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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ M ] / Mcgarry

Mcgarry Çeviri İspanyolca

275 parallel translation
Ma is sending Caroline over to McGarry's place.
Caroline irá a casa de los Maguires.
Mrs. McGarry's come to her time.
La Sra. Maguires va a dar a luz.
You stay at McGarry's tonight, Caroline.
Pasa la noche allí, Caroline.
OK. OK. We're gonna get this bleeding under control... and in the meantime, I'm gonna run some tests.
Claro que yo he jugado béisbol, Sr. McGarry... pero eso fue antes de la guerra.
A journey into a wondrous land... whose boundaries are only that of the imagination.
Se lo agradezco mucho Sr. McGarry. Ponte la gorra en la cabeza Casey. Ve a jugar Casey.
It's possible, but it's not probable.
Sr. McGarry, yo hice a Casey. Yo lo fabriqué, es un robot.
We don't know that this is a virus.
¡ Contrátalo McGarry, no lo vayas a dejar ir!
What I can't believe... is that I actually took you seriously this time.
Señor McGarry ¿ Contra qué equipo está pitcheando Casey?
You didn't tell him about the book. How could I?
Si está mal Casey... están mal los Céfiros y está mal McGarry.
You know, you're the only doctor... that ever showed me any respect.
¿ Quiere venir, por favor? ¿ Que es esto McGarry, que es lo que esta usted tramando?
Harry convinced himself that he had the virus in that book... just like he's convinced himself... he's had a dozen other diseases... only this time, he made it real.
Casey recibirá un corazón y lo clasificarán como humano. Y los Céfiros de Hoboken... Explícaselo McGarry.
Saline with purple food coloring.
El ya tiene sentimientos, señor McGarry.
Excuse me, Mr. McGarry?
Disculpe, Sr. McGarry.
The point is you've got to write a letter, send a fax call Western Union, contact your congressional representatives... -... say, "I've got a friend...." - McGarry here.
El punto es que deben enviar cartas, enviar un fax, deben hacer varias llamadas a Western Union, entrar en contacto con su representante en el Congreso y decirle : "Señor, tengo un amigo que está muerto".
Perhaps Mrs. McGarry would enjoy you in a nice smoking jacket.
Tal vez la Sra. McGarry disfrutaría verlo en un hermoso esmoquin.
Leo McGarry's here.
Leo McGarry llegó.
Something I can help you with, Mr. McGarry?
¿ Puedo servirle en algo, Sr. McGarry?
- Nice morning, Mr. McGarry.
- Buen día. Sr Mc Garry.
Mr. McGarry, have they done an x-ray?
¿ Sr. McGarry, le han tirado una placa?
Can you tell me which one of those kids is Leo McGarry's daughter?
¿ Puede Usted decirme cuál de esos niños es la hija de Leo McGarry?
Mr. McGarry, would you mind?
Sr. McGarry, ¿ podría?
Something I can help you with, Mr. McGarry?
¿ En qué puedo servirle, Sr. McGarry?
You're Leo McGarry.
Eres Leo McGarry.
is that Leo McGarry or is that Fred Astaire?
Disculpe, ¿ es Leo McGarry o Fred Astaire?
Leo McGarry's office.
Oficina de Leo McGarry.
The president appreciates your laying off Leo McGarry.
El presidente aprecia que hayas suspendido lo de Leo McGarry.
Would you like me to inform Mr. McGarry and the advisors...?
¿ Les digo al Sr. McGarry y los consejeros...?
McGarry, chief of staff.
McGarry, jefe de personal.
McGarry's chief of staff.
McGarry es jefe de personal.
- She'll meet McGarry.
- Verá a McGarry.
Secretary O'Leary was told that Leo McGarry wanted to see her.
A O'Leary le dijeron que Leo McGarry quería verla.
- Which kid is Leo McGarry's daughter?
- ¿ Qué niña es hija de Leo McGarry?
Mr. McGarry's office put it on your schedule.
El Sr. McGarry programó.
Mr. McGarry will be here in a moment.
El Sr. McGarry llegará en un momento.
Mr. McGarry's outside.
Señor, el señor McGarry está aquí.
- Mr. McGarry.
- Sr. McGarry.
Yes, well, Mr. McGarry...
Sí, bueno, Sr. McGarry...
- Well, Mr. McGarry...
- Bien, Sr. McGarry...
- Mr. McGarry, I loathe...
- Sr. McGarry, detesto...
- Mr. McGarry...
- Sr. McGarry.
Excuse me. I was going to see Leo McGarry.
Disculpe. iba a ver a Leo McGarry.
- How did McGarry's face look?
- ¿ Qué cara puso McGarry?
- I need to speak to Leo McGarry.
- Debo hablar con Leo McGarry.
- Good evening, Mr. McGarry.
- Hola, señor McGarry.
- l'm here on behalf of Leo McGarry.
- Vine por instrucciones de Leo McGarry.
- McGarry wants me? - Yes.
- ¿ McGarry me quiere?
I came at the request of Leo McGarry.
Vine porque Leo McGarry me lo pidió.
Unfortunately, my eye is only the tip of the iceberg.
¿ Señor McGarry?
Code blue!
Sé que les ganaremos fácilmente. Yo creo que Casey no les fallará, señor McGarry.
You're going to be fine, Harry.
- Yo se lo explicaré McGarry.
I wish I could.
El asunto es, Sr. McGarry, que yo no podía derrotar a esos hombres teniendo corazón.

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