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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ L ] / Let's get it on

Let's get it on Çeviri İspanyolca

1,377 parallel translation
Let ´ s get on with it.
En marcha.
Hang on a moment, let's see if I can get it... how and when did you learn of this?
Pero a ver, un momento, a ver si yo me aclaro, vosotros ¿ cómo y cuándo os habéis enterado?
Let's get caught up on these books before it gets any crazier.
Pensé ponernos al día con los libros antes de que se complique por aquí.
Come on, let's get it out there.
Vamos, saquémoslo afuera.
Let's get on with it.
Vamos a ver.
Let's slap on a condom and get on with it!
¡ Me voy a ajustar un condón y proseguimos!
Come on, let's get it over with.
Vamos, terminemos con esto.
Fawn, Fawn, let's get it on?
Fawn, Fawn, vamos a hacerlo?
Everyone seems sort of distracted today by something, so let's just take a few minutes to get it out so we can focus on the work at hand.
Todos andan distraidos hoy. Tomense un minuto para que lo resuelvan y se enfoquen para trabajar.
Now, let's get on with it. Ms. Emerson?
Bien, podemos empezar, Srta. Emerson.
Let's get on with it.
Pongámonos a trabajar.
So if you're scared if you haven't got the stomach for this, let's get it out right now. And I'll go on my own.
Si estás asustado, si no tienes los bríos dilo ahora y yo lo haré por mi cuenta.
Let's get it on! All right! Go Devils!
¡ Vamos!
Let's get it up! Come on!
¡ Vamos, levántense!
Let's get it on screen.
En pantalla.
I've got the knob for this job, so let's get on with it.
Tengo la perilla para este trabajo, así que vamos.
Let's get on with it.
Sigamos con esto.
# Let's get it on
Vivamos el momento
- Let's get it on.
Vamos a darle.
- Let's get on with it. Miss Sinclair, Mr Chen, please, have a seat.
Srta. Sinclair, Sr. Chen, por favor, tomen asiento.
All right, motherfucker, let's get it on.
- Está bien... malnacido vamos a ver
Let's get this show on the road Let's make it obvious
Pongamos manos a la obra Que sea evidente
Everybody dies but us. We get to carry on and plan the sequel...'cause let's face it, baby, these days ya gotta have a sequel!
Nosotros seguimos y planificamos la secuela, porque, afrontémoslo hoy en día, tiene que haber una secuela.
Let's get on with it.
Pues empecemos.
There are enough bullets left for you - let's get it over with I can't help my own servant put horns on my head
Todavía quedan balas para ti. Acabemos con esto. No puedo tirar más piedras sobre mi propio tejado.
Let's get on with it. Come on.
Sigamos con esto, vamos.
Come on, let's get it together.
Anda, vamos a juntarnos.
- Let's get on it.
- Manos a la obra.
Let's get on with it!
¡ Acabemos de una vez!
OK, let's wrap it up and get on the truck.
Bien, envuélvanlo y suban al camión.
- Let's get on with it.
- Terminemos con esto.
Well, let's get on with it then, shall we?
Bueno, continuemos con eso, ¿ quieres?
I'm doing it. Let's get on with it.
Yo lo hago.
Harry, you keep packing, and don't fall asleep on the job. Let's go get it.
Let's get on with it.
Sí, sí, una prueba.
Well come on, let's get on with it.
Bueno vamos, sigamos adelante.
Let's get on with it.
Sigamos adelante.
- Let's get on with it then.
- Entonces sigamos.
So get it. From now on, we are friends. Let's act that way.
Entiéndelo, desde ahora, somos amigos, así será.
Let's get on with it.
Dejalo con el.
Okay, Ken, let's get on with it.
Bien, Ken, vamos allá.
Let's get on with it, shall we?
Let's get on with it.
¡ Mala suerte!
Let's get it on.
Let's get on with it!
¡ Vamos allá de una vez!
Let's get the show on it.
Vayamos al espectáculo.
Then let's get it on!
¡ Entonces comencemos!
Let's get on with it.
una mujer casada que tuvo un lío
Well, let's get it back on line.
Pongámoslo en línea.
Let's get a trace on them before whoever it is hangs up.
Vamos a localizarlos antes de que cuelguen.
- All right. Come on, man! It's New Year's, let's get outta here!
- Es Nochevieja, vámonos a casa.

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