I'm taking over Dr. Kenley's patients.
- Atenderé a los pacientes de Kenley.
All due respect to Dr. Kenley, he was a wonderful physician.
Con todo respeto por el Dr. Kenley, era un médico maravilloso.
We hadn't turned the corner yet, but Kenley was sure that if we kept doing what we were doing...
No habíamos llegado a ese punto pero Kenley estaba seguro de que si seguíamos haciendo lo mismo...
Dr. Kenley had a big case load.
El Dr. Kenley atendía muchos casos.
Ever since he heard about Jordan Kenley, he's been in there and he wants to be alone.
Desde que supo de la muerte de Jordan Kenley ha estado ahí adentro y quiere estar solo.
Kenley has been replaced with an infant on roller skates named Arizona, who didn't have sense enough to change her name, which shows poor judgment, as does her diagnosis of a patient that I've been working with for three years.
Kenley fue reemplazado por una niña con patines llamada Arizona que no tuvo la sensatez de cambiar su nombre. Muestra falta de criterio, igual que el diagnóstico del paciente con el que he trabajado tres años.
She's changing Kenley's treatment protocol based on half an hour of experience with the child.
Está cambiando el protocolo del tratamiento de Kenley basándose en media hora de experiencia con el niño.
Look, I didn't know Kenley all that well, but it's gotta be tough. Losing a co-worker you've worked with for a long time.
No conocí a Kenley muy bien pero debe de ser difícil perder a un compañero con el que uno trabajó mucho.
Jordan Kenley was a son of a bitch.
Jordan Kenley era un desgraciado.
I'm not worried about me dying or Jordan Kenley dying.
No me preocupa morirme, ni que muriera Jordan Kenley.
I made some calls to replace Kenley.
Hice algunas llamadas para reemplazar a Kenley.
You liked Dr. Kenley.
Le gustaba el Dr. Kenley.
Let's see... I gonna guess Kenley's are real.
Veamos um, yo voy a aportar a que las de Kenley son reales
Kenley's are real.
Las de Kenly son reales
Yes, hi, I'm Kenley Banks, and this here- -
Sí, hola, soy Kenley Banks, y este de aquí...
And this is my client, Kenley.
Y esta es mi cliente, Kenley.
What did Mr Kenley say?
¿ Qué dijo Mr Kenley?
I see you're both going to Kenley.
- Gracias, señor.

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