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Kept to himself Çeviri İspanyolca

316 parallel translation
Never bothered with anyone in the department, just kept to himself.
Nunca estaba con nadie del departamento no hablaba con nadie.
Cory's mission was one that he kept to himself.
La misión de Cory fue una que guardaba para sí mismo.
Whatever he found out, he kept to himself.
Fuese lo que fuese, no me lo dijo.
He was the kind of person who kept to himself.
Era del tipo solitario.
One was a genius, and one was crazy... and one was inconsequential. Kept to himself.
Uno era un genio, otro estaba loco... y uno era intrascendente.
So he kept to himself, withdrawn into the world of his own thoughts which were often concerned with his imagined unworthiness in the eyes of God.
Se mantuvo aislado, abstraído en sus pensamientos centrados en su indignidad ante Dios.
They tell police he was an odd little man who kept to himself.
Declaran a la polícía que era un hombrecíllo extraño y solítarío.
Afterwards, he kept to himself or with Smalls.
Después de eso, iba solo o con Smalls.
He kept to himself...
Era introvertido...
Kept to himself.
Era muy reservado.
He kept to himself and was polite to a fault.
Era reservado y muy educado.
Kept to himself, he was quiet.
Se mantenía a sí mismo, era tranquilo.
Mikisaburo's love for Misao, his master in swords Sir Kurahashl's daughter, kept him in high spirits as he promised himself to restore the Nanjo family's honor.
Mikisaburo está enamorado Misao, la hija del Maestro Kurahashi, al que tiene en gran estima, y en quien ha confiado su enseñanza para poder restaurar el honor de su familia.
At first they thought he was just another drunk because he kept babbling to himself incessantly.
Al principio pensaron que era un borracho más porque seguía murmurando para sí mismo, incesantemente.
Kept pretty much to himself.
Era muy reservado.
If he did, he kept it to himself.
Si era así, lo mantuvo en secreto.
- He might have kept her to himself!
- Debería guardársela para él solo.
But he kept it to himself.
Pero la conservó para sí.
He just growled and barked and kept it all to himself, till it was no good to anybody, not even himself.
Se puso a gruñir y a ladrar y se la quedó para él solito. Al final quedó inservible, incluso para él.
With me, he kept his fears to himself very successfully.
Conmigo dominó muy bien ese miedo.
Kept pretty much to himself.
Era un tipo solitario.
Kept to himself.
He kept repeating to himself, "A woman like that."
Se repetía... Una mujer como ella una mujer como ella...
Kept his salary to himself, instead of inviting someone to a restaurant.
Guarda el sueldo, en vez de invitar a alguien a un restaurante.
But he kept it to himself.
Pero se lo guardó dentro.
He kept a lot to himself.
Se guardaba muchas cosas.
He was the sort of man who kept himself pretty much to himself, but what I knew of him I liked.
Era un hombre reservado, pero lo que conocí de él, me gustó.
Although we are sure Gordon is the man behind this murder ring, he has kept himself so far removed from the actual killings, we are unable to pin anything on him.
Aunque sepamos que es el dirigente de esta banda de asesinos ha mantenido tanto las distancias con los asesinatos que no tenemos pruebas contra él.
He kept it all to himself.
¿ Se lo ha callado?
Shit, and now this asshole kept the pleasure all to himself.
Mierda, y ahora este caraculo se da todo el placer.
He kept that to himself.
Mantuvo que a sí mismo.
Only fragments of what he knew got out he kept most of it to himself.
Sólo reveló parte de lo que sabía, reservándose la mayoría.
He kept pretty much to himself.
Era una persona muy retraída.
He kept saying that he wanted it for himself... but couldn't pin him down to a firm purchase.
Dijo que era para él pero tardó mucho en darme una respuesta firme.
The fact that Innstetten kept a ghost... so as not to live in a commonplace house, might be accepted. It met his need to distinguish himself from the crowd.
El que Innstetten tuviera preparado un fantasma para que habitara en su casa correspondía a esa pasión que tenía por diferenciarse de los demás.
What really got to me, he kept quoting Malcolm to back himself up.
- Dijo que lo pensaría.
The baron looked at it differently, but he kept his opinion to himself.
El barón sí tenía sus ideas al respecto, pero no expresaba su opinión.
High flies the banner, black, white and red. But he kept it to himself. He didn't turn to crime like the others who want to be Germans, and who cheat their fellow citizens. "
Alta ondea la bandera, negra, blanca y roja... pero él se lo guardó para sí, no se hizo un criminal como los otros que querían ser alemanes... y engañar a sus conciudadanos. "
George kept pretty much to himself.
George era muy reservado.
He was a well-respected gentleman who kept himself very much to himself.
Él era un caballero bien respetado... que se ocupaba mucho de sus asuntos.
Yeah. He worked at Biddeford's gas station, kept pretty much to himself.
Sí, trabajaba en la gasolinera de Biddeford era muy reservado.
- Kept himself to himself.
- Era muy introvertido.
Yes, he's lived here as long as anybody can remember. Kept himself to himself.
Sí, todos le recordamos viviendo aquí desde siempre pero era un hombre muy reservado.
There Ain't nothin'there. although Mr. Van Leek kept his intentions pretty much to himself it appeared the plan was to assemble some professionals to help in my endeavor.
Aunque el Sr. Van Leek se guardaba sus intenciones para sí, parecía que el plan era reunir algunos profesionales para ayudarme en mi misión.
his bold head'Bove the contentious waves he kept, and oared himself with his good arms in lusty stroke to th'shore, that o'er his wave-worn basis bowed, s stooping to relieve him.
Su audaz cabeza descollaba sobre olas en combate y, remando con brazos vigorosos, alcanzó la costa, que se inclinaba sobre un pie desgastado por el mar, cuya si quisiera ayudarle.
He should have kept his hands to himself.
Debió haber mantenido las manos en su lugar.
- He kept pretty much to himself.
- Era muy reservado. - ¿ Francés?
Since then, Lucas kept pretty much to himself.
Lucas estuvo reservado.
But I know he kept certain information to himself.
Pero sé que él mantuvo cierta información para sí mismo.
Andy kept pretty much to himself at first.
Andy se reservaba mucho para sí mismo al principio.
He kept mostly to himself. I don't know why he'd try something like that.
No sé por qué intentó hacerlo.

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