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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ K ] / Kirkpatrick

Kirkpatrick Çeviri İspanyolca

77 parallel translation
Mr. Kirkpatrick.!
¡ Sr. Kirkpatrick!
Capt. Parrish, they tell me you served with Gen. Kirkpatrick in Georgia.
Capitán Parrish, he oído que sirvió con el general Kirkpatrick en Georgia.
Kirkpatrick, did you write this?
Kirkpatrick, has escrito tu esto?
And Doug, Barry, Kirkpatrick, and myself are very proud... that you will be taking that risk with him... while we monitor your every move... right here from command headquarters.
Y Doug, Barry, Kirkpatrick, y yo estamos orgullosos... de que te arriesges por él... mientras vigilamos sus movimientos... desde aqui nuestro comando.
Today, Dr Whirley's special guest is police commissioner for Los Angeles... Ms. Jane Kirkpatrick.
Hoy, el Dr. Whirley tiene como invitada a la comisionada de L.A la Sra. Jane Kirkpatrick.
If you could call Commissioner Kirkpatrick... we believe this incident, because of its magnitude, is worthy of her attention.
¿ Podría llamar a la Comisionada Kirkpatrick? Dada la magnitud del caso debería estar enterada.
Leading that attack again is Police Commissioner Jane Kirkpatrick.
Encabezando el ataque está la Comisionada Jane Kirkpatrick.
May I remind you that Commissioner Kirkpatrick... threatened to turn me into a civilian?
Te recuerdo que la Comisionada Kirkpatrick me amenazó con convertirme en un civil.
Commissioner Kirkpatrick, how nice to see you again.
Comisionada Kirkpatrick, qué gusto verla de nuevo.
Once he's politically dead, Commissioner Kirkpatrick... will be a shoo-in to replace him in the next election.
Cuando esté políticamente muerto, la comisionada Kirkpatrick será la elegida para reemplazarlo en las próximas elecciones.
Everybody knows that jig is going to kill Kirkpatrick.
Todos saben que ese gusano matará a Kirkpatrick.
They're putting their money on Kirkpatrick.
Están apostando en Kirkpatrick.
I'm going to put 500,000 on Kirkpatrick to win.
Pondré $ 500.000 en Kirkpatrick a ganador.
Fighting out of Ireland, weighing in at 250 pounds, the Irish iron man Michael Kirkpatrick!
Peleando desde Irlanda, pesando 250 libras, el hombre de hierro irlandés ¡ Michael Kirkpatrick!
I'm Detective Kirkpatrick.
Soy el lnspector Kirkpatrick.
That's an empty threat, Mr. Kirkpatrick.
Una amenaza muy débil, Sr. Kirkpatrick.
Kirkpatrick's a satisfied customer of Car-Trac, U.S.A.
Kirkpatrick es un buen cliente de Car-trac, U.S.A.
You've reached Detective Kirkpatrick's meddling relative.
Éste es el número de la entrometida prima del inspector Kirkpatrick.
Kirkpatrick owns that building?
¿ Kirkpatrick es el dueño del edificio? Señor... ¿ qué le ocurrió al inmueble?
I understand how upset you were when you found out what we did. I want to thank you for going along with us.
Entiendo que se haya molestado cuando se enteró de lo que hicimos, señor Kirkpatrick y quiero agradecerle por apoyarnos en esto.
Kirkpatrick is going to punch you in the stomach.
Aqui está Kirkpatrick para darte un golpe en el estómago.
You'll sign this contract... that gives back ownership of 99 Franklin Street to Kirkpatrick.
Ahora... vas a firmar este contrato en el que volverás a la normalidad el edificio del 99 para Kirkpatrick.
For that we'll take you to Kelly Kirkpatrick in Chicago.
Para eso os dejaremos con Kelly Kirkpatrick en Chicago.
Thank you, Kelly Kirkpatrick.
Gracias, Kelly Kirkpatrick.
Oh, you remember Mrs Kirkpatrick?
Oh, ¿ se acuerda de la Sra. Kirkpatrick? .
- Is Mr Kirkpatrick here with you?
- ¿ Está el Sr. Kirkpatrick aquí con usted? . - ¡ Oh, no!
- Miss Kirkpatrick is at Boulogne? - Yes.
- ¿ Se encuentra la Srta. Kirkpatrick en Boulogne?
To Mrs Kirkpatrick.
Con la Sra. Kirkpatrick.
Mrs Kirkpatrick, who used to be governess at the Towers.
La Sra. Kirkpatrick, ella ejercía de institutriz en Las Torres.
Mrs Kirkpatrick...
Señora Kirkpatrick.
Pity Miss Kirkpatrick will miss the wedding.
Lástima que la Srta. Kirkpatrick se pierda la boda.
- When will Miss Kirkpatrick be back?
- ¿ Cuándo vendrá la Srta. Kirkpatrick?
People v, Kirkpatrick found mere possession of obscene material without dissemination is not subject to prosecution.
En El Estado contra Kirkpatrick, la posesión de material obsceno sin difusión no fue objeto de procesamiento.
Jesse Kirkpatrick.
Jesse Kirkpatrick.
I was out in the parking lot last night and I saw some flashlight bounce around in Kirkpatrick's office.
Estaba en el estacionamiento anoche y vi unas luces de linterna... Saltando por la oficina de Kirkpatrick.
This is your principal, Mr. Kirkpatrick.
Les habla su director, el Sr. Kirkpatrick.
You know, I better go get Marlon before Kirkpatrick castrates him.
Sabes, mejor voy por Marlon antes que Kirkpatrick lo castre.
Rocky was on permanent lockdown for doing a custom paint job on Kirkpatrick's car.
Rocky estaba bajo control permanente... Por hacer un trabajo de pintura personalizado en el auto de Kirkpatrick.
Kirkpatrick's on some school-spirit rampage.
A Kirkpatrick le entró el espíritu escolar.
Merci, Kirkpatrick.
Gracias, Kirkpatrick.
¿ Kirkpatrick?
Kennair. "Ah, there it is." Kirkpatrick. "
Kendall, Kennair... Aquí está, "Kirkpatrick."
Have a good evening, Mr. Kirkpatrick.
Que tenga buenas noches, Sr. Kirkpatrick.
Do either of you happen to know where Auggie Kirkpatrick might be? Why?
¿ Alguno de ustedes sabe dónde podría estar Auggie Kirkpatrick?
Mr. Kirkpatrick's wanted for murder. * I think I felt my heart skip a beat... *
Kirkpatrick por asesinato # I think I felt my heart skip a beat... #
Do either of you happen to know where Auggie Kirkpatrick might be?
¿ Alguno de vosotros sabe dónde está Auggie Kirkpatrick?
Arkady Balagan, Tyler Kirkpatrick, formerly of NASA now my copilot.
Arkady Balagan, Tyler Kirkpatrick, antiguo integrante de la NASA, ahora mi copiloto.
Building owner James Kirkpatrick had little to say.
... molesto, su dueño James Kirkpatrick...
¡ Hey, Kirkpatrick!
Mr. Kirkpatrick's wanted for murder.
Se busca al Sr. Kirkpatrick por asesinato.

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