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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ L ] / Let me help you with that

Let me help you with that Çeviri İspanyolca

485 parallel translation
WARD : Here, let me help you with that.
- Tenga, déjeme ayudarla.
Let me help you with that.
Permítame ayudarla con eso.
Here, let me help you with that.
Deje, ya la ayudo yo.
Better let me help you with that bucket, ma'am.
Será mejor que me deje ayudarle con ese balde, señorita.
- Here, let me help you with that thing.
- Ven, déjame ayudarte con eso.
Here, miss, let me help you with that.
Hola, señorita. Déjeme ayudarla.
- Let me help you with that.
- Voy a liberarle de todo esto.
Let me help you with that.
Deja que te ayude.
- Let me help you with that, little girl.
Déjame ayudarte.
I wish you'd let me help you with that trunk it seems quite heavy. - Extremely heavy.
Ojalá me dejara ayudarla con el baúl, parece muy pesado.
Honey, let me help you with that.
Déjame que te ayude, cielo.
Here, honey, let me help you with that.
Cariño, deja que te ayude.
Let me help you with that mess.
Deja que te ayude con eso.
Oh, darling, let's not rush Here, let me help you with that
No nos apresuremos, querido. Deja que te ayude con eso.
Oh, look. Let me help you with that, shall I?
¡ Oh, pero permíteme ayudarte con eso!
Here, let me help you with that.
Gracias por el cheque.
- Let me help you with that, Mrs Hansen.
- Permítame que la ayude con eso, Sra. Hansen.
- Hey, let me help you with that.
Espere, le ayudaré.
- Let me help you with that.
- Dejame ayudarte con eso.
Oh, let me help you with that, Mr. Palmer.
Déjeme ayudarle con eso, Sr. Palmer.
- Let me help you with that.
- Deja que te ayude con eso.
Let me help you with that.
- Les ayudaré con eso.
Let me help you with that, Dr. Morgan.
Deme, déjeme ayudarla con eso, Dra. Morgan. ¡ Ya está!
Let me help you with that, Margaret.
Déjame ayudarte con eso, Margaret.
Oh, let me help you with that, Sam.
Oh, déjame ayudarte con eso, Sam.
skin to skin heart to heart skin to skin Let me help you with that.
Déjame ayudarte.
Let me help you with that.
Déjeme ayudarla con eso.
Let me help you with that. I like that.
Déjame ayudarte con eso.
- Here, let me help you with that.
- Deja que te ayude.
Oh, honey, let me help you with that.
Cariño, déjame arreglarte.
- Let me help you with that.
- Déjeme ayudarle.
Here, let me help you with that.
- Permite que te ayude con eso.
She ought to give this to me. It does look kind of nice. Let me help you with that dress, huh?
debería darmelo a mí parece bonito déjame ayudarte con el vestido
Let me help you with that, sir.
Déjeme ayudarle con eso, señor.
Let me help you with that.
Deja que te ayude con eso.
Here, let me help you with that.
Déjeme ayudarle.
Here, let me help you with that.
Permíteme que te ayude con eso.
Oh, let me help you with that.
Déjame ayudarte.
I'm sure you will with that winning smile of yours. Oh, do let me help you mount.
- Estoy segura de que lo harás con esa cautivadora sonrisa que tienes.
Here, let me help you with that.
- Permíteme que Ia ayude.
Well yes that's what I mean now let me help you with it.
A eso me refiero.
- Here, let me help you off with that coat.
Déjeme ayudarle con el abrigo.
- Hey, listen... maybe you can let me ride around... with a couple patrolmen, that way I could help them spot it.
- Escuche... podría dejarme dar una vuelta... con un par de patrullas, así los ayudo a reconocerlo.
Now, you come up with something that maybe can help me, then just maybe I'll let you walk out of here.
Ahora me darás algo que pueda ayudarme y tal vez te deje irte de aquí.
You want to be on that starting line tomorrow... you better let me help you with your suspension.
- revisarlo antes de correr. - Si mañana corres, dime dónde tienes el auto.
Let me show you a couple of moves. Help you deal with punks like that.
Te mostraré un par de movimientos, para tratar a ñoños como ése.
- Let me help you with some of that.
- Déjeme ayudarlo con eso.
Let me help you with that.
- Te ayudaré.
Let me help you off with that.
Déjame ayudarte con eso.
Anyway, listen, I was just calling to let you know that if you... you know, need any help with anything...
Escucha, te llamaba para hacerte saber que si tu... necesitas ayuda, lo que sea, me lo hagas saber.
You've been too lax with that fool from the palace. "Please let me help."
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