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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ K ] / Kester

Kester Çeviri İspanyolca

102 parallel translation
Agent kester, fbi.
Agente Kester, FBI.
Look, all due * * * * * * * * * * * the woman that i knew, sarah reese, she blew herself up in a bank eight years ago.
Mire, con todo respeto, agente Kester la mujer que yo conocí, Sarah Reese se hizo volar en un banco hace ocho años.
Glock-ester. - Glou-kester Harbour.
Puerto de Gloucester.
- Glou-kester Iceland.
La isla de Gloucester.
Glou-sester Harbour. Let's go. Glou-kester Harbour.
Thank you so much to our good friend Ruth Kester.
Muchas gracias a nuestra buena amiga Ruth Kester.
Sold, for $ 100 to Ruth Kester.
Vendido en $ 100 a Ruth Kester.
Darling Kester.
Querido Kester.
I don't think they come this far inland, Kester.
No creo que vengan tan al interior, Kester.
And Kester won't mind missing a couple of days school.
Y Kester no echará de menos la escuela unos días.
- Not yet, Kester.
- Aún no, Kester.
More cartridges Kester.
Más cartuchos Kester.
I've left a plate of food covered in the Aga for Master Kester.
He dejado un plato de comida cubierto para el amo Kester.
- Thank you for helping, Kester.
- Gracias por tu ayuda, Kester.
Master Kester's out hunting the wolves.
El amo Kester está cazando lobos.
Permit me to know what we're up against, Kester.
Permite que te diga a que nos enfrentamos, Kester.
You're late Kester.
Llegas tarde Kester.
Night Kester.
Buenas noches Kester.
Mark, do you think... what would you do if Kester turned out to be a wolf?
Mark, crees que.. ¿ Qué harías si Kester resultase ser un lobo?
Kester, I'm not hearing you.
Kester, no te oigo.
- Kester!
- Kester!
If anybody tries to ambush me, your partner here gets it between the eyes and up the kester! .
Si alguien trata de emboscarme, tu socio ahí ¡ lo tendrá entre los ojos... y arriba del kestef!
The next house on the list is Nancy Kester.
La próxima en la lista es Nancy Kester. Educa a su hija Polly en casa.
Polly Kester gave them to us.
- Polly Kester nos los dio.
You wanted Polly Kester's help.
- Le pediste ayuda a Polly Kester.
Richard Kester?
¿ Richard Kester?
I was a close friend of Richard Kester's.
Yo era un gran amigo de Richard Kester.
I know you were friends with Richard Kester.
Sé que eran amigos con Richard Kester.
Agent Kester, FBI.
Agente Kester, FBI.
Look, all due respect, Agent Kester, the woman that I knew, Sarah Reese, she blew herself up in a bank eight years ago.
Mire, con todo respeto, agente Kester la mujer que yo conocí, Sarah Reese se hizo volar en un banco hace ocho años.
- Guy's name is Kester.
- Su nombre es Kester.
Killed Lazlo, stole his identity, and then... put himself in the FBI database as this guy Kester?
¿ Asesinó a Lazlo, le robó su identidad y se agregó él mismo a la base de datos del FBI como Kester?
Last name Kester.
Su apellido es Kester.
The official White House photographer would like to take some photos with you and Danny.
El Sr. Kester, el fotógrafo oficial de la Casa Blanca tomará fotos de usted con Danny.
This is Barry Kester with NSA.
Este es, Barry Kester del NSA.
Car's registered to... Rick Kester.
El auto está registrado a nombre de Rick Kester.
Maggie Kester.
Maggie Kester.
- You know Rick Kester? - Yes, I do.
- ¿ Conoces a Rick Kester?
Rick Kester's records just came in.
Acaba de llegar el expediente de Rick Kester.
I think Rick Kester knows where Joey is.
Creo que Rick Kester sabe dónde está Joey.
Do you really think Kester would be stupid enough to come here?
¿ Realmente crees que Kester sería tan estúpido como para venir aquí?
Jordy just told me Maggie Kester is one of them.
Jordy recién me dijo que Maggie Kester es uno de ellos.
Maggie Kester is one of them.
Maggie Kester es uno de ellos.
Rick Kester's running around wearing a Poe mask.
Rick Kester andando por ahí con una careta de Poe.
It's Maggie Kester.
Soy Maggie Kester.
Maggie Kester's cell phone.
El móvil de Maggie Kester.
You can call me Kester.
Puedes llamarme Kester.
Kester says I have to prove to him that I'm not gonna freak out again.
Kester dice que tengo que demostrarle que no voy a enloquecer de nuevo.
No Kester, they seek to destroy that union which is sacred to the church. Marriage.
No Kester
You should've waited around Kester.
Deberías haber esperado Kester.

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